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Arab League calls for dialogue to halt fighting in Somalia

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Arab League calls for dialogue to halt fighting in Somalia




The Cairo-based Arab League (AL) called Sunday on the warring factions in Somalia to halt fighting and return to dialogue.


AL Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs Ahmed bin Hilli made the call in an interview with Dubai-based al-Arabiya news channel.


Hilli told the TV channel that fighting between the conflicting sides in Somalia could affect peace talks scheduled to be resumed in mid-January in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.


He noted that the Arab League, the African regional organization Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the European Union were preparing a third round of peace talks for the Somali warring sides, the interim government and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).


The agenda of the talks include the security file, the return of the government to the capital Mogadishu and merging the UIC into the ruling authority, he added.


Clashes resumed between Somalia's interim government and the UIC on Thursday despite of a truce secured by an EU envoy late Wednesday.


Somalia, a country in the Horn of Africa, has been without a functioning central authority since the 1991 ouster of former ruler Mohamed Siad Barre.


Source: Xinhua

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There are close to 10 million people in ethiopia that can speak the Somali language, out of which 6-7 million are ethnic somali.


why can't we talk to each other in Somali, rathere than waiting and expecting arabs to do good for both of us?

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Total population 15-22 Million


Regions with significant populations


Somalia: 9,950,000

Ethiopia: 4,620,000

Kenya: 1,854,000

Yemen: 757,000

Djibouti: 301,000

Canada: 250,000

United Kingdom: 200,000

United States 150,000

Saudi Arabia:50,000

United Arab Emirates: 30,000

Netherlands: 31,700

Australia 17,435

Norway: 17,000

Denmark: 16,564

Sweden: 15,294

New Zealand: 14,345

Finland: 11,000

South Africa: 9,000

Italy: 5,000


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It doesn't matter the numbers wether 15-22 million is a big gap estimation of 7 million....

Even the 4 million you have put is bigger than population under the areas controlled by the imposters in Mugadishu.


Somali State is bigger than any of the units anywhere, its bigger than puntland, bigger than somaliland, bigger than Bay&Bakool, Bigger than Hirran...etc.


The point is why wait for arabs that are so hipocrites as you can see from palestinian situation.


Why not talk among somalis?

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

The point is why wait for arabs that are so hipocrites as you can see from palestinian situation.

I agree with you those Arabs (Arab League leaders) are hypocrites with regard to the Palestinians. However, they are hypocrites because they are seculars, not Islamists. Seculars care only about their personal interests, not about their Muslim brothers, country, citizens, environment, natural resources, etc. Islamists are the opposite; they care about their Muslim brothers, country, citizens, environment, natural resources, etc.


You are in error; the ICU didn't ask help from secular Arabs. Sheikh Yusuf Indhoadde asked help from the global Islamic insurgency to take part in the jihad against the Ethiopian regime and its TFG proxy.


The Ethiopian regime is underestimating the ICU. It's invasion of Somalia will not be a cakewalk, just as George Bush's invasion of Iraq has proved to be anything other than a cakewalk. George Bush is regretting his blunder, so will the Ethiopian regime, insha'Allah

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Originally posted by Taliban:

The Ethiopian regime is underestimating the ICU. It's invasion of Somalia will not be a cakewalk, just as George Bush's invasion of Iraq has proved to be anything other than a cakewalk.

We are not invading anyone. We are defending ourselves from IndaCadde slogan of capturing Addis Ababa. Why can't you understand that?


You may be angry now, but I hope for the people in South Somalia the war ends fast and soon.

I also hope the people of Somalia come out of this as we did in 1991.


We are all the same people.

You are accusing TFG of being ethiopia friendly.

Your counterparts in ethiopia are still accusing the prime minister of being somali friendly, even in Parliament debate.


Its completely dishonest. Rather than we ethiopians facing our problems and you facing your own problems, we always find somebody foreign to blame.

No country has solved its problems by blaming somebody else.

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