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Kacdoonka Shacabka Soomaaliyeed (A Musical) :D

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^^ Pragon raggaan top waaye sxb. It seems Dhoodans ala jacbur style music is grradually becoming fashion! alaab macaan waaye oo naga daadegsa dheh!


"Wadaadada maanta sooraac

wadaadada maanta sii raac


dunida afarteeda dacal

suudaantey u duulaan




Qanyare aaway, muuse aaway?

jidgooye aaway, Raage aaway?


waa wadado loo bogay dalka

dibadiisa iyo dunada 4teeda

dacal aa laga yaqaanaa....



adeer raggoow isbaaradan anna iska leh

agoon aan ku korsadaa haddii kalena amuur kale rabtaa

anna waxan iri iga qalee


loooooooooool waxaa ka sii daran meeshan: track 3Wadaadkii C***kana[insert sub-clan] garkii

ay daysteen





Track 4

HG iyo AG howl kama dhamaatee

qof waliba intuu dilay

dhafoorkaay ku taalaa


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Paragon, this would have been good had the Islamist not forced themselves to mediate people and their God.


Will Sanaag follow suit?

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