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Courts declare war...

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Sheekh Shariif oo iclaamiyay jihaad lala galo ciidamada Ethiopia


Mogadishu 09, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa ku dhawaaqay jihaad lala galo ciidamada Ethiopia oo uu sheegay in ay soo galeen gudaha Somalia, ka dib shir jaraa'id uu ku qabtey magaalada Muqdisho.



Gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta Maxkamadaha islaamka Sheekh Shariif ayaa ku dhawaaqay jihaad Alle Dartiis ah oo lala galo ciidamada Ethiopia, ka dib markii maanta la sheegay in ay ka soo gudbeen degmada Buur hakaba.


Shirkaan Jaraa'id ayuu ku qabtay gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta xarunta Villa Somalia ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana uu ku soo beegmay xilli maanta ciidamada Ethiopia oo ay wehliyaan kuwa dowladda ay soo gaareen magaalada Buurhakaba.


Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco

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Now, what’s the betting that the toppled governor of Kismayo will not also make his move and try to retake that city again?

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Who made him the governer?. He will probably join the fight,but he will be shown the way.



The problem with likes of Yeey gaining the upper hand in the Somali conflict is that these people will turn Somalia into useless fiefdoms. Yeey couldn't even unite a small town like Galkacayo let alone the entire Somalia.There is something clearly wrong with "clean your neighborhood first" attitude. Either you put a claim to all Somalia or leave it alone. Now the courts wanna conquer it all, and I hope they succeed.

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^^^Saxib you make no sense, quit with the hype. The courts can do nothing. The panic today was evidant with all the 'Ethiopia' is coming just because the TFG moved un opposed into the lower Shabbele.


Now the war has been declared lets wait for the result.

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barre hiirle is history men, he never controlled city to begin with, it was handed to him and know its taken away from him to same people who gave him the power. member when ma'xed dheera run out of jowhar, rumourse was his gonna come back first two weeks nothing happen till today, therefore give barre hirre another week and his topic will be history. baydhawa a stratigic ciys and blow to the TFg if taken by icu which will happen inshallah, Tfg has no power to defend city and people by ethiopian army , inshallah ethiopians will run back to their shit country.word is bloodbresher is high today for icu supporter and members , somali cival war chapter is about be closed , inshallah

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^^^ Will calling him the former usurper make you happy?

Are the Courts equipped enough to fight on all these fronts they seem to have opened up on themselves? It seems that even Somaliland is shaking its independent fist in their general direction. :D



Former usurper would of course indicate the existence of a current usurper ;)

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They could do nothing, eheh. The last time I checked they kicked the warlords of Xamar Cadeey, Jowhar, and Kismayo. They restored peace and order to much of the south filling the vacuums left behind the blood suckers. They are cautiously moving to capture all Somalia.


Yeey on the other hand is holed up in small dusty town with little or no influence outside his Madaxtooyo.He has no plan, no army to speak of, and no certainly real supporters in Baydhabo or elsewhere. He is heavily depent on external forces to even maintian his presence in the present capital. He squandered the oppurtunity and the honor that Somalis bestow upon him. It is time now to move on.

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we all know the only reasone why the Tfg is alife is because icu wants show good faith and they know that Tfg is not threat to ther power, jus give it a month or so , let icu feel confortable in south somalia, once icu feels comfortable and they are in full control of the south somalia then is over TFG will be history.keep in mind that icu jus got rid off the warlord in xaamar and much of south, then came structing the icu , they the icu have accomplished alot in short notice .

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