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The Zack

What Did NOT happen in Awdal..

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^For all we know, these armed men are Riyaale's new secessionist movement seceding from the other secessionist project.

Derivative of Seccession smile.gif

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^For all we know, these armed men are Riyaale's new secessionist movement seceding from the other secessionist project.



Well, somalida fartii la taago ayay fanaxa u booda.


Ninkii jiray wuxu yidhi


qof walbaa halkuu maaganyay ee muhato laabtiisu

iska soo mar waa ku mubaaxe marinka doontaaaye

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This makes no sense though.Somalis are other sympathetic to the Somaligalbeed cause, why ONLF choose or risk region controlled by Pro Zenawi vassal state? sarcasm seems to be lost on you.

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Suldaanka:

A little knowledge of the geography would have been helpful. It is like the SSC melitia establishing a base in Northern Togdheer... food for thaught.


Anyhow, this is a wakeup call for the new administration in Hargeisa. They are falling short of the high standards that Rayaale and his team set.

I agree, somebody needs little knowledge of this area's geography. Unfortunately, that person happens to be yourself, Suldaanow.



The claim is that these men came through Zaylac which is part of the Somali state of Awdal. The locals there are NOT from the I traingle.



Anyhow, this is a wakeup call for the new administration in Hargeisa. They are falling short of the high standards that Rayaale and his team set.  

Indeed. Silanyo should start working for Meles instead of making up stories. Riyaale ku dayo dheh.

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Zack-For all we know, these armed men are Riyaale's new secessionist movement seceding from the other secessionist project.



That would be the only secessionist movement that would have all Somalis' support as long as they will secede from the other secessionists and join the Somali weyn.

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The Zack   

^Dee wadanka aan walaalaha nahay ee Ethiopia yeysan u gudbin ee Vermont iyo meelahaas halagaga hortago. lacag Eritrean ah baan aragnay sidaas baan ku garanay iney yihiin ONLF walal.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka:

[qb]A little knowledge of the geography would have been helpful. It is like the SSC melitia establishing a base in Northern Togdheer... food for thaught.


Anyhow, this is a wakeup call for the new administration in Hargeisa. They are falling short of the high standards that Rayaale and his team set.

I agree, somebody needs little knowledge of this area's geography. Unfortunately, that person happens to be yourself, Suldaanow.


Ilaahaw nimaan wax ogeyn ha cadaabin....


all, I will tell you is ask around and get some facts.



I am not saying the area you mentioned is inhabitted by the triangle folks. ;)

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Maxaa ka jira wararka sheegaya in ciidamo ONLF lagu tuhunsanyahay ay ka soo dageen xeebaha gobalada Waqooyi Galbeed Soomaliya.


Sep 14, 2010 (QOL) Qorahay Online oo baadhitaan ku samaysay wararka la isla dhex marayo ee sheegaya in uu jiro Ciidan aad u hubaysan oo ka soo dagay xeebaha Soomaaliya gaar ahaan gobalada Waqooyi Galbeed laguna tuhunsanyahay in ay ka tirsanyihiin Ururka ONLF, Qorahay Online oo u kuur gashay wararkas ayaa loo cadeeyay in ay jiraan howlgalo Militari oo ay Ciidanka Waddaniga Xoreynta O'gadeenya qaybta Ciiltire todobaadkan ka wadeen gudaha O'gadeenya gaar ahaan gobalka Shiniile, waxayna wararku sheegayaan in CWXO qaybta Ciiltire ay hoowlgalo & dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan oo xoogleh ka wadaan agagaarka dagmada [b[Ayshica[/b] oo aan sidaas uga fogayn halka la sheegayo in ay Ciidamo ONLF lagu tuhunsanyahay ka soo dageen.


Wararka aanu helayno waxay intaas ku darayaan howlgalka CWXO qaybta Ciiltire in ay ku dileen ciidan badan oo Itoobiyaan ah. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka 2aad ee ONLF Abdiqaadir Hassan Biixi Hirmooye (Caddaani) oo aan wax ka waydiinay arimahaas ayaa ku timaamay wararkaasi kuwo aan waxba ka jirin wuxuuna sheegay Mudane Cadaani in ay ONLF ka howlgalayso gudaha O'gaeenya "mana jiraan wax ciidan ah oo ONLF dibada uga yimid waxayna ciidamada ONLF ka dagaalamayaan dhamaan dhulka O'gadeenya" sidaas waxaa yidhi Mudane Caddani.


Qorahey Online

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Why do the authorities hot on the trespassers heels think they’re Cagdheers? Maa raadkay reebeen bay ka garteen? smile.gif


Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Where's the navy in all of this?

The opportunist buggers snuck in while the whole country was attending Eid prayers. Kullu yawn yamsh ciid.

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Wararka aanu helayno waxay intaas ku darayaan howlgalka CWXO qaybta Ciiltire in ay ku dileen ciidan badan oo Itoobiyaan ah. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka 2aad ee ONLF Abdiqaadir Hassan Biixi Hirmooye (Caddaani) oo aan wax ka waydiinay arimahaas ayaa ku timaamay wararkaasi kuwo aan waxba ka jirin wuxuuna sheegay Mudane Cadaani in ay ONLF ka howlgalayso gudaha O'gaeenya "mana jiraan wax ciidan ah oo ONLF dibada uga yimid waxayna ciidamada ONLF ka dagaalamayaan dhamaan dhulka O'gadeenya" sidaas waxaa yidhi Mudane Caddani.

By the way, this is the official line. :D:D even in my other post, I didn't say they came from Eritrea. :D We have no ties to Eritrea. We train on the high skies and land on the seas in the middle of the night.


Lool@ Caddani. Rageedii.

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