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Best solution for somalia peace...

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we are culturally rooted in clanism , which can't be changed at the moment, society culture is rulling tool of the any countries development and stability.


Isn't best solution for somalia peace: others( foreign countries) to rule/run the country till we get recovery from bad culture ?



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How about Colomibia, the Farc Rebels/




North korea



Dr Congo?


Ethiopia( favourite choice of some)?



Bal noo sheeg which country is going to rule Somalia and hadii la cuno yaa ka masuul ah?

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Or America.


i think we should let Swiss rule us, that way we'll be neutral and the African leaders don't have to go all the way in Geneva to hide their looted dosh

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Does that mean there is no hope ?? at all ???? ,,, why call a foreign country to occupy when you can settle your disputes ?


Just take the Somaliland's path ,, and everything will be Ok Insha Allah ,,,

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How about Colomibia, the Farc Rebels/




North korea



Dr Congo?


Ethiopia( favourite choice of some)?



Bal noo sheeg which country is going to rule Somalia and hadii la cuno yaa ka masuul ah?

You wanna stay in unstability and troubles cuz, anycountry which is capable to somalia, i suggest it should help.


wa failed to solve our problems nor it seems we tend to solve somalia-unrest-crises..aren't we need help sxb?

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^ I have another proposal it is not just clannish problem that we have. Somalis also lack formal discipline too. I think china would be good mentor in that aspect.

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^^ sure we don't have formal discipline, we really need a help, hence at first place we need to ask our selves; do they(shisheeye) really need us or we need them at somalia's momental situation , even if they are on purpose we should consider WIN-WIN Criteria.

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