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FM:Oomaar thrown under the bus

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^^ You can kiss that, yo. Let the dust settle kulahaa. Waraa kaalay, dadka dugaag maa uu malaaysay ? Pansy Oomaar hadal-ka uu ku hadlay is the official policy of the TFG and Shaykh Hotel. Even his 'retraction' only restated what he said earlier: More AU troops are on their way. And you and your peacnik cohorts are perfectly OK with that. So, abti, bool-shiid-ka maa iska kala yareeysid ? Why do you have to act like you support the withdrawal of AU mercenaries when they are your life-line, the only thing standing between you and certain death ?

"As we speak we are deploying a battalion from Uganda that brings the total strength of AMISOM to 50 percent, for the first time we are above 4,000 so this is quite an achievement ... This is already symbolically very important despite the terrorist acts directed against AMISOM," he said. "The agenda of the day is to
strengthen AMISOM not the other way around
.(is this not clear enough for you, my dense friend ?)"


expressed annoyance
(loool, kibirka intaa la'eg feeriya) at news reports that Somali President Sheik Sharif Ahmed is under pressure to order the AMISOM troops home. Speaking on the sidelines of an AU consultative meeting on Somalia, the commissioner said such information is motivated by either ignorance or bad faith.


"Those statements are basically prompted either by genuine ignorance of what the AMISOM role is or by some pre-judged hostile position toward every friendly force that is likely to be there to make sure that Somalia is actually coming out of its crisis and moving forward to reconstitute its government institutions," he said. "
So I would not be worried by the statements either way.
(LOL, now this is what I call

There you have it. In far waa weyn, weliba. Mr. Lamamra wants to bring more mercenaries into my country so that they can protect you and your weak-as-shit Vichy-Somali Gabarbant. You have not only welcomed that support, but actively lobbied and begged for it. Over the past few days, Shaykh Hotel has been racing from capital to capital(Addis, Nairobi, Kampala, Kigali, Bujumbura) with his begging bowl out: "Balees, me need your help. Me cannot come out of Villa Somalia without shitting my pants in fear of the Grim Reaper. Me very afraid. Me title is President, but me don't control anyting. They, on the other hand, control every major and minor city in Southern Somalia. That's not fair. Me need more of your mercenaries. Adeer Zenawi said he could not help me with actual troops, even after I kissed the ring"


Hadaanu nahay Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha, we and Mr.Lamamra understand each other perfectly. It is his job to carry out his orders and fulfil his mission, that of preventing a strong Islamic-Somali state to materialise in the Horn of Africa. And it is our job to ensure his mission ends in abject failure by irrigiating Somali soil with the blood of his mercenaries. It's their job to try and stay alive, it's our job to make sure their bones are bleached dry by the Somali sun. Two well-defined objectives with clear parameters.


The only people oo wareersan oo jah-wareer xun haayo waa adinka, macsharal peaceniks who are running around like a headless chicken, tryna to make sense of the cognitive dissonance that is giving you one heckuva migraine: "Yes, we are for Shareeca law! But only if it can meet with the approval of the Antarnashanal Kamoonity! Yes, we want the foriegn troops out! But only after they train a strong Somali army and defeat the fire-breathing nabad-diids, which should only take about 15 years, actually more like 35 years., actually, let's just say it's a indefinite stay. Yes, we want to bring war criminals to justice and provide closure to the wounds of the civil war! But the honourable TFG ministers and affiliates like Monsieurs Qaybdiid, Hiiraale, Xaabsade, Shaatigudood, Finish, Darwiish, Saciid Cali are all excluded, will enjoy full immunity, and get to keep their bililiqo properties.......... for the sake of national security"


The dust will never settle and the good fight will never stop until this treasonous dowlad-kuu sheeg is obliterated from existence(izaala canil wujood). No half-measures, No compromise. Real world talk, abti. My advice to you and your fellow peacniks is to grow(or borrow, or beg) some nuts, cuz you will be needing it in the coming weeks/months markee dagaal fool-ka-fool qarxo. You have chosen to side with Ethiopia, Uganda, and Burundi. That's the bed you made. Stand by it. Sleep in it. Don't make excuses and fake-me-out apologies for it. Suffer the consequences of your choices. Don't delude yourself into thinking that somehow a magical peace is gonna float down from the heavens and make the dust settle. You want the dust to settle ? Tell Shaykh Hotel and the entirety(including the 'scholars') of the TFG to join their former leader in the refugee camps of Yemen.


I promise you the dust will settle then.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

The dust will never settle and the good fight will never stop until this treasonous dowlad-kuu sheeg is obliterated from existence(izaala canil wujood). No half-measures, No compromise. Real world talk, abti. My advice to you and your fellow peacniks is to grow(or borrow, or beg) some nuts, cuz you will be needing it in the coming weeks/months markee dagaal fool-ka-fool qarxo.


Dagal mahiine ama maslaaxo kale heysa? Just watch how, on daily basis, those you rely to fulfill your dreams of chaos are disbursed into groups and disintegrate .

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^^ We control over 300,000 square kilometers of Somali soil, you are cooped up in Villa Somalia and cannot leave without getting in a armoured vehicle like a monkey.


Between the two of us, yaa booto haayo ?

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ We control over 300,000 square kilometers of Somali soil, you are cooped up in Villa Somalia and cannot leave without getting in a armoured vehicle like a monkey.


Between the two of us, yaa booto haayo ?








roobow1.jpg (muj: abu mansuur hold press conference in Xamar).

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