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Puppets on a string

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Puppets on a string by wax la layaabo articles.


Nomads, I for one am fed up with the constant and almost unbelievable level of BS propaganda, childish arguments and tribalist undertones. We have a constant stream of new articles from numerous Somali sites giving their take on the situation posted on here like it’s a new fashion fad (it probably is to some)! This has no difference whatsoever on the ground. Your postings will not change one iota, will move no technical in your favour and will certainly not ‘lik a shot’ in your favour. So then why? Why are we posting cr*p thinking it aids our cause? Why are we bickering over the issues and not discussing anything? Twenty plus new articles a day on average from all sides doesn’t help anyone. The initial phase of discussions were very good but it has turned very nasty of late. Using new names to further your point doesn’t help either!


So what is it? Is the SOL political arena which has had its fair share of ‘controversy’ (for want of a better word) reduced to this? Can it get any worse? I say to all nomads to fix-up! Ciyaalnimada inaga daaya!


puts on a helmet

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Adiga yaa aqri ku dhahay oo kugu qasbaayo. Skip them nooh.


Runtii, a lot of folks relay what others copy-paste from Soomaali sites. Not me, but dad badan ayaa inta ku jiro that don't read or go to Soomaali sites, but do while it is on here. So, those people that is copy-pasting may want those still who don't have an opinion or care not that much, can easily be influenced on their "side." It doesn't work, but they are trying. It doesn't also change the situation on the ground, but know one fact:


You may not believe, but the webmasters and "reporters" of those Soomaali sites some of us copy-pasting from, themselves are some of the lurkers that read SOL and get few clues and hints from here. They may even try to embellish those opinions into a junk news and the cycle continues, those same unsubstantiated recycled junk, tabloid "news" are reposted on here as a copy-paste.


Once a while, one of those embellished tabloid stories make into Beenbeensii [bBC], and once it makes that, it is the dream of those who fabricated it. Many of current "journalists" of Beenbeensii used to be self-styled "independent journalists" on the web. A name that comes to mind is Idaawaqaca, a current Beenbeensii reporter from Baydhabo/Kismaayo. Another one is Fahad Yaasiin, the Aljasiira [Carabi one] correspondent from Soomaaliya.

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Adiga yaa aqri ku dhahay oo kugu qasbaayo

Waa runtaa and thats what most people would say. But ninyaho look at the forum, nothing in the way of a proper discussion. All noble efforts have failed.


I'm aware alot people read these pages and even get links back to Somali 'News' websites. But its just getting to the point where what anyone says or does becomes irrelevant regardless of who they support.

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