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Suu ku tagay meesha?

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There were always rumours in uu Daahir Aweys joogo Asmara, laakiin mar walba qaala wa qiila, kutiri kuteen ahayd.




Korneel Aweys Daahir. Nin duur ku jiray umaba ega, xaajiga.


Anyway, the picture is from shirkii maanta ka furmay Asmara, from bidix to midig: Korneel Aweys, Jaamac Cali Jaamac, Shariif Xasan Sh. Aaden, an unidentified elder, Shariif Sheekh Axmed, Xuseen Max'ed Faarax Caydiid.


Even Xuseen Caydiid koofi barawaani isku taagay. :D



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Ma waxaad u haysatay in uu duurka ku jiro, Dhowr jeer u idaacada ka hadley waa iska cadayd nin nastey, oo hooy fiican ka soo toosaya in uu yahay.


Anyway, Sidii uu meesha ku tegay waa fududahay, most probaby by air, the Somali airspace is open! Ma dhib badana in aad bananadaa xaar xaaratid oo diyaaradi kuugu timaado.


As for the this summit, I see them as bunch of losers!

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Sh. Xasan will go into history books as one of the true Somali leaders who resisted Ethiopia’s hegemony in the Horn. Whether he turns up in Asmara matters not---the man already made his marks. There will be criticism of the way he handled the conflict between tfg and courts. There will be criticism about his leadership in including questionable characters in the court’s top security command. But when all said and done, Aweys will eventually be judged as a genuine, not necessarily a diplomat, fighter for the noble cause of shedding Ethiopia’s influence from Somali affairs.

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The old korneel had changed his tune -- for a good.


A few days ago, according to Eritareyaan media, he ostensibly changed his tune, considerably and one can detect more political savviness. Good for him.


He released a press statement, writing: "I am a Somali nationalist fighting for a free and united Somalia and this is considered by the US Administration as terrorism."


I always had a respect to Korneel Aweys, especially at his nationalist bravery on dagaalkii '77, thus earning a medal and the title korneel or gaashaanlesare then. He would've reached to jenaraal ranking had he not left the army and instead pursuing religious studies.

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"Sh. Xasan will go into history books as one of the true Somali leaders who resisted Ethiopia’s hegemony in the Horn. "

have ever of the phrase “History is written by the victors."

if so, he will most likely go into the history as that old terrorist who was responsible for the for the downfall of that terrorist org ICU.

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True MMA ,, i kinda like odayga and his braveness during that war. Besides he is xaafidul quraan especially with all the 7 qiraa'ats ....


His stance towards Somaliland is not appreciated but speaking personality he is really telented.

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For your informations Col. Xassan dahir Awerys was Ciidanka Asluubta amd Askar Gaalshire his duty was guarding priosns just like his colleague Jamaac Maxamed Qalib.


so MMA & Co. stop the AMMAANTA BEENTA ah, you should suspsect him crime against humanity when he was prison officer under Siad Barre Regime not Hero as you're claiming.


He is lucky because Soomalis do not write and read, otherwise he would put under suspicious/investigation for many crimes he committed even after the collapse of Barre Regime whom he worked as prisone gurad. these crimes include the death of around THOUSAND youths near Bosaso in 1992 under his command (Al-ithihad) for nothing but his TAKFEER ideology as well as Gedo in 90's and last but not least around 400 youths (and may be more) who died in IDALE near Baidoa end of last year for and many are still dying in Mogadishu for his orders.


After all these he is HERO :mad: , hero for what for killing or causing deaths of thousands Somalis.

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Sh. Xasan will go into history books as one of the true Somali leaders who resisted Ethiopia’s hegemony in the Horn. "

have ever of the phrase “History is written by the victors."

if so, he will most likely go into the history as that old terrorist who was responsible for the for the downfall of that terrorist org ICU.

lool. The man sent children to war while he was housed in Asmara from day one.

In an interview with the BBC he was asked his location, the response was "I am in my country", well this bull highlights what a man he is.


The man who compared his clans occupation of lower Shabbele to the admins of Puntland & Somaliland will no doubt go in history as what he is.... ;)

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That is what you call standing to the enemy. They were killed indeed however they also razzed down the enemy like nothing else. They stood and stare in the face of enemy. All that not for personal interests but for the interest of their country, faith, and people. You can never underestimate such honorable sacrifice by our fellow youth in this past year. Perhaps we could say one of the best if not the best they were among somalis of today.




Them children died for the right cause and they all volunteered to defend their country to death. However what is shameful are the ones opening the doors for the enemy only to kill rape and do all evil against somali people. As far as one being concern for children, then perhaps you wouldn't be supporting the gang that is led by your uncle ina Yey and his master Melez shaydaan Zenawi.


Big up to Sheikh Shariif Axmed, Dahir Aweys, Col. Turki col. Cayrow...etc..and down to the traitors of Col. ina yey, prof. Geedi Col. Abdi Qaybdiid and more of their likes.

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^^^Adeer you seem to be daydreaming as usual. Those children were sent to their deaths while Xasan fled and then pretended to be in the country.


Anyhow, Xasan Dahir, Cayrow,Indace & Xasan Turki were a godsend to Yey's governemnt the longer they speak the better for the TFG.


Even the Asmara tea party has been a great blessing for the TFG.

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Sh.Col. Xasan Dahir Aweys is an individual. He is a commander, a leader not a soldier( his prime years in the battle field have passed). he inspires, motivates the youth and prepares them to take on evil. Thus that is why he is in Asmara. He and other mujaahids are in Asmar for their own advantage, they won't be taken advantage off as the TFG. They are men on a mission, a mission to get their country back from external enemy invited by interal one.

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Originally posted by Cige:


After all these he is HERO :mad: , hero for what for killing or causing deaths of thousands Somalis.

Cige speaking of hero check who made that list (Duke's signature). :D


By the way it's Ramadan. so you are either blatantly and knowingly lied when you said that over thousand perished in the short lived conflict or otherwise known as dagaalkii saliida in early 90s or you just don't know anything about that conflict. Over thousand kulahaa. Maqunbulo duriyad ayaa lagu dhuftay dadka. :confused:

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Adeer, what ever Xasan Dahir is he is in exile, his base under control, the farms he looted liberated, the state he occupied is back to local clans hands. These people and their children will testify to what Xasan dahir is.


I do thank him, and so does ina Yusuf Yey the hero of the age.

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So the thousands that have died as a result of Ethiopian shelling in Xamar, the hundreds of thousands that are displaced as a result and the remiander including journalists being hunted down by the stooge police don't count as anything? That is rich.

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