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Dahir Riyaale; The Next Prime minister of Somalia.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:


The premiership of the Somali Republic is undoubtedly a glory well befitting the competent mugger of the 3 reprobate
up north. We must ALL thank God Almighty, that there has risen a man, at such a moment in Somali history-- and at the nadir of our collective national misfortunes wrought by civil war-- who, unbeknownst to the
incapacitated troglodytes, who think they can dissever our national fabric and unity-- has become a sturdy bulwark against their villainous treachery and haughty effrontery against our nation.

You must be on some high grade morphine stuff.. :D:D


Ps: Moonlight, that's what you been waiting all along ey? Why not make him the beresiidente sxb.

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Waa dhici kartaa inuu doonayo inuu si madadaaliyo tan iyo intii dhaanku ka imaanayo. cigaal allaha unaxariiste wuxuu dhintay dhankiiyo weli maqan. caku dhaankan!

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