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Fighting back: the locals and the government

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Some might feel I'm nit-picking but it's extremely annoying how things are always put out of context with no fact checking by some.


Come on, people, use that education you've been blessed with. And if you don't know, you don't know. Don't over-reach for what you don't know.

Example 1:


Originally posted by Malika:


If the case is for Somalia to be an Islamic state,erm..It is the only country in the world that is going to implement Sharia law,markaa what is the purpose of Alshabaab wagged war?

Blatantly incorrect. Several states have claimed instituting Sharia across the globe. The devil is in the details and interpretation, though. Saudi Arabia is taken as the poster child for this process (though, not all citizens are equal before the law in that land)

Example 2:


Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Remember Tupak S a kid from Harlem dared to compose a hit album against a rival, stronger group and ultimately died for it.

Once again, incorrect and completely out of context.

Born in Brooklyn under the name Lesane Parish Crooks, Tupac Shakur received the name with which he came to be known to the world from his mother (Black Panther activist Afeni Shakur) in tribute to Incan revolutionary Tupac Amaru. His biological father had separated from his mother before his birth, and his stepfather was imprisoned for armored car robbery when he was two years old, leaving his family to struggle frequently under conditions of extreme poverty. While a teenager in Baltimore, Tupac developed an interest in performance; eventually he managed to gain entrance to The Baltimore School for the Performing Arts, where he studied acting and ballet. Before he could complete his education, however, he was forced to relocate to California. While on the streets of Oakland, Shakur drifted into the gang life, accumulating a criminal record with eight arrests by the beginning of his twenties. In a more constructive vein, he began to developing the skills as a rapper he had first started to explore during his years in Baltimore. By 1991 he had landed a job as a dancer and roadie for the group Digital Underground, later making his recording debut on their This Is An EP Release; but by the end of the year a successful solo career was already underway with the release of 2Pacalypse Now. The following year his acting ambitions were realized through a prominent role in the hip-hop film Juice.


Now, this has very little to do with the topic on this thread but it is a worrying trend on this Forum that members post blatantly inaccurate information to buttress their arguments and very few call them on it. Xiin, the other day, relocated the origins of Poetic Intellectual Property from one corner of the Somali Peninsula to the other side. Now how can your arguments be taken seriously when there's a body of evidence indicating inaccuracy, falsehoods, and sheer fabrications.


Argue with Kashafa on the extremity of his viewpoints but reinforce your points with reality and facts, not fairy tales and the make-believe.


Brotherly advice, as usual.

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^^ :D:D


Macno Yare, I know you cant help it.


Early life

Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in the East Harlem section of Manhattan in New York City.[9] He was named after Túpac Amaru II, a Peruvian revolutionary who led an indigenous uprising against Spain and was subsequently executed. His mother, Afeni Shakur, was an active member of the Black Panther Party in New York in the late 1960s and early 1970s; Shakur was born just one month after her acquittal on more than 150 charges of "Conspiracy against the United States government and New York landmarks" in the New York Panther 21 court case.[10] Although officially unconfirmed by the Shakur family, several sources list his birth name as either "Parish Lesane Crooks" or "Lesane Parish Crooks".[11] Afeni feared her enemies would attack her son, and disguised their relation using a different last name, only to change it three months or a year later, following her marriage to Mutulu Shakur.


..........On June 4, 1996, he and Outlawz released the diss track "Hit 'Em Up", a scathing lyrical assault on Biggie and others associated with him. In the track, Shakur claimed to have had intercourse with Faith Evans, Biggie's wife at the time, and attacks Bad Boy's street credibility. Though no hard evidence suggests so, Shakur was convinced that some members associated with Bad Boy had known about the shooting beforehand due to their behavior that night and what his sources told him. Shakur aligned himself with Suge, Death Row's CEO, who was already bitter toward Combs and his successful Bad Boy label; this added fuel to building an East Coast-West Coast conflict. Both sides remained bitter enemies until Shakur's death.



read on :D

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Hayye mee Macno Yare!


In light of the references I posted, tell us, if you are off a noble blood, who is using 'the education' he is blessed with, and who is not. Tell us who is over reaching and rushing with incomplete information aiming to score cyber points.


I await your response. Don’t go AWOL on us :D .

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^^ :D Xiin, I must really get under your skin :D Like I said, I'm not your enemy right now...


Back to your point/my point: Which you totally missed! Harlem & Brooklyn are both NYC ( in case you didn't know). Now Tupac(and his producer Suge Knight) is most famous for being the public face of West Coast rap/hip-hop, not NY/East Coast. His 'beef' was with the East Coast represented in the '90s by Biggy Smalls and his producer at the time, P.Diddy. It was a time that Rap had become commercially very viable for recording corps. in the US.


So the misrepresentation on your part was: bringing a Tupac/NY connection to the equation which is irrelevant given that he stood for the prestige of the West Coast. As irrelevant as looking at Joseph Stalin's Georgian birth (born in modern day Georgia). Stalin is universally known as the strongman of Russia/Soviet Union. It's as irrelevant as the fact that many Somalilanders on this board were born in Xamar, in the days of unity but still feel their loyalty towards Somaliland. I can go on and on... But you get the point, FINALLY.


Take it easy, Haji, and check with your younger cousins who might be Hip-Hop/Rap heads

Or even better, drop a line to Kashafa :D

He will certainly bring you out of your ignorance.

A Little Bit of Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing...

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al cilmul qaliil yuqalqil saaxibah baan maqli jirey.



edit: sidii wiil yar oon dhalay baad intaa iga daba caac leedahay, with nothing to contribute to the issues at hand! Did you notice that awoowe?

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ As I have asked other nomads and still have not recieved an answer, Sister: What is the alternative to armed combat against Amisom and the TFG ? If you say wadahadal iyo musaalaxa, the question becomes: On whose terms ? The UN's ? The warlords ? The Clannists ? 4.5 ?


The so-called scholars have already thrown their lot with those who pay their salaries: the government(s).


So the question is who gets to determine the agenda here ? I think it's the height of foolishness to think that there can be a 'midnimo qaran' between warlord clannists that have destroyed my country, and the men who have sacrificed blood and treasure to liberate it. The two can and will never meet.


So, Sister Malika, I think you should be posing those questions to Sharif Ahmed, Cabdishakoor, and the TFG. Haaduna nahay Umada Soomaliyeed, we are more than willing to let bygones be bygones as long as ay towbad-keenan and stop acting as puppets for Beesha Caalam'ka.

^Islam teach us differently my brother,Islam should be supreme and by being so we [Muslims]are expected to act justly and try to compose quarrels, for peace is better that fighting.


I am failing to see the legitimacy of the recent clashes, I only see a separation between the spiritual claim and the temporary matter[leadership].


In the case of the so called leaders or freedom fighters only God knows their innermost motives and they cannot deceive him by attaching certain labels to themselves.


Your telling Johnny to back off, as this is a war between brothers[Muslims],if so my brother we can not claim Islam,as Islam can not be fully realised until the ideal of brotherhood is fully enforced in our society. FELLOWSHIP in Islam is that what humanity aspires to, in equality and fraternity .


Read surah Hujurat,ponder and reflect my brother..Inshaallah kheyr


Mintid, sue me! smile.gif , erm any chance of mentioning Somaliland huh?.. :D kulaha we Somalilander la la la..

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