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Abu Mansur: war continues even if Ethiopians leave!

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I have not seen anything like this before, the Abu group never ceaze to amaze... This reminds me of another statement released by Ayrow when Bush enlised the Alshabab group into the terror networks... Ati 'Maraykanka wuu nakaraameeyay' :D


Now this Abu comes forward to forecast his agenda before it's even due... and that the Somali war will continue no matter what... Nimankaas baa laleeyahay waa lala heshiin karaa!

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^Saaxib like one Somali minister suggested earlier on, the Alshabaab: You Either kill them or they kill you...


My Veiw: root them out of the country, they are not a clan entity neither are intrested in power or power sharing, only a radical group that want to control by sword and blood, declare Jihad on every body that's against their opinion... How do you make compromise and deal with such people... you call youself Abu and align with them in the west but if you get there they kill you because your veiws are a bit soft and at times moderate to them... Watch out.

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Abu Mansuur is nothing. He is giving a bad anme to the politicians within the opposition.

Have anyone noticed he speaks a day after the Sharif Al Asmara speaks. Sharif says we want talks, Abu comes out and says we beheaded police officers.


Sharif says lets talk, Abu says war will continue even if the Ethiopians leave.


This aint no coincidance lads.

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Emperor, I'm not aligned two any particular group in Somalia! I'm a peaceful, budding historian/slash political analyst! icon_razz.gif



As for the gun approach to rid Somalia of three supposed wanted men and the Alshabaab leaders: I would have thought this is what propelled them to power in the first place? That is to say the creation of the Anti Terror Alliance and Ethiopian Occupation is what led to the conditions which...



Rooting those supposedly wanted men out Somalia via the use of Ethio tanks...only causes a whole load of Somalis to take arms and support those that take up arms against the Ethio( regardless of their ideology).....Hence why the World is taking a different approach today to the Somali conflict( peace talks between Sheikh Shariff and the T.F.G)!


@Duke, it's called politics!

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^You shouldn't see everything as black and white, different colours exist too. You seem to be going in circles and dragging the discussion to irrelevant issues... Let it out Saaxib, if making peaceful deal with the Alshabaab isn't a feasible target, then what is your Side la Yela?

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You can't have peace talks if only ONE side will talk! Al-Shabaab wants TFG destroyed...period. There's NO negotiation with traitors...period. TFG knows this. Yeey is a moron if he thinks he can solve this by talking. The war will ofcourse continue even if Ethiopians leave. Taas hortiiba waa la iska ogaa.


What if the world just step back and got their hands out of it and just said: "Ok Somalia have your cage match, we won't stop it. Whoever wins...wins." Nikii xoog weeyn reerka ha u haro! Si kale Somali ku kala bixi maayaan.

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If you think A/Y and his ilk will be forgiven just because their masters cannot sustain any more casualties you are sadly mistaken.



lets face reality ........ without their Ethiopian overlords there is nobody to protect them ...... that is when the resistance is in the strongest position relative to the TFG ! .........and what do you suppose the resistance should do with this newly acquired clout ........ forgive n forget..... not F*ing likely, the TFG should count their blessing if they are not gutted like the pigs they are.


The reality on the ground is the that the Ethiopians are the one and only thing propping up the TFG ....... with them gone the TFG is not exactly in a position of power to be making demands.


I say they should be treated as traitors and treasonous scum and we should deal with them as traitors have been dealt with throughout history.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^You shouldn't see everything as black and white, different colours exist too. You seem to be going in circles and dragging the discussion to irrelevant issues... Let it out Saaxib, if making peaceful deal with the Alshabaab isn't a feasible target, then what is your Side la Yela?

The Side La Yela( have I spell it wrong?) is more of a dilemma that faces Somalis of all political backgrounds. One can answer it from several different perspectives depending on your political views. Why is it dilemma for Somalis that are opposed to Ethiopia's interference in Somalia and Somali politics?


Well, Alshabaab and all other SOmali groups have been given a mandate by promiment Somali Ulema to wage a war against the Ethiopian troops and their fellow SOmali troops( who aid them)! They have the support of a large number of SOmalis, particularly with regards to their engagement against Ethiopian troops!


The Dilemma arises in that Alshabaab's tactics are sometimes, sometimes barbaric. They have broken ranks with the mainstream leadership of the Islamic Courts. Moreover, their leaders have symbolically allied themselves to Osama Bin Laden and the global Jihadi movement. And the Islamic understanding of their leaders is at odds with most of the mainstream Somali Ulema. They believe SOmaliland, Puntland and Djibouti are all "apostate regimes" and thus it is legitimate to wage war against their security forces and government personnel. Jihad for them is the only way Islam can return to its supposed glory! No negotiation, No Talks, just the bullet and the bomb for the "apostates and infidels".


Most Ulema, Islamic Courts officials and their SOmali sympathizers shy away from openly condemning their tactics and their narrow Islamic understanding. This is because they don't see it particularly convenient or important, given that Somalia is occupied and they need all the resources/help they can get to help drive out the occupiers. In other words, Alshabaab might have some un-liked tactics and mistakes, but they sure are killing a hell of a lot of Xabashi soldiers. Although most will acknowledge they don't have the neccesary political skills to solve any of Somalia's problems!



So when I say "side la yela", I mean that one side of the Somali conflict won't speak out or even criticize Alshabaab tactics because of the aforementioned reasons.


Whilst on your side, it's simply a case of uprooting them from the face of the earth. I pointed out the failure of Anti Terror Alliance and now the Ethiopians in doing precisely that job. Moreover, the heavy handed tactics of the Warlords and Ethiopians has mobilized entire sections/sub clans of the Somali population against the Ethiopian troops! But I do firmly understand your position of killing them before they kill you!

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QUOTE]Originally posted by Nephthys:


What if the world just step back and got their hands out of it and just said: "Ok Somalia have your cage match, we won't stop it. Whoever wins...wins." Nikii xoog weeyn reerka ha u haro! Si kale Somali ku kala bixi maayaan.


Nepthys are You seriouse -- rooting for more blood shed




TFG breaks up abdulahi yousuf goes back to puntland ... Muqadishu gets divided into tribe line ....



what role will the mighty all shabaaba play . when polictic turns Qabil again we know where

alshaba will end up ...


Abuu mansuur and macalin xaashi will not return to xaamar ....


Lets hope TFG and Icu come in terms ... we get goverment represent all parties - peace withouth blood shed inshallah ...

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