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U.S. donates military aid to Kenya protect against Somalia.

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dpa German Press Agency

Published: Thursday October 5, 2006


Nairobi- The government of the United States is providing military support to Kenya to help the East African country defend itself against "insecurity and terrorism" brought on by Islamic militants in neighbouring Somalia, a statement by the US embassy in Kenya said Thursday. Kenya stepped up border protection in recent days as Somali Islamists continued to take towns - including the key port town Kismayo - closer to their shared border. Kismayo lies about 150 kilometres from the border.


The US will give Kenya six patrol boats as well as equipment, supplies and training valued at 3 million dollars.


"This is particularly important in view of the deteriorating situation within Somalia, about which the Kenyan and US governments share similar concerns," the statement said.


The spiritual leader of Somalia's Islamists, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, is on a US and UN list of individuals suspected of having ties to the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


Somalia's Islamists captured the capital Mogadishu from US-backed warlords in June and now control a significant part of the country. The internationally-backed transitional government controls only a small area and sits in Baidoa, a provincial capital.


Ethnic Somalis make up a significant part of the Kenyan side of the border and tend to identify with Somalia.


The US embassy will present the boats in the country's largest port Mombasa on Friday.

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