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720 Somali fighters sent to Lebanon to fight Israel:UN report

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As always,the West using UN as a propoganda tool.



Powers 'stoking Somali conflict'

By Laura Travelyan

BBC News, UN headquarters, New York




Islamist militias control most of Somalia

Iran, Syria and eight other countries are violating a United Nations arms embargo to send weapons to Somalia, according to a UN-commissioned report.


It says Tehran and Damascus have links with the Union of Islamic Courts, a militia that controls much of Somalia.


The report, by experts monitoring the embargo, suggests that Iran may have tried to trade arms for uranium to further its nuclear ambitions.


Many of the countries named in the report reject the accusations.


Somalia has not had a proper government for more than 15 years.


The report says 10 countries are ignoring the arms ban. Ethiopia and Eritrea are named as the biggest violators.


Ethiopia is accused of sending weapons to the fragile government while Eritrea backs the Islamic opposition.




What is most striking about this report is the detailed links between countries such as Iran, Syria and Lebanon and the Islamic Courts Union.



For example, the authors say 720 Somali fighters went to Lebanon to help Hezbollah fight Israel in July.


Syria is said to have sent an aircraft full of guns to the Somali capital, Mogadishu.


Iran is reported to have sent three shipments of arms to Somalia between July and September.


And one paragraph in the report says two Iranians were in Somalia looking into getting uranium in exchange for supplying arms.


No further details are offered. Iran wants uranium to further its nuclear programme, which it insists is peaceful, while western countries suspect Iran of wanting a nuclear bomb.


The UN Security Council is due to discuss the findings next week.

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The authenticity of the report is very questionable specialy in regards to the links between the Shia Hizbolah group and the ICU who have if anything only have "Islam/Muslim" in common.


Somali oo ah aabaha hadalka iyo wax sheegsheega ayaa mar hore hore laga maqli lahaa ama ayaga oo ku faanaya ama isku eedaynaya.



The developments in Somalia represent a setback for the United States, which had sought to prevent the militants from taking power. But the report provided no evidence to suggest that the United States provided clandestine support to anti-Islamic forces, as officials in Somalia's interim government have alleged.


It did, however, underscore the degree to which the United States' chief Middle East rivals, Iran and Syria, and its allies, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, are prepared to challenge U.S. interests in East Africa.


Its funny how the authors shamefully try to downplay the clear hand the US had in the defeated criminal warlords. While at the same time trying to magnify something which if at best is only an "allegation" when it comes to Syria or Iran or other states that they are accusing of providing support to the ICU.


Shame on you. UN.

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