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Amin Camir on Shabab.....!

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Johnny B   

^What is available in 'Akhiro' the hereafter has been revealed, and a Mobile in not mentioned, in that regard i too think a line has been crossed, but then one has to give in to the few thinking Muslims who could of imagine an advanced or a better 'Akiro' hereafter, where one could reach for their pious friends and chit-chat about their latest adventures with their female Huris ( if male ) and or their Male Huris (if female). icon_razz.gif


Fabre, you're heading the wrong direction.... i live <<<<<< This way. icon_razz.gif

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He is speaking metaphorically. So many poets and singers before him had talked about Akhiro including one who said "Akhiro nimaan geel laheyn lama amaaneyn". So there is nothing new here. In the context he speaks, he wants to convey the message that you don't enter Janna by using the Shabab way. And I think he is right.


Ninka la amaan galiyo.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

^What is available in 'Akhiro' the hereafter has been revealed, and a Mobile in not mentioned,

I see that you have joined the immovable object and unstoppable force crew. so come on man, let's hear your premises and your conjectures

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

He is speaking metaphorically. So many poets and singers before him had talked about Akhiro including one who said "Akhiro nimaan geel laheyn lama amaaneyn". So there is nothing new here. In the context he speaks, he wants to convey the message that you don't enter Janna by using the Shabab way. And I think he is right.


Ninka la amaan galiyo.

Ama ninki reer hargeysa eeh yidhi ila ma aha akhiro dad ba ku noooll :D

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