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Deeq A.

The Secret Of Somaliland Government – Part 18

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Deeq A.   

The Secret Of Somaliland Governmeny – Part 18

It is an era in which the mujahids wear
masks and manipulate both people and
politics into their own outlook. The most important element of the mujahids’
political intelligibility is to divide people
into foes and friends, while their first manipulative strategy is to attack the
public’s emotions and mentality in order
to make them understand that a mujahid’s opinion is always the right one and that everybody else has to believe it

When peoples’ faith diminishes, they lose trust in their religion, and the evils appear to have the upper hand in certain times. The era in which the mujahids took control of the country was one of the blasted moments in Somaliland history and evils had the upper hand, because the evil and ignorant people in the land were much more than the good and great people.

What really evolved from that era in which
the evils and ignorants dominated the land
was an environment where almost everyone grew to accustom a tradition in which decency and dignity were suspended for a time till most people believed that they would win deceptively what they couldn’t win diligently and thus almost everyone abandoned the habit of examining his or her rmanners of behaving, as if everybody is not seeing clearly, judging candidly and constantly escaping to observe the norms of self-command and control, that vital consideration of ethics, that knowledge of recognizing when or where one is wrong, that principle of right and wrong.

The logical result of this historial era was that nothing was done in an orderly manner or even arranged according to the law. Everythin was done with payments of bribes. What didn’t and still doesn’t work for the sociey as a whole was acceptable to most peoole, while what may use to work and would surely work well in the future sounded to them something that was discredited and disdained as out of touch and inapplicable to real life.

Of course, as bad behavior has the sense
of an irritant being added in to make something bad even worse, the mujahids’ intentionality to disregard political consciousness and conceptual manipulation of un-organized masses had the sense that meant to make Somaliland’s political order system even worse.

To better explain, the mujahids’ major agenda in political power was nothing more than an initiative to abuse the political ruling behavior – policies and decisions – that should be made and carried out in a manner that reflects the deep understanding of the historical, cultural, and social contract of Somaliland communities.

Hanad, as a reseacher, was already aware of who were in control of the country. He knew that the mujahids could pull the two wires which control the public mind, which literally are tribalism and transfer of small amount of shillings through the ZAAD.

Hanad knew also that the mujahids can inflate the public opinion, that they can create conflicts to the keep the masses confused, that they can make cronies and plant them in every sector of all communities, that they can follow up with almost every act of the peoples’ daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, or in their social conduct or in their tribal thinking and even know the owners of this premise and that building, this block and that blot.

As they say, wonders interpret life and interpretations energize the wise and exhaust the idiots. Hanad is an interpretor of what life reveals. He himself intimidates the interpretaions of life. He tells truth in where more lies are told, puts pleasure in where is pain, puts prophecy in where are problems and lets light in where is darkness. Which boils down to: He who interprets life – its ins and outs – cannot be intimidated.

Hanad didn’t give a fig even if the mujahids could do this and that, or they could locate where everyone is, or have the ability to spy on everybody, or are able to know when everyone sleeps and when they wake up, what they do and what say. He knew how to deal with these ugly and inhuman mechanisms.

Intimidation does not inhibit ambition or interpretations of life. Hanad had an ambition and his ambition was to analyse peoples’ inability to express their concerns seriously in a straightforward and non-judgmental. He worried about the way people were leading their lives and their failure to observe the standards of excellence that this age requires; their incapacity to think of what is beyond trobalism and feel gratitude and pride in protecting the common interests, raising families in the best possible way, bringing
up decent chilldren, building a prosperous future together, and upholding the
principles of purity and imparting that

A lack of a shared vision among the citizenry was the first thought-provoking issue that made Hanad annoyed. Absencr of human care from Somaliland’s ruling behavior was the second problem that killed Hanad’s heart of hearts. Seeing people listening to those who lie to them instead of hearing those who tell the truth was the third issue that triggered Hanad’s indignation. The worst cases that Hanad witnessed were people trying to compete each other in getting acquainted with corrupt government officials. The more lies one tells to the people, the more one is honored and

Figuring out the remedy for the causes of this sheer irrationality of continuing habits that are doomed to failure was what Hanad took as his own homework; a project of which the objectives to make it happen needed more effort, more time and more practicality and prudence.

The hurdles that Hanad would meet and have to overcome were many. There were certain dialogues that Hanad never perceived, certains habits that he and his likes never practised, certain mysteries he never understood, certain deals he never construed, certain connections that were stomach-churning, certain practices he considered as crimes, certain formalities
that he never presumed. When Hanad will
go through these hurdles thoroughly and understand why people practise them as principles, he would have to think less
well of Somaliland society.

It is one point to be on the observing side
and quite another to be on the experiencing side, that urges Hanad to make a move to have his concern audible in Somaliland community. Connectivity with the common people, Hanad asserted, is where he may find the chains that keep Somaliland population apart and, of course, inattentive to mapping out the roadway in which their future lies.

Penetrating the public domain was Hanad’s first vital step to reach the common people, the stronghold of where he could gather a well balanced information, the domain that holds the most audiences who can uncover the whole stories that Hanad was looking for.

Hanad reached crowds of the common people, and made his constituency. His constituency was the public, the public who he is committed to have national conversations that needed to be addressed, discussed and debated nationally.

Connecting himself beyond government officials, Hanad took his investigating research into the real world, Somaliland civil society. He had the feeling that some people might consider his research as an argument between a critic and cronies who only defend their business.

It was not for Hanad to decide on how people should behave and practice the divine rule. Hanad was just an intellectual who wanted, with passion and pride, to enrich his people with the ability to think, learn, and execute with discipline, for intellectual capacity allows people to do more in less time and with less energy.

Before going into when Hanad will see the public domain, here are relevant questions that actually make more intriguing in how Hanad’s research will respond to and readers are to remember.

What Hanad was hoping to achieve by stating his concerns when he would meet the public? Information or indications of what needed to be done about where Somaliland government system would lead this nation? Was he hoping that the public would learn lessons from him? How realistic his research was? Was Hanad hoping that his connection or meeting with the public would make a difference? Or was he just going to express his concerns because he felt anxious and needed to relieve his anxiety about Somaliland government system?

Keeping in his mind a mystery that usually makes emotional content more compelling, Hanad woke up earlier than his usual time to get out of bed in a miry morning that needed not to walk around many places.

Hanad didn’t have in his mind a particular person to meet when he reached the city centre. His meeting with the public was not selective. He was sure that he would meet many people from different classes.

By the time Hanad arrived at the city centre, he parked his car somewhere along the main road in Hargeisa city and went direct to a restauarant and entered it.

There were many people in the restauarant and nearly all seats were occupied. Some people were having their breakfast, some were having teas, some fresh drinks, some were so engaged in Face book, some others were talking and had heated arguments.

Hanad stood still for a while, looking for an empty seat, preferring to find it in a place
with less customers. He didn’t. He waited for a few minute, having not a kind of a vacant look on his face, but the kind of look that was full of the ability to bring to mind issues and experiences that are not present.

In the country of “I have been a mujahid,” one finds vacant gazes in the faces of the mujahids, because they have spent five years gaming.

To be continued….

By : Jamafalaag
Hargeisa, Somaliland.

As per usual the opinions expressed in this articale are those of the author and do not reflect the opinions of

Qaran News

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