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Hargeysa ( – Daadad ka soo rogmadey roob xalay ka da'ay magaalada Hargeysa iyo hareeraheeda ayaa soo saaray xabaal-wadareeyo cusub oo ay ku jiraan qalfoofka dad loo malaynayo in xasuuq lagu laayey, kadibna isku goob lagu wada aasay, sannadihii 1988/89, markii dagaaladu dhexmareen Xooggagii SNM iyo ciidamada Taliskii Siyaad Barre ee ka talinayey gobolkan.


Xabaalo wadareedyadaas waxa laga helay xaafadda Boqol Jire ee Koonfurta Magaalada Hargeysa, meel u dhow xabaalihii hore ee Xasuuqa ee Malka-durduro oo iyagana daadadku daahfureen qalfoofka boqolaal qof oo ku jira xabaalwadareedyo, kuwaas oo inta la isku xidhxidhay rasaas la mariyey, kadibna goob keliya lagu wada aasay.


Xabaalwadareedyadan cusub oo laga helay beero u dhow beero u dhow Malka-durduro ayaa waxa saaka arkay qaar ka mid ah dadka beerahaas leh iyo dadka xaafadda deggan oo u sheegay saxaafadda iyo dad kale. Waxaana xabaalahaas lagu arkay qalfoof ay ku duuban yihiin xadhko la filayo in la isugu xidhxidhay dadka la xasuuqay, maryihii ay xidhnaayeen dadka la xasuuqay iyo maryo loo malaynayo in indhaha lagaga xidhay, ka hor intii aan la toogan iyo waxyaabo kale oo muujinaya in ay yihiin xabaalwadareedyo cusub oo ka baxsan Xabaalihii hore ee dib loo aasay qalfoofkii daadku soo saaray.


Xabaalwadareedyadaas cusub waxaa booqday galabta Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE, Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo oo ay weheliyeen xubno ka tirsan guddida Fulinta ee xisbiga iyo siyaasiyiin kale oo mucaarid ah oo uu ka mid yahay Inj. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo ka mid urur dhowaan lagaga dhawaaqay Hargeysa oo la yidhaahdo QARAN.


Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE, Axmed Siilaanyo oo ahaa hoggaamiyaha ururkii SNM wakhtigii xooggaga ururkaasi dagaalada adag kula jireen ciidamada Taliskii Siyaad Barre ee cadaadiska iyo cabudhinta ku hayey shacbiga reer Somaliland iyo Maxamed Xaashi oo isaguna ka mid ahaa aasaasayaashii SNM iyo hoggaankii siyaasadeed ee ururka ayaa labaduba waxay murugo ka muujiyeen dadkii la xasuuqay ee qalfoofkooda uu xabaalahaas ka soo saaray daadku oo ay sheegeen inay ahaayeen dad shacab ah oo aan waxba geysan, balse, ciidamadii Siyaad Barre intay ka soo ururiyeen magaalada ay xasuuqeen, iyagoo kaga aar-gudanaya khasaarihii ka soo gaadhey dagaalkii SNM.


Axmed Siilaanyo iyo Maxamed Xaashi waxay ku baaqeen in la dabagalo oo aan laga hadhin dadkii masuulka ka ahaa xasuuqaas oo ay sheegeen inuu ka dhacay Galbeedka Somaliland ilaa Ceerigaabo oo ah bariga fog.


Axmed Siilaanyo, waxa uu isagu sheegay in uu jiro Guddi Qaran oo loo xilsaaray dabagalka Xasuuqii loo geystey shacabka ee ka dhacay dalka, isla markaana ay socoto hawl caalami ah oo lagu baadhayo xasuuqaas, isagoo xusay in ay dalka yimaaddeen khuburo caalami ah oo baadha xabaalaha xasuuqa. Balse, waxa uu sheegay in muddadii uu talada hayey Madaxweyne Riyaale la curyaamiyey hawsha guddidaas. Waxana uu soo jeediyey in guddi madax bannaan loo magacaabo dabagalka xasuuqa.


Goobaha laga helay xabaalahan iyo kuwii ka horreeyey ayaa ah meelo u dhow xarunta Taliskii xoogga badnaa ee lagu magacaabi jirey Qaybta 26aad ee Ciidamadii Siyaad Barre, haatanna ah taliska Guud ee Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland. Waxaana la sheegay in dad fara badan oo shicib ah iyo saraakiil ka tirsanaa ciidankaba inta la soo ururiyey, kadibna inta kooxkoox la isugu xidhay dhegta dhiigga loo daray, iyada oo loo dilayey inay isku hayb ahaayeen urrurkii SNM. Dilalka noocaas ahina waxay dhaceen sannadihii 1988 ilaa 89 markii xooggagii SNM ay soo galeen gudaha Somaliland, gaar ahaan Burco iyo Hargeysa.


Dadka beerahaas leh ayaa u sheegay saxaafadda in ay rumaysan yihiin in beerahooda oo dhami ay buuxaan oo ay meelo badan oo ku jiraan xabaala-wadareedyo.


Xabaalo-wadareedyadani waxay soo baxayaan iyadoo Hay'adaha Xuquuqul Insaanka ee Caalamiga ahi ay soo cusboonaysiiyeen dacwadda la xidhiidha dembiyadii dagaal ee uu geystey oo ay doonayaan inay ku soo oogaan Gen. Cali Samatar oo 1988kii ahaa Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee Soomaaliya, isla markaana amray duqayntii Ciidamadaasi u geysteen magaalooyinka Burco iyo Hargeysa.


Cali Samatar waxa uu hadda ku nool yahay dalka Maraykanka.




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hadhwanaag 2007-04-11 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN): Xabaalo wadareedyo ayaa maanta laga helay xaafada Boqol jire ee Caasimada Hargeysa, kadib markii uu shalay roob xoogan oo ka da’ay Hargeysi uu soo saaray lafaha dadkii la xasuuqay oo ay marooyinkii indhaha lagaga xidhay ku xidhan yihiin.


Xabaalo wadareedyadaas waxa laga helay xaafadda Boqol Jire ee Koonfurta Magaalada Hargeysa, meel u dhow xabaalihii hore ee Xasuuqa ee Malka-durduro oo iyagana daadadku daahfureen qalfoofka boqolaal qof oo ku jira xabaalwadareedyo, kuwaas oo inta la isku xidhxidhay rasaas la mariyey, kadibna goob keliya lagu wada aasay waxa galabta tagay masuuliyiinta xisbiyada Mucaaridka iyo qaar ka mida Urur Siyaasadeed Cusub ee Qaran


Gudoomiyaha xisbiga Mucaaridka ee KULMIYE Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo] ayaa sheegay dadkan la xuusay inay ka mid yihiin qeybo badan oo wakhtigii Afweyne oo lafahoodii dalka ka soo ifbaxayaan, kuna tusinayso naceybkii iyo axmaqnimadii dawladkii Afweyne kula kacday “Waxay arrintani muujinaysaa axmaqada iyo naceybka lagula kacay ummadii halkan [somaliland] daganayd sidii ay nidaamkii Siyaad Bare iyo Ciidamadiisu ay u xasuuqeen dadweynihii reer Hargeysa iyo waxa ay u geysteen ee arxan la’aanta.” Ayuu yidhi


Waxa uu Siilaanyo ku tilmaamay inay wakhtigaa ahayd markii SNM dalka xoreynaysay oo dadweynihii halkaasi degena ay ka aargoosanayeen xasuuqii ay dawladii macangaga ahayd ee Siyaas Bare kula kacday“Wakhtigaasi waxay ahayd wakhtigii dagaalladii halgankii SNM ugu qadhaadha ee uu aad u foosha xumaa ee cadowga aad iyo aad loo caabiyey ee ay ka aargoosanayeen dadweynihii iyo shacabkii masaakiinta ahaa ee wax alla wax ay geysteen aanu jirin ee dumarka uurka leh, caruurta, dhalinyarada la xasuuqayey.” Ayuu yidhi


Waxa kale oo uu Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ee KULMIYE Siilaanyo farta ku fiiqay sanadkii 1997-kii markii xabaalaha xasuuqa Malko Durduro laga helay loo saaray gudi heer qaran ah oo baadhitaan ku sameysa, isla markaana xafida goobaha dadkaasi ku aasan yihiin.


Md. Siilaanyo waxa uu kaga sanqadhiyey inay gudidan heerka qaran ee baadhista ku sameynaysay dadkii ay xasuuqeen taliskii Afweyne ay wakhtigii madaxweynihii hore wax qabteen imikana ay gaabiyeen, isaga oo arrintaa ka hadlayana waxa uu yidhi “Wakhtigii Marxuum Cigal gudidaasi waxay qabteen hawl wanaagsan, laakinse nidaamka wakhtigan jira aanay hawl wanaagsan qaban, taasina waxa weeyaan dhiirigelin aanay ka helin nidaamka [Xukuumada Rayaale] ee wakhtigan jirta”.


Waxa uu Gudoomiyaha xisbiga KULMIYE Siilaanyo u soo jeediyey Xukuummada Somaliland iyo shacbigeedaba in la xafido goobaha ay lafahaasi ku aasan yihiin, isla markaana la helo cidii dabo galka ku sameyn la hayd hawshaasina dib loo bilaabo iyadoo iyada oo gacan la siinayo.


Eng. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo ka mida xubnaha sar sare ee Urur Siyaasdeedka Cusub ee lagu magacaabo Qaran ayaa sheegay dadkan la xasuuqay in loo xasuuqay isir.

Waxaanu tilmaamay Maxamed Xaashi mudadii dalka lagu soo noqday inay ka soo wareegtay 16 sanadood mudadaasina aan baadhitaan dhaba lagu sameyn.


Waxa uu Maxamed Xaashi farta ku fiiqay inay lafahan bini’aadamku ay daadsan yihiin magaalooyin badan oo Somaliland ah “ lafahani waxay daadsan yihiin magaallo kasta oo waxa soo saara roobabka.”


Waxa uu ku tilmaamay Maxmed Xaashi xabaalaha xasuuqa inay ahayaayeen mid ay xukuumadii hore [Afweyne] iyo tanba [Rayaale] ay ka seexatay, taas oo ka horeysay xasuuqii Ruwanda,Burundi iyo Boosniya.

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I swear if anyone ever gave me the opportunity i would kill that ******* Morgan right now in the most horrific way immaginable.


Shame on those fellow *******s who are hiding him in the south.

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It is not only him ,,,,,,,,,, Cali samater is enjoying life in the US ,,,,



don't worry, the days is so close ,, we'll bring them all to the justice

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These could be victims of the SNM too, the SNM massacared allot of civilians from the wrong clan.


So stop this BS it was hardly the holocaust, always pretending that your deaths are more valuable.

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Some people here cuqdad ayee qabaan. Get on with your lives folks, thats war, if you can't handle it don't start fighting.


One moment they are glorifying the SNM who has killed countless innocent civilians and the next minute they are crying like old ladies.

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I hope you not guilty ,,,,,,,, many ppl here baa adeeradood la sheegsheegay and they are nuts ,,,


The uncle can be wrong ,,, he should face the reality when it comes and pay his old days ,,,, don't worry that much we can simply forgive them ,,,, :D

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^^Those little pieces you posted here are propoganda and everyone can see it. Its a response to the article I have re-posted below.


The SNM is guilty of many war crimes such as:

-Ethnic cleansing

-Massacres among civilians from non SNM clans in Hargeysa 1988, Burco 1988, Beer 1991, Boorame 1991/1992, Ceerigaabo 1991/1992.





So you glorify those SNM thugs one minute and the next minute say that the SNA were criminals?


These pieces are cheap propoganda.


Get real.



I remember SNM's crimes against my people



I remember ….. Waan xasuusanahey ...... Je me souviens


Celebrations have been going on this week for the formation of the SNM. SNM members, representatives from the office of SNM appeasement of the government of Somaliland, heads of parties with multiple personalities and SNM supporters gathered. Speeches of SNM appeasement and false stories of heroism were delivered. In the speeches not a single person had the guts to mention the immoral crimes committed by the SNM. I remembered the date in my own way and this writing is about the criminal acts of the time as committed by the SNM.


May the civilized world know and remember that thousands of my uncles and aunts would have been living in this world today? May the youth of the world know that thousands of my nieces, nephews and cousins would have been in their prime years of life this week? And thousands of them would have celebrated their birthdays or weddings this year or yester years. May the scholars of the world know that thousands would have graduated from Amoud University? May the senior citizens of the world know that thousands of my uncles and aunts would have become grand parents this year or yester years. May the world know that, that never happened and will never happen just because of some criminals called SNM who went into rampage and killed them for no apparent reason?


Surfing the net this morning, I saw the pictures of the criminals celebrating, smiling and in a party mode. But saw none of my people when I looked around and remembered that they were gone for ever. I saw old men in their fifties, sixties and even seventies with grey beards happy for their criminal acts in which they killed four, five, six and seven years old babies. I saw old men celebrating for their killings of defense less old men and women. I saw shame, disgrace and sickness on their faces. I held back my tears and read some of the lies they said in the speeches. After I read some of their garbage speeches, I nodded my head in outrage, cursed them but prayed for my people. May Allah (SW) give you peace in your graves May Allah (SW) shine and widen your graves and may Allah give patience to those you left behind.


The disgraced SNM speeches were nothing but the usual nonsense. They said what they wanted to say and laughed as they wished. They congratulated each other But I have a message for them from the now grown up orphans. People may you open your ears and hear it loud and clear:


“Ninba waa mare maalin taaduun meel ad eediyo yey mus kula korin.”


Unlike you (SNM), people with something in between their ears believe that there are two sides to every coin as there should be two sides to your stories. You told the one that pleased you but never did tell the other version of the story. You had no guts to say loud what you whisper to each other. You chose to ignore to even recognize your sense less crimes let alone to apologize. You hid the facts and never told how you dared to do what you did. But let me remind you how things happened. You crossed the border with your Ethiopian friends and killed indiscriminately. As to your other claims, I believe that it was just a case of: “Budkii iyo bisadii kulmey.” I know that, because I remember and will always remember. In your speeches you hid what you did, but facts can not be hidden or distorted. We will keep it alive. We will always remember our people (your victims). We will always read to our children what happened as bed time stories. I remember and here I tell the world your crimes:



You committed acts with intent to harm, destroy and damage and that is crime.

You killed thousands of defenseless people and that is crime.

You caused bodily harm to innocent people for no apparent reason and that is crime

You deliberately inflicted on innocent people conditions of life calculated to bringabout its physical destruction and that is crime.

You destroyed mosques for no logic reason and that is crime.

SNM forces did all that and more. Your immoral acts were never mentioned in the speeches but I remember and will always remember. Awdal baan ku dhaartee Waan xasuusanahey oon xasuusnaan waligey. I remember the carnage in Borama. I remember the looting in Awdal. I remember the cries of the babies and their mothers. I remember the suffering of the old men and women in Dila. I remember your burning the farms and the houses in Qalooc and the mosques which you destroyed with heavy artillery. I remember your stories of how you could not differentiate between the mosques in the villages and the Afweyne mansion in Mogadishu. I remember what you did in Zeila. I remember how you treated the innocent people of the villages of Awdal. I remember your coming with the Ethiopian soldiers and I remember your laughing with them. I remember the enjoyment on your faces while rampaging in the streets of Borama. I remember all that and will always remember and tell the world your shameless acts.


You (SNM) claim that out of your madness a state was born, but I remind you that it could not have been created with out Awdal and can not exist with out Awdal. You dream of one day ruling the country, and I assure you by then to not count on Awdal. You try to cover up your acts, and I assure you that I expose them. You are showered with praise, I assure you that I will be there to condemn you. You refuse to apologize and recognize your crimes, I then remind you the message:


“ Ninba waa mare maalin taaduun meel ad eediyo yey mus kula korin.”


Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye


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I would say more and more ...... but only if you listen but you don't seem to


So good luck with the BS propganda posted on the net ,,,,,,,,,, i'm glad ppl in Borama know the reality

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^Its the truth homeboy. Your lie has been exposed, all you were doing was responding to the article by Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye. What you posted are nothing but cheap lies with the intention of creating hate.

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