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Ethiopia admits it has troops in Somalia: Shock

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Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa markii ugu horeysey qiratey inay ciidamo u dirtey gudaha Soomaaliya xilli si weyn loo hadal hayey joogitaanka ciidamo Ethiopia ee bartamaha dalka.


Wasiirka warfaafinta Ethiopia Bereket Simon ayaasi rasmi ah shaaca uga qaadey in ciidamo Ethiopian ah ay tageen gudaha Soomaaliya si ay taageero u siiyaan DKMG ee Soomaaliya iyo dadaalada dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya.


“Ethiopia waxay u balanqaadey DKMG Soomaaliya xoojinta dadaalada nabada iyo xasiloonida laakiin ma jirto wax qorshe sh oo aanu dib ugu laabaneyso Soomaaliya”, ayuu yiri Bereket Simon oo maanta oo Khamiis ah wariyayaasha kula hadlayey magaalada Addis Ababa.


Ethiopia waxay horey ciidamo ugu dirtey Soomaaliya 2006 hase yeeshee waxay si rasmi ah uga baxday bishii January ee sanadkan, waxaase dhowaanahan soo baxayey warar sheegaya in ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo ay wehlinayaan ciidamo Soomaali ah ay soo galeen gudaha gobolka Hiiraan ee bartamaha dalka.


Wasiirka warfaafinta Ethiopia Bereket Simon ayaa sheegay in ay jiri karto in Ethiopia ay ciidamo u dirto dalka la deriska ah haddii ay ka muuqdaan xaalado deganaansho la’aan ah.


“Waanu galney Soomaaliya, laakiin marka ayjirto khatar amaan waa caadi in ciidan loo diro”, ayuu yiri Bereket Simon oo aan wax faahfaahin kale ku darin.


Hadala wasiirka wafaafinta Ethiopia ayaa noqonayaa kii ugu horeeyey oo ka soo baxa wasiir ka tirsan xukuumada Ethiopia tan iyo intii ay dalka Soomaaliya uga bexeen ciidamadii Ethiopia ee ku sugnaa mudadii labada sano ahayd.


Waxaana wasiirka warfaafinta Ethiopia uu sheegay in ciidamadoodu ay joogaan sidoo kale xuduuda labada dal.


“Ciidamadeenu waxay joogaan xuduuda iyagoo si dhow ula socda dhaqdhaqaaqyada ka socda xuduuda”, ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray Bereket Simon.


Goob joogayaal ku sugan gobolka Hiiraan ayaa xaqiijiyey in ciidamo Ethiopian ah ay soo gaareen dhowaan degaanka Kala beyr ee duleedka Beledweyne, iyadoo ay sidoo kale halkaasi soo gaareen ciidamo DKMG oo dalka Ethiopia lagu soo tababaray.


Dowlada Ethiopia waxay taageero u fidisey DKMG ee Soomaaliya oo dagaal kula jirta xoogaga mucaaradka.


Wasiirada arimaha dibada Urur Goboleedka IGAD ayaa Kulan ay dhowaan ku yeesheen magaalada Addis Ababa waxay iyaguna cunaqabteyn ku saareen dekedaha iyo garoomada ay maamulaan xoogaga mucaaradka Soomaaliya si loogu xoojiyo taageerada dowlada ay siiyaan wadamada gobolka.

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War Ninyoho "Cambaareen" badanidaa


I wish your name is Meles Zenawi as your idea is like him. I hope you are not as cruel as Meles. I pray for you.

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Generel duke waxay ka tahay sh dalxiis ba wuu wattayee. maxa adeeerkay loo eedeynaye.. imika hadu cabdilahii yusuf madaxweyne ahaan laha ma soo ban dhigeen arintan...

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Xaaji xandhuuf ninkaan 4-4-2 uu ciyaaraayo inaan lala fahan saneen bu uheestaaa


Even though the DUKE suffers from short memory, history never forgets. Historical records show that Abdilahi yuusuf, a classic example of a footloose traitor

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

Xaaji xandhuuf suffers from short memory, history never forgets. Historical records show a classic example of a footloose traitor

Who bombed Hargaysa, murdered women and children in Galkacyu, executed Culima and turned Cadaado into dust. A regime that was based on idiotic sentiment. A man who inherited a nation and ran away ona donkey.


That record is clear and his face you wear. And you still talk about treason and destruction. You the mass murdering Afwayne stooge.


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Duke, adeer Xanji xandhuf miyaad tabar biday


Arguably the worst genocide of the past 50 years happened precisely because of your uncle cabdulahi yusuf

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^^^FUFU: keep up the hard work, as long as you wear the former tyrants face you wont make any point. Siyad Barre was just bad, he had everything and ended up with nothing chased out by bandits he trained.


Now and I repeat "history never forgets. Historical records show a classic example of a footloose traitor" Indeed FUFU you summarised your dilema indeed :D

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Where is Sherban Shabeel and AT, if this changes anything as they said Ethiopia was not in the country.... a deafening evidence, ethiopian minister's admissions....

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I never said Ethiopian troops haven't set foot in Somalia. I said three things you anti-government militants can never change:


1. There are no Ethiopian troops in Xamar


2. Shariif hasn't called for Ethiopian troops


3. Shariif isn't using the Ethiopians to stay in power



That is all.

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

Duke, adeer Xanji xandhuf miyaad tabar biday


Arguably the worst genocide of the past 50 years happened precisely because of your uncle cabdulahi yusuf


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whats next there's no ethios in villa somalia or yaaqshid

:D , yep that would next, or any other excuse for that matter... It was actually AT who was adamant taht no Ethiopian troops in Somalia :D

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word is that these ethio troops were drunk and lost!! lool... i believe that.


Well, on the other hand, word is that they came to buid a new hotel for sharif thuggy.


either way, they fooled u if ever thought that them raw meat eating mofos were gone.

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