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A new university opens in Mogadishu

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Waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho laga hirgaliyay dhismo aad u balaaran oo ay gateen Jaamacada Magaalada Muqdisho jaamacadan ayaa waxa ay furantahay ku dhawaad tobon sano waxaana ay hada ka hor ay gashay gaalinta 79 ee jaamacada Africa waxaana la aasaasay 1997 Iyadoo ay jaamacadan ay hada ku jirto jaamacadaha aadka looga xiiseeyo dunida Islaamka



Waa Gudha Jaamacda oo ay ka soo baxayaan Macalimiinta wax ka dhiga



Waa qaar ka mid ah qaybta Jaamacda oo Ardaydu wax ku baranayaan




---> Onkod

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Nice development, kudos to reer Banadir for accomplishing such a noble act!


May Allaah reward them for their good deeds. Our country needs every progress possibable.

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Good news, '


Muqdisho has already several universities. What it needs are primary and secondary schools- and schools/centres that could rehabilitate the thousands of Moryaans.

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Maan, I was there a few years ago, a place aanan iloowi karin because of an unforgetful incident. Waa marka uu shubka ku socday. Illeen meesha waala dhameeye. Qurux iga dheh.


Xamar duurkeeda waaye laakiin, dhanka waqooyi ee Balcad.


Boggaadin Ditoor Cali Sh. Axmed Abuukar, Barfasoor Xuseen Macalin Iimaan iyo dhamaan asxaabtiina. And baliis, meel kulliyada afka hooyo lagu hormariyo hirgiliya. Too much Carabi iyo Ingiriis kaligood waxmataraan.

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We need more like those projects and more military Schools for the defense of our religion and country against the next door vicious enemy of Ethiopia and Kenya.

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