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Bossaso: Puntland Security Ministers Declares Borders Closing

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Gen Samatar: Puntland Waxay Ku Dhowdahay inay Xuduudaha Xirato


Published on: October 5,2009 Garowe Time 1:53 pm


Wasiirka amniga Puntland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Puntland ay aad uga walaacsan tahay amaanka gudaha sababo la xiriira colaadaha sii socda ee ka taagan qeybaha koonfureed ee dalka.


Gen. C/laahi Siciid Samatar oo ka hadlayey kulan amaanka ku saabsanaa oo lagu qabtay magaalada Boosaaso ayaa sheegay in maamulka Puntland uu qarka u saran yahay inuu xuduudaha xirto ama uu dadka qoxootiga ah ee soo barakacaya dib u celiyo sababo la xiriira walwalka laga qabo in amaana uu khatar galo.


“….Mid baan idiin sheegayaa, markii laga hadlayey amaanka waxa la soo qaaday dadka soo gaxootiga ah, hadda labo ayey mid noqoneysaa in aanu dadka celino ama inaan xuduudaheena xirano sida walaaleheen (Djibouti) ay sameeyeen”, ayuu yiri Gen. Samatar oo tusaale u soo qaatay maamulka sida Djibouti ay u celisay dadkii ka soo cararay dagaalada koonfurta dalka ka jira.


Waxa uu wasiirku sheegay in marka laga hadlayo nabadgelyada ay ku timaado wada shaqeyn dhexmarta maamulka iyo shacabka, isagoo dadkana ugu baaqay in la yimaadaan dareen wadaninimo oo xilkas ah.

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This is positive news, i am happying they are doing this, because tahrib will stop if they return these people back to where they came from and also the security of the towns will be dramatically changed.


So this is a good move, I personally have been waiting to hear this for a long time. If puntland closes it's borders, we won't have security issues anymore i can guarantee you that. Because all the security issues relates to these people one way or another.

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