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General Duke

Somaliland? No, So-Mafi-land!-

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Somaliland? No, So-Mafi-land!


Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

July 13, 2008

As long expected, the lawless entity ´Somaliland´ turned out to be something between Mafia villages in Sicily, 1930 Old Chicago Town or early 19th century Far West. I guess the territory is safe for you, only if your name is something like Al Capone, Don Corleone or Owney Madden.


You bet; either you are member of the Brooklyn Rippers and the Forty Thieves Juniors or you stay safe in Mogadishu, in Baidoa, in Marka. But don´t cross into Rayale´s Mafia-land. Don´t even think of it!


Death is lurking there on permanent basis…..


Perhaps this parallelism may help some call Rayale the ´Scarface´ or just ´Godfather´. But the reality for the embattled and terrorized Somalis who unfortunately have been engulfed within the Mafia Republic of Rayale´s gangs is dreadful and ghastly; unsupportable indeed.


In So-Mafi-land´s ghostly streets and lifeless squares, funerals have become the most common spectacle; motionless, saddened, distressed Somalis attend the burials of their beloved relatives and friends who have been unjustly, undeservedly or coincidentally shot, deeply worrying whether they will manage to return home safely and alive.


Rayale´s ruffians


Life has no cost and no value in Don Rayalone´s So-Mafi-land…..


Rayale´s ruffians, gangsters and mafiosi are predominant in cafeterias, having turned even little towns into murky spots of fear, and coma. The ´country´ itself is beginning to resemble a mortuary.


If you now consider that even inspectors and police officers risk daily losing their lives, you realize what ominous role has been played by the puppet of the Abyssinian tyrant Zenawi, the so-called president Rayale of So-Mafi-land.


In fact, the most common wanderer in the streets of Hargeysa, Berbera, Buro and all the other Somali cities of the North is Death itself.


The most recent killing took place just last Friday in Buro, Togdher province, and I am pressed to publish the news before another killing takes place in another gloomy spot of the cursed So-Mafi-land.


The event brought back to my mind a wonderful insight into the ill-fated attempt to set up a secessionist state on part of Somalia´s territory.


I therefore republish here a report from the famous portal Hiiraan (Two Dead after Shooting Spree in Buro), and the pertinent analysis published as early as December 2002 by Dr. Ali Ismael (Barud) under the title ´Somaliland: The Myth of Clan-Based Statehood´.


I am sure that you will agree with me that Dr. Ali Ismael´s sounds like a prophecy about Somaliland´s predestined and inevitable debacle and dissolution.


Two Dead after Shooting Spree in Buro

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No fronts adeer, the clean up job is qoing well. The gangs and maurauding bandits and their foreign terror groups are not have much success.


How is Mohamed Abdi yusuf in Asamara?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

How is Mohamed Abdi yusuf in Asamara?

You tell me?


P.S. This cleanup business never finishes. Yeey has yr to go and he's OUT Dukey. We need to find you new hero.

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^^^Adeer, you seem confused this clean up job can continue for a few more years, it matters not saxib. Somalia will get cleaned up of these groups.


Adeer Yusuf has a year to go, much cleaning can be done till then. As for going who knows another term might be in order.


Anyhow I hear Fuad Shangool is lost in the bushes any word ?

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^I doubt anyone odagaan wax udhiibanaayo once more. Anyway, it seems ragaan iney walwal kugu haayaan.So, I think you would be better informed about their whereabouts.


P.S. Don't give up trying to pinpoint my subclan.

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gen duke ma oga that Drkan masriga dan gaar ah wadtto wixiisu ba inay tahay Ethiopianka ku cidhidi meesha Somaliland Ka nacayb maha laakin Somaliland heshiski bay uguga baxday Egypt

Marka dr shamsadiin wa nin ciilan

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^^^Adeer who are you fooling we know who your subclan is and one is just asking questions regarding your confused uncles.


We all also know you aint from the big clans of Puntland the capital H. But hey I aint like Red Sea we love our small cousins.

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No matter what clan CHE hails from, Gen duke will lebel his clan "small" if he is against TFG.


Ayax dhowre muxuu yiri:


qab qab dhaafay baa labo qabiil qaran ku weydaa

qaabiilba haabiil intuu qoosaduu diley

waa qaydar low kaaga jabay hadalka qaarkiis

Qabaalnimo hadaad iga rabto iyo ii qasaal marada

qayrkaas ilaah iguma qaban qoorya xerady'e


Adeer regardless what qabiil one comes from, fighting Ethopians in somali teretory is must. sooner or later you will realize that.

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Duke reminds me of a greedy child that already has his mouth full but still insists on picking up all the cakes on the table. Mind you don't choke there, saaxib. :D

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