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General Duke

Puntland security improves as former leader of Somalia returns.

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Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf oo maanta ka degay Magaalada Galkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug. .


January 2 2008


Madaxweynihii Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa wafdi uu hogaaminayo maanta gaaray Magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug, kadib markii maalmihii la soo dhaafay uu ku sugnaa Magaalada Garowe tan iyo markii uu iska casilay xilka Madaxweynenimada Soomaaliya maalintii khamiistii.


C/llaahi Yusuf ayaa si weyn oo la mid ah tii horay loogu soo dhoweeyay Magaalada Garowe maanta loogu soo dhoweeyay Magaalada Galkacyo, halkaasoo ay ku soo dhoweeyeen Mas'uuliyiinta Maamulka Gobolka Mudug iyo kuwa Puntland.


Ammaanka Madaxweynihii Somalia waxaa sugayay Ilaaladii dhowaan Muqdisho ka baxay, kuwaasoo aad u adkeynayay ammaankiisa, waxaana loo galbiyay Guriga uu ka degan yahay Magalaada Galkacyo.


Colneylka ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu haatan kulan la leeyahay qaar ka mid ah xildhibaanada ku fekerka ahaa markii uu Madaxweynaha ahaa, kuwaasoo Baydhabo isaga soo cararay ka hor inta uusan isku hor casilin C/llaahi Yuusuf baarlamaanka hortiisa.


Warar qaar ayaa sheegaya in Colneylka oo ku dhashay Magaalada Galkacyo maalmahan sii joogayo, iyadoona sida warar hoose sheegayaan dhaq dhaqaaqyo siyaasadeed uu ka bilaabi doono Magaaladaas.



RFS _ Muqdisho

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Gaalkacayo (WNT)-M/weynihii hore dawlada FS C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maant gaaray oo si diiran loogu soo dhoweeyey magaalada Gaalkacayo ee xarunta gobolka Muqdug.


C/llaahi Yuusuf oo maalmihii ugu danbeeyey ku sugnaa magaalada Garoowe ayaa gaaray magaalada Gaalkacayo iyadoo dadweyne aad u fara badan halkaasi ay ku soo dhoweyeen,kuwaasi oo sitay sawiradiisa.




C/llaahi Yuusuf oo asal ahaan ka soo jeeda magaalada Gaalkacayo ee xarunta mudug ayaa halkaasi waxaa uu ku leeyahay taageerayaal xooggan,kuwaasi oo maanta dhigay isu soo bax xooggan oo ay ku soo dhoweynayaan.




Lama shaacin inta uu C/llaahi Yuusuf ku sugnaan doono magaalada Gaalkacayo,waxase la filayaa inuu joogi doono illaa 2-da maalmood ee fooda inagu soo haya,waxaa la saadaalinayaa inuu dib ugu noqon doono magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Puntland.




Weli ma cadda halka uu u jihaysan doono C/llaahi Yuusuf waxaase la hubaa inuu Puntland ku sugnaan doono inta ay dhamaanayso doorashada maamulkaasi oo lagu wado inay dhacdo 7aadka soo socda dabayaaqadiisa.

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How long will these celebrations last ya Duke? Too much love can kill him you know.


LOOOL @ He emanates the elixir of peace

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Ibtisam, we are celebreating because one can see the clear advantage to the change that has come.


Puntland and Somalia will be better of for the strengthening of the state which is after all 40% of Somalia proper.

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strengthening of WHICH state? Puntland or Somalia. Where do you get this 40% you have been throwing around all week? did it appear from thin air, like your 97% Yey supporters.


Ruunta sheeka, you are celebrating because you want to show others you are united and behind your home boy, you want to show that despite lossing, you have not lost. Only it looks like you are gloating at the expenses of others.

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Ibtisam the secess, are you still calling yourself "neutral" after attacking and insulting a whole clan yesterday? Shame indeed. You have become SOL's first female warlord. We never had a female cheerleder for SNM who calls herself "neutral" after hurlding the worst insults against a whole society. The SNM gang female cheerleaders are usually proud and blunt and make no apologies. You keep hiding behind "I am a little fair tiny girl" nonsense you keep spewing everday as if that will let you off the hook.


Now, go back to bed little girl. If you are irking for a fight, go have a chat with LazieGirl or Kool-Kat. Watch out, Kool-Kat is a strong Yeey supporter so be very very careful what you say to her. :D

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^^As usual, when you can't answer waax laag weyediyo, you start barking up other trees.


Please nacnac laa faadiso, adiga iyo ciid kaal toon waax kama tiriyo. Bring who you want to help you out. When you make it your business to defend all kinds of quudun and qashabiir you cannot really expect people to respect you. You and your likes kab taa xaar kale ayaa daanta. icon_razz.gif


No one from Yey camp can speak about SHAME, you don't know the meaning. :rolleyes:

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^^lool. Ms SOL Warlord, get a map and check how large Puntland is. Bari, Nugaal, Mudug, Sanaag, SOOL together makes up the largets land area of Somalia and maybe even more than 40%.


One family dominates this region a single Sub -clan Thus we need neither the British colonial history nor even your little triangle This is our country with access to the Red Sea & Indian Ocean.



Any more questions dear.. ;)

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^lool. Ms SOL Warlord, get a map and check how large Puntland is. Bari, Nugaal, Mudug, Sanaag, SOOL together makes up the largets land area of Somalia and maybe even more than 40%.


One family dominates this region a single Sub -clan Thus we need neither the British colonial history nor even
your little triangle
This is our country with access to the Red Sea & Indian Ocean.



Any more questions dear..

Yes one more QuestION: This is a COuntry miya, with one SINGLE SUB-clan?


Why thank you for that and no more qustions. ;)

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^^^Yup its a state, with a single sub-clan , just because the lord has blessed them with land is no problem.


But note, Puntland is open to all Somali's they do need nothing more than be Somali, they will see their blue flag flying high and be treated with love.



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You are confused, just re-read waaxad tiri in the last two post.


Yes it is a country, it only has one clan, but other somalis can come too, oh and it will have a the blue flag (you do know that belongs to and will stay with Somali right?) You should go back to the drawing board before you cheer.

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Muqdisho is burning cuz the old man left,Baidao is in turmoil too; and Puntland has suddenly developed a six pack and stronger bicpes which it shall crush SL with. The old man must have some extraordinary powers I tell ya. :D

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Good news that Puntland security is improving, Somalia's security and stability is also getting better if u can digest that!

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The old man was the link that kept the TFG together and his forces were the strongest. Now his return will have a remarkable posative effect on Puntland.


Mogadishu and Baidoa will be better when one group establishes order.


Ibti, Puntland is bigger than Somaliland thats not the issue.


It is dominated by a single sub-clan, thats also not an issue.


It can become whatever it wants, that is also very clear. Facts seem to be confusing you my dear :D

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