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Somalia: Ethiopian Officials Blame Puntland Leader for Insecurity

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It was bad enough being a stooge,but an incompatent stooge...darn. Maybe he could shadow Riyaale for couple days, and watch an efficient stooge in action. He might just pick up one or two pointers that could please the master.

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This is not farfetched. The timing of it is interesting though. May be it has something to do with a realization from both Yey’s and Ethiopians’ part that their control over Puntland is slowly slipping from them in part because of the collapse of Puntland’s political framework. Cadde has always been a negligible player---pressuring him would amount to an overkill of sort. The connection between the O region and PL in terms of people to people is unbreakable, and Ethiopia knows it. Many merchants from that reigion have well-established business in Boosaaso. And unless Berbera port’s commercial role returns, Boosaaso will remain the destination market for O region business folks. There is nothing Yey or Ethiopia can do about that fact.


But check this: there’s a mini conference going on in Hawd region. The agenda is how to cut support lines ONLF enjoys in there.


All this shows how effective ONLF’s gorilla war has been.

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That is if we believe the:


confidential sources told Garowe Online



Garowe Online always says that! Every article they write some how never has the name of the person who wrote it. Rarely if ever do they supply any pics. Farooles son in Melbourne owns it.

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