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Beel Soomaaliyeed oo qaadacday ka qeybgalka shirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran

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Kismaayo 09, July 07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Afhayeen u hadlay beesha SNF ayaa qaadacay ka qeybgalka shirka dib u heshiisiinta beelaha Somaliyeed oo lagu wado in uu ka dhaco bartamaha bishaan magaalada Muqdisho.


Afhayeenka golaha dhaqanka beesha Gacanta ku heysa magaalada Kismaayo C/Naasir Xirsi Shaarib , ayaa war uu siiyay suxufiyiinta waxa uu ku sheegay in aanu ka qeybgali doonin shirweynaha dib u heshiisiinta.


Shir Jaraa'id uu ku qabtey Hotel Mariidium ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxa uu ku sheegay in aanu jirin qaban qaabo ay wadaan oo ku aadan ka qeybgalka shirkaasi.


" M ahan kuwo dirisan hogaamiyeyaasha dhaqanka beelaha Somalida, laakiin jahawareerka Somalia ka taagan waa siyaasad iyo xukun jaceyl, beesheeydana diyaar u mahan kulankaasi haddii aan looga hadleyn siyaasdda" ayuu yiri Afhayeenka.


Hadalka Mas'uulkaan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli 5 maalmood ay ka harsan tahay qabsoomidda kulanka dib u heshiisiinta qaran oo lagu wado in uu ka dhaco bartamaha bishaan magaalada Muqdisho

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

loool @ beesha SNF by juje.

Saxiibo I was trying to follow the norm, however I have no problem in saying the name out loud. :D

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^^Are we gathering the rubbishes now yaa Juje? Shaarib presides ruthless looters whose acts are documented in the Waamo books! That he speaks his beel is sad really but dont count on him adeer, these thugs have no credebility to oppose the tfg.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Are we gathering the rubbishes now yaa Juje?

No we are not, however, I dont know about you but as for me I'm not in a position to refute the spokemanship of Sharib of 'beel fulaan' since am not a memeber.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Are we gathering the rubbishes now yaa Juje? Shaarib presides ruthless looters whose acts are documented in the Waamo books! That he speaks his beel is sad really but dont count on him adeer, these thugs have no credebility to oppose the tfg.

let us talk about the ones on TFG uniforms looting and raping innocent civilians, then you will even make more sense sxb.

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^^Who are those yaa Abwaan? come again adeer please.


Juje, when the spokesman is a looter in the first order one would at least know what his motivations are. If you posted his nonsense to oppose the tfg it's a weak armor and you should know it!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Juje, when the spokesman is a looter in the first order one would at least know what his motivations are. If you posted his nonsense to oppose the tfg it's a weak armor and you should know it!

Putting aside which armour is weak and which is not against the TFG - what do you have against a statement stating that a certain 'beel' would not be participating in the circus called by the TFG - bearing in mind that no figure head from that 'beel' has come forward to dismiss that claim since it hit the wires some hours ago.

As for the armour, sxb, I value the authenticity and impact of the message rather than the carrier.

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Simple question deserves a simple and unsophisticated answer Jujew. This is what you asked:


what do you have against a statement stating that a certain 'beel' would not be participating in the circus called by the TFG - bearing in mund that no figure head from that 'beel' has come forward to dismiss that claim since it the wires some hours ago.


if the siad melitia leader truelly represents the beel you are eluding to marxaban yaa tfg adeer, i say. That's my short answer.


Now i have a q for you, where do you stand on the mushkalada Kismayo and the acts of the tfg melitia that holds it? I have been away from sol boards and i dont really know how it was discussed.


edit: I sense some naivety here. I got to go know but I will be back on this thread IA as i await Juje's response on this.

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Originally posted by Abwaan:

quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Are we gathering the rubbishes now yaa Juje? Shaarib presides ruthless looters whose acts are documented in the Waamo books! That he speaks his beel is sad really but dont count on him adeer, these thugs have no credebility to oppose the tfg.

let us talk about the ones on TFG uniforms looting and raping innocent civilians, then you will even make more sense sxb.
Spot on Abwaanow. Dad ayaanba u jeedin dhibka iyo qaxarka iyo barakaca lagu hayo dadka reer Muqdisho oo meelo kale u hanqaltaagaya. I am very grateful that you and Juje quickly spotted it.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

if the siad melitia leader truelly represents the beel you are eluding to marxaban yaa tfg adeer, i say. That's my short answer.

Your marxaban bears the naivity you mention, simply cause what you attribute to the said spokesman of the 'beel' is the norm 'job-description' in the tfg.

As for my view regarding Kismaayo, I doubt whether it will have any significancy in this particular thread - though in general I believe the mass inhabitants of the region are unarmed hence not active combatants in the current conflict.

Which brings me to the point to ask you why do you relate the 'spokesman and his beel' to Kismayo, and what has the topic of this thread got to do with Kismaayo - wamaxay waxaa ku gubaya sxb?

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Its unfortunate if this clan actually does not turn up. However I doubt that any one man actually speaks for the whole clan and one will get sub-clans with various degrees of interest.


For example here is a title I came across on

Hadalo isqilaafsan oo ka soo baxaya qaar ka mid ah mas'uuliyiinta beesha ....... Mon-09-July-2007

Thus expect more contradictions in the coming days. Its a hot ticket this NRC :D

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