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The other side of “Kilil 5”

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Most of the people in this forum will possibly not know about this. Certainly, those who have been to the region and spent sometime in Jigjiga must be familiar with this story.


To get a passport as an Ethiopian in Adds Ababa, you need to pass through the Somali Regional State bureau of justice and security. The head is the notorious Abdi Iley. There was a long queue of people waiting to get their approval letters from his office. At some interval, the man himself, hoisting a big pistol by the side of his fitishari, would come out and go along the queue to see if there are ‘suspicious’ people who do not deserve to get the letter. He could have waited inside, but his inspection is for effect. He wants to please two groups of people: his clan members who curse him for being a Tigre spy, and his Tigre masters who are happy that he is doing a good job.


What he did on that day, as I stood there, is what people in this forum do not know happens in Jigjiga and why it happens. He fixed his eyes on two guys and asked where they are from. One of them said “wardher.” Which part of Warder, the Hogaanka Nabadgalyadda and Caddaalada, asked. “Galadi” the man responded. The Hogaan got his man. He hit the man with a ferocious slap that forced the victim to sit down haphazardly. “Tuug yahow tuugu dhalay” the Hogaan shouted so that all those who were sitting under the two-story security office could hear. “You arrest our poor daily laborers in Bosaso and hand them over to us as if they are big ONLF fishes and yet you have the temerity to come and ask for a passport!!”


People were amazed. When my cousin later called me to tell me what happened (he didn't know I witnessed myself), he was thinking the Hogaanka did a good job. “ninku waa nin dhiig leh. Some people are pleased he is avenging the mistreatment of our people.” He said. This was actually a week after two senior ONLF officials were arrested and handed over to the Ethiopian authorities. The Hogaanka himself flew to Wardher town with army helicopter and brought the two men to Jigjiga.


Another day, one man from Harshin got the same treatment. In fact, the Hogaanka told him that he is from Somaliland and therefore if he sees him again in his office, he will shoot him. The man was teffified. The Hogaanka also randomly confiscated all properties that belonged to businessmen from Dahir Riyaale’s clan when some men were arrested in Somaliland this year. Goods worth millions of Dollars from Contraband traders who operate from Lafa-cisse and Awabare areas were caught and handed over to the customs authority. It was a delivetate targeting, all knew this.


If you think these are faceless stories, ever hear of a man called Xassen Af-mishaar. He is from the (she.qaal) community and is accused by some Og.clan members of using his attachment to the army headquarters in Harar to fight against the clan. The head of prisons in Somali Regional State Abdi yare (Da’ud’s cousin) took him by the collar some months ago, dragged him to a big meeting and forced him to confess that he has been fighting the Og clan under the cover of fighting ONLF. In fact, he was ‘evaluated’ and afterwards sentenced to 10 years in prison.


These stories are not isolated incidents. They are not also actions taken by few clan men with hot blood to fight for their clan. It is sanctioned by the real regional President, Ato Towolde, who in fact at one point praised Abdi Iley for fighting those who are illegally crossing over from Somalia.


The objective is clear and I have to say it has worked very well. On one side, it is to creat animosity between the Somali clans. The level of resentment against the Og. Clan by other clans in the region is testimony to this. No one looks at the fact that at the same week Abdi Iley was slapping the man he wrongly accused of being from “puntland’ just because he was of Galadi, he killed one young man accused of master-minding the bomb blast at the Jigjga stadium at point blank. No one looks at the fact that at the same week he went to jeel Ogade.een and addressed 1800 inmates in a prison built to accommodate 200 people.


On the otherhand, it is to frieghten the Somali people in the region of an Og-led rule. At face value, it also serves to give the false sense that the Og clan is not persecuted against. It is to maintain a false sense of being in control. And often those handed over from Somaliland and Puntland, after putting a lot of pressure on the administrations there, are released after a while. Gadhjubi, a very senior ONLF member arrested by Somaliland some years ago, is actually now a businessman in Jigjiga.


This is to show to readers that the real intention of all machinations that are done by all satellite adminstartions whether in Jigjiga, Hargeisa or Garowe are managed and synchronized for one objective. To end the sense of oneness among this people and to perpetuate the rule of the Tigrayan regime.

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AT&T, thanks for the insightful article. Anigu in my topic I mentioned waxa loo dan leeyahay; the very fabric of Somalinimo iyo Xeer. Sida dadka la isugu dilayo waa wax aan anigu aad u aqaan.


I speak of experience from the NFD and the late 80s Somali screening where a lot of non-Os were simply 'repatriated' to Somalia (with just their macawiis as the only wealth they could take with them), although most of them were born in Kenya. Lol. Let's just say many of my relatives baabuur muraayadda madowdahay ayaa lagu musaafureyey, the rest simply fled before that happened.


The purpose for the screening: to simply forment hatred between good hearted Somalis by using some nasty officials in Kenya and Somalia.


I can see the parallels in the current situation and I absolutely deplore it. We can't let it happen again.

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I think I came across that guy in jigjiga in early '99 ... when I was following up on a case where my friend was kidnapped from his school to fight in the eriteria, ethio war


af-soomali uun buu ku hadlaa mahane he is more tigre than any tigre i've ever seen

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Yes. Abdisalam Hereri asked very relevant questions and managed the interview well.


Abdiwali and few disguntled members who are fired from ONLF tried to turn the interview into a court room. They said what they said, but I think it was clear that they had issues.


The Admiral stated ONLF positions. We all know he is not a PR person. COuld have done better in articulating key issues.

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Since he's over here, his most important job is PR. Serious allegations were made and the Front seems to be very divided. Is he the best man for the job?

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Anyone can make allegations. I can call a TV station and claim my uncle is kille by Dair Riyaale, or Ducaale.


As being divided, how many current members of the central and executive committees are opposing the Admiral? what is the evidence it is "very divided". We know it isn't. And this is not defensive position from me. It is the reality.


I think he is a dedicated honest man. Unfortunately people usually like new faces and I wouldn't mind if passes the ball.


On the PR issue, unless people wanted to hear what they wanted, he articulated the positions of his organisation as it is. But he should prepare a bit better next time.

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^^ With all due respect, Doolaal's widow is not same as some "unknown" caller. Your previous post talking about "Abdiwali and few disgruntled members who are fired" is a sign of disunity. Some Killil5 natives even accused the Admiral of being a "foreigner" stirring trouble in their land. If you're not defensive, you're in denial.

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^Dolal widow knows her husband (Raxima Allah) was killed by Tigreys and their kilil dogs.


Isn't the kilil guys you are saying they accused him the ones he is fighting against and free the region from them? What difference does it make if they accused him dagaal hubaysanbaaba kadhaxeeye e?


It was funny how this Herari guy forgot what he was told and when asked by the Admiral who is this caller, Macow-who claimed to be ONLF chairman, Herari couldn't lie or intentially betrayed them and said, waa taageere ONLF


These are few disgruntled folks who made a deal with this Herari guy howelse everyone who called be the four thugs that were fired over stealing peoples' money?


I believe he is the best man for the job because ONLF has never being this strong:


1. Militarily

2. Politically

3. Financially


In 1998 when he took the rein, it was merely wadaado xer ah.


With that said, I'd like to see him hand it over to someone else and retain a board membership or an advisory role

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Originally posted by Mr.Paragon:

AT&T, thanks for the insightful article. Anigu in my topic I mentioned waxa loo dan leeyahay; the very fabric of Somalinimo iyo Xeer. Sida dadka la isugu dilayo waa wax aan anigu aad u aqaan.


I speak of experience from the NFD and the late
80s Somali screening where a lot of non-Os were simply 'repatriated' to Somalia (
with just their macawiis as the only wealth they could take with them
), although most of them were born in Kenya. Lol. Let's just say many of my relatives baabuur muraayadda madowdahay ayaa lagu musaafureyey, the rest simply fled before that happened.


The purpose for the screening
: to simply forment hatred between good hearted Somalis by using some nasty officials in Kenya and Somalia.


I can see the parallels in the current situation and I absolutely deplore it. We can't let it happen again.

Jaalle Paragon, I hate to correct you sxb; There were relatively few somalis from the NFD who were kicked out by the madaxkorankor! The NFD somalis lived under harsh conditions where all of them were termed as "S-hiftas" and subject to rape, imprisonment etc.


So, there was no expulsion of any somalis from the NFD because they already lived in a prison


The situation was of course worse for the somalis who could not show lineage with the five big clans ; In fact, if you have visited Mandera district you may note that all somalis (except the G, M and D) are termed as corner tribes and in a model which might suit somalia in the future you will find people who are at loggerheads in other parts of somalia united as one clan.


Who were those were screened and lost their rights?


Down Kenya somalis of all clans. The somalis from the NFD went back to their home villages to face a) persecution and rot in jails b) to melt into the reer Baadiye folk.


The somalis who did not have relatives in the NFD were unwilling or thought they could be spared.


Marka sxb it was not about being an O or any other alphabet but rather a collective humiliation of somalis.

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Sii wad halganka saaxib laakin halgankaaga ha ku reebin oo keliya "ONLF". Xaalku intaasi wuu ka weynyahay. Waa inaad ku dadaashaa difaaca umadda soomaaliyeed oo idil gaar ahaan kuwa aay weli ku dheehantahay soomalinimo ; somaligalbeed (fadlan o-da jooji) iyo NFD.

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