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Somalia: The beginning of the End to Religious Warlordism

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The pseudo-religious warlords have clashed today in the streets of Mogadishu city.


They have dissapointed Somali people, particularly those in Mogadishu city. In 2006, they were embraced by the Somali masses in Somalia and abroad because they stood up against the pseudo-clannist warlords who terrorized Mogadishu inhabitants and kept the city in constant conflict in which the warlord factions vyed for political power in Mogadishu city and eventually Somalia.


The age of pseudo-clannist warlords came to an end in Somalia after the typical warlords A.Yusuf, Hiiraale, Qanyare, Muse Suudi, Cumar Jess, Morgan, M.Dheere etc vacated the political landscape in Somalia.


Now, those that spearheaded the Islamist Revolution in 2006 are becoming like those they replaced in 2006: power-hungry factions that will fight in heavily populated area's for control over resources.


They have betrayed the Somali masses which embraced them in 2006 out of hate for the status quo at that time.


Anno 2009, the Islamists have all taken positions in the political landscape which previously were filled by political opportunists and pseudo-clan warlords who all were powerhungry and had no consideration for the wish of the Somali masses.


Just look at the politics of Somalia today:


- JVA in Kismanyo is replaced by a new group alliance under an Islamic cover that shares the revenues of the port, airport and ''taxes''. A clan alliance in which the clan partners shared the revenues of assets is now replaced by a pseudo-religious alliance in which the religious factions share the revenues of the assets.


- M.dheere admin in Jowhar is replaced by ICU admin that engages in the same activities as him, namely the explotation of the meagre resources that exist in that city and region.


-Dabageed admin in Beledweyne is replaced by ICU admin that engages in the same activities as the admin before. The city is still divided and the admin of ICU is not recognized by Western Beledweyne/Hiiraan like Dabageed admin before was not recognized.


-RRA admin in Baidoba is replaced by Alshabaab-Roobow, they have created an ''Islamic-regional admin'' who they have handpicked like the previous ''regional admin'' was created by RRA leaders.


- Mogadishu city is divided by the different islamic factions, and the militia's in the city have joined one of those factions. The militia of the religious factions still fight over strategic locations and assets of the city.


- Foreign-created regime is now filled/dominated by Islamist leaders who in many ways resemble those Somali puppets before them.



Truelly, they will fail like those before them since they are exihibiting the same tactics and powerhungry-selfish mentality.

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Sarkaal ka tirsan Xoogaga Al shabaab oo ka badbaaday isku day dil iyo Israsaaseyn xoogan oo u dhexeeysa xoogaga islaamiga oo ka socota Jidka Warshadaha.


Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Sarkaal ka tirsan Xoogaga Al shabaab ayaa ka badbaaday isku day dil waxaana Israsaaseyn xoogan oo u dhexeeysa xoogaga islaamiga ay ka socota Jidka Warshadaha ee magaalada Muqdisho.




Sarkaalani oo magaciisa lagu soo koobay Qoslaaye ayaa saakay Barqadii lagu weeraray isagoo marayay Nawaaxiga Isgooyska Black Sea ee magaalada Muqdisho sida idaacada shabelle looga xaqiijiyay Xafiiska Warfaafinta Al shabaab.




Weerarkaasi waxaa ku geeriyooday mid ka mid ah xoogaga Al shabaab halka mid kale uu ku dhaawacmay,sarkaalka asi ayaa ka badbaaday isku daygaasi waxaana daqiiqado kadib goobtaasi soo gaaray ciidamo ka tirasan Al shabab kuwasi oo isku fidiyay inta u dhexeeysa isgooysyada Carwa Idka iyo Al Baraka ee jidka 30-ka kuwaasi oo watay dareeys isku nuuc ah iyo cimaamado,mana jirin wax saameyn ah oo ay ku yeelatay isku socodka dadka iyo gadiidka ee wadadaasi.




Mudo kadib ayaa is rasaaseyn u dhexeeysay xoogaga islaami ah ay ka bilaabatay agaagaarka warshada Sigaarka iyo Taraqa taasi oo socotay illaa iyo goordhow oo ay labada dhinac isku ridayeen rasaas kala duwan oo ay ka qeyb qaadanayeen gaadiidka dagaalka.




Mid ka mid ah dad ku go’doomay geerish ay labada ciidan dhinacyadiisa uga sugnaayeen ayaa waxaa uu shabelle uga waramay waxa uu arkayay iyo sida ay wax u dhacayeen,waxaana uu sheegay in xiliga uu shabelle la hadlayay uu agtiisa yaalay meyd oo uu ku sheegay in uu u ekaa Askari ka tirsan dhinacyada dagaalamayay.




In kasatoo aan si dhab ah loo ogaan Karin cida uu u dhexeeyo dagaalkani ayaa hadana waxaa ilo lagu kal soon yahay ay sheegayaan in dagaalkaasi uu u dhexeeyo xoogaga Al shabaab iyo ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamiga.




Dagalka ayaa yimid kadib markii gaari uu la socday sarkaalkii barqanimadii maanta lagu weeraray wadada 30-ka oo siday askarigii lagu dhaawacay is rasaaseyntii maanta ka dhacday jidka 30-ka iyo sidoo kale ciidamo ka tirsan Maxkamadaha islaamiga oo halkaasi ku sugnaa mana jiraan warar ka soo baxay xoogaga dagaalamaya oo ku aadan sida ay wax u dheceen iyo qasaaraha ka dhashay dagalkaasi.




Dhinacyada hubeysan ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaan u muuqan kuwo u dhaga nugul baaqayada ka soo baxaya culumaa’udiinka Soomaaliyeed oo ku aadan in la joojiyo dagaalada iyo in nabad lagu soo dabaalo magaalada Muqdisho.




Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.




Dhageeyso Wararka 1:30-duhurnimo Maalin waliba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.

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Ilaa 55-qofood oo ku dhaawacmat iska horimaadkii maaanta Muqdisho ka dhacay oo la dhigay Cusbitaalka Madiina.


Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Cusbitaalka Madiina ee Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa la geeyay ilaa galabta in ka badan 55-qofood oo waxyeelo ka soo gaartay iska horimaadyadii manta ka dhacay qeybo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho.




Agaasime ku xigeen ka Cusbitaalka Madiina Daahir Max’ed Max’uud Daahir Dheere oo la hadlayay Idaacada Shabelle ayaa sheegay in 55-taan ruux ay isugu jireen Caruur iyo dad da’ah waxaana uu tilmaamay in hal ruux uu u geeriyooday dhaawicii manta soo gaaray.




Garoonka dedan ee Stadium Muqdisho oo fariisin ay ku leeyihiin xoogaga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa iyana galabta lagu weeraray madaafiic dhowr ah iyadoo aan la sheegin qasaaraha ay geesteen.




Majirto ilaa iyo hadda cid sheegatay madaafiicdaasi wallow haatan ay degantahay goobihii manta ay iska horimaadyadu ka dhaceen oo ay wali isku horfadhiyaan dhinacyadii ku dagaalamay.




Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.

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Alshabab has been pushed back as news reports are reporting.



Religious warlordism is coming to an end.

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The end of religious warlords!


The religious factions have succumbed to the actions of the late warlords: fighting amids heavily populated area's and heavy shelling of residential area's day and night.


Its over, the religious warlords have shown their true face: they are the new warlords, with a religious cover.

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