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Interview with Chairman of National Election Commission for Somaliland

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Somaliland American Council (SAC), a chapter of East Africa Policy Institute, with support from IPRT from Hargeisa hosted a lively exchange between the Somaliland Diaspora community and the Chairman of National Election Commission for Somaliland, Mr. Mohamed Ismail Kabawayne.


Chairman Mohamed started remarks by thanking the organizers and the attendee for the opportunity. He provided brief history about the challeges they have faced during their short history as the National Election Commission and he projected confidence in their ability to get the job done, and predicted that Somaliland will have very successful voter registration and presidential elections over the next seven months.


To listen his complete speech including 20 minutes of questions and answer; visit the Somaliland American Council Web site:


Please let us know if there is anything in the conference call that you like or would like us to improve on.



Somaliland American Council

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