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Vacancy: UDUB seeking an Opposition Leader

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UDUB Party is seeking an Oppostion Leader


Field of expertise: Security and Tribal relations.

Duty station: Hargeysa, with regular travels to villages(Borama, Berbera, Burco, Erigavo and Las Anod), Ethiopia and countries with large diaspora.

Date of entry on duty: as soon as possible



The general minimum requirements

- Excellent knowledge of Somali and at least some understandable English

-Knowledge of all tribal lineages.

- Ability to cope with personal insults and be prepared to insult President and Head of States from neighbouring regions and countries and other political leaders(Faisal Waraabe specificly) in a poetic manner.

-Ability to speech, make funny comments, pretend to be angry at goverment and praise hosts/clans at parties, gatherings and mass demonstrations.



-No Specific education is required. But must pretend to be educated and knowledgeable.

-Must have or be prepared to take up an academic or military title Col,Gen,Dr, Ir, or position like Proffesor.


Specific requirements:

- Ability to quickly establish contact and constructive relations with clan leaders.

- Significant experience working with senior foreign(Ethiopian) government officials

- Significant experience in talking to the BBC Radio

- Knowledge of the political-military map of Somalia (TFG, Ahlu Sunna, ICU, TFG, Al Shabaab, Puntland, Galmudug State, Galguduud Sate)



-The envisaged duration of the position is for life time, till elections are lost or in case a vacancy opens up for the Presidency or post of Prime-Minister of Somalia.



-No Salary, but in general diaspora and business people tend to be generous.

-Daily khat consumption is covered by the goverment, as stated in the Political Party Funding Law.



As part of the selection process candidate will be tested on their knowledge of tribal and myi related issues. Only those candidates that pass will be invited for the interview.


UDUB is committed to achieving diversity and better balance of regions and tribes is part of political views therefore the nomination of candidates from Awdal, Sanaag, Sool and Cayn region are particularly encouraged.

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