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My Body shivers!

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Today I had an emotional encounter with my country Somalia!


Today I remembered my loss inside has truely returned!


Today when I saw ordinary Somalis in neighbourhoods assisting the TFG forces in disarming our capital by fingerpointing to houses where weaponary were stored! Women and Children moving/walking in front of the soldiers and identifying houses of trouble-makers and killers in order to take away the weapons they terrorised the people with for over 16 years!


Today I had an emotional encounter with my country!


When I realised that the warlords have published a report to the Government in which they outlined how much weaponary they owned varified by Government officals ofcourse who were there when the warlords where counting up their weapons of destruction and murder!


Today I had an emotiaonl encounter with my country!


When warlord Yalahow, Qanyare and Finish have said they're going to hand over their weapons to the government tonight!


Today I had an emotional encounter with my country!


When Dinaari said warlords have been given until tuesday night to fully disarm!


Today I had an emotional enounter with my country!


When I realised disarmement is at full height and a reality!


Today I had an emotinal encounter with my country!


When over 370 people have been given an E-Passport at the office for Immigration and Passport issues in Baidoa!


I could go on but I do believe that some here feel the same sentiments with me!


We ask from Allaah the exalted that he makes it easy for us in returning a functioning government to our bruised country inshallaah!



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La xawla wala quwata ila bilahil caziim. Take your medication son. The only thing you'll get from cruel Somalis is ridicule.


Nin kuu digay kuma dilin.

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LOL brown and Castro. :D


He actually thinks Somalis killing each other, spying on each other, and selling each other out is what we need to create a strong firm nation.


I was once told that the followers have the same traits as their leaders. Today they are all traitorous, killing goons.

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Today I had an emotional encounter with my country Somalia!


Today I remembered my loss inside has truely returned!


Today when I saw ordinary Somalis in neighbourhoods assisting the TFG forces in disarming our capital by fingerpointing to houses where weaponary were stored! Women and Children moving/walking in front of the soldiers and identifying houses of trouble-makers and killers in order to take away the weapons they terrorised the people with for over 16 years!

Nice one.. Shiekh keep them coming..

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Originally posted by Sheikh Fiqqikhayre:


Today when I saw ordinary Somalis in neighbourhoods assisting the TFG forces in disarming our capital by fingerpointing to houses where weaponary were stored! Women and Children moving/walking in front of the soldiers and identifying houses of trouble-makers and killers in order to take away the weapons they terrorised the people with for over 16 years!

This is what I am truly hearing from Mogadishu!

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Don't worry brothers I got the remedy they're looking after!


My enemies, it makes me happy to see you weep

Told you about your fate when you attempted that leap

I promised to you that I will keep my promise solemn

You doubted my intentions and the strength of my column

You weren’t adhering, now you are resting dead in a heap

Dead in a heap like sheep my enemies taken to the earth deep

Now you gaze amazingly why has victory forsaken you?

Happily and morally and simply your intentions weren’t true

The Neap tide you refused Khawa-rich what now is your reap?

Enemies I feel your blood seep, brood bi!ch you can weep!

But you will not be able to stop the sweep

The nation’s back!

Somalia all clean re-emerging from their sleep

You don’t like it?



Silent up and kiss my feet

Because Sakhar has returned

Long live him and the king!


Somalia and Somalis all shivering!

Their bodies trembling like them delivering!

It has taken long but the baby’s now finally here!

Now what to do wrong? Leave it out-side to freeze clear?

Inside out I know that’s the dowladdeeds wish and hope!

But let me reiterate it to them and tell them nope!

Your wishes aren’t coming true what ever you dope!

Keep up your opposition and maybe you could write to the pope!

Secessionists write to the queen ‘please help‘! Somalis put us on a rope!

Both enslaved in their minds and harbouring hate they can not cope!


To be continued inshallah!

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