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US says encouraged by efforts to pacify Somali capital

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US says encouraged by efforts to pacify Somali capital

NAIROBI, June 22 (Xinhuanet) -- The United States government has said it is encouraged by the ongoing efforts by Somali authorities toward finding a lasting solution to security threat in Mogadishu, capital of the Horn of Africa country.

In a statement reaching here Wednesday from the US Embassy in Nairobi, Washington also called on the transitional federal institutions to formally agree on a viable national plan for relocation and security.


"We note the significant actions taken by members of the business community, nongovernmental organizations, and ordinary citizens in recent weeks to facilitate the demilitarization of Mogadishu. In particular, we acknowledge the central role played by Somali civil society in pushing for real and lasting security reform in Somalia," the statement said.


Early this month, Somali warlords have dismantled several checkpoints in unprecedented drive to prove the violent Somali capital is safe enough to be the transitional government's home.


The dismantlement of the checkpoints, major sources of income to faction leaders who have dominated the anarchic nation since militias deposed dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, have been praised by the United Nations officials.


The US, which has been a major financier of the two-year peace talks, praised the collective efforts, led by the women of Mogadishu, to assist those of their countrymen in putting down their weapons and returning to the broad base of Somali society.


The checkpoints removal effort, backed by civilian groups working with faction leaders, was part of a plan to disarm gunmen and train them as police or security at camps around the city.


Businessmen have donated cash and women have sold jewelry to pay for the militiamen who turns in his guns.


"We are heartened by the sincere desire of the Somali people to facilitate the nonviolent return of effective governance to Somalia. The Somali reconciliation process is at a critical stage.This will create the platform from which good governance can be delivered and the transitional federal institutions can earn legitimacy from the Somali people," the statement said.


Washington which has opposed plans by front-line states to send troops to Somalia, called on all members of the transitional federal institutions to relocate to Somalia and begin the gradual process of establishing governance.


It urged all members of the transitional federal institutions which have been stay in the relative safety of neighboring Kenya and other Somali parties to continue their efforts toward reconciliation and inclusive dialogue.


"As with any democracy, the will of the people cannot be ignored. All Somali parties must demonstrate their continued commitment to the peace process and resolve any remaining outstanding differences within the framework of the transitional federal institutions," the statement said.


The interim Somali government, which relocated from Kenya last week where it was formed at peace talks last year, is deeply spliton where it should first make its home.


The Mogadishu-based leaders in the government and allied lawmakers, including Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan, insist on the capital, and have traveled there to make the case it is safe.


Others allied with President Abdullahi Yusuf plan to first return to Jowhar, north of the capital, and the southern town of Baidoa, with a liaison office in Mogadishu. They argue the capital must be pacified before the government can fully relocate there. Enditem


Source: Xinhuanet, June 22, 2005

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