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Conscious Manipulation

Dear Muslim Husbands

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DA this nail is a soothing natural object! ;) hang in there it won’t hurt :D .


We are making progress here. You are not married right and I assume you work thus making money. The point is whatever you have before the contract is yours alone whereas men have the financial burden to provide all his female relatives as well as his wife. We can't saty home even if we want. To do so is nothing short of being irresponsible.


It is a hefty responsibility! We will be accountable on this account in hereafter. The brilliant person that you are you can deduct from this that the men must work to fulfill this obligation - it is not an optional. On the other hand, women don’t have to work her butt off and if she wants to work, it is not out of obligation at all except in few isolated cases (widows, etc). You guys are off the hook. why don’t you sit back and reap the fruits we bring home...come on


I can’t explicitly quote the Koran to validate the assertion that the sole purpose of your existence is to be housewife. I’m not sure I even made that kind of assertion. We are all here for one purpose and that is to worship Allah.

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posted by khayr



i hav ta honestly say i hav wondered that my self on several occasions, so u r not alone brah


back to the topic........i just wanted to mention that it's NOT obligatory for the wife to cook n clean for her husband, even if she does that for her husband it's merely out of respect n care. Our beloved prophet(pbuh)used ta do his own laundry n clean the house at times NOT wanting ta put burden on his wifes.....


the other point that i wanted to make was that as brother baashi put it it's mandotory for the man to provide for his family but the duty has been lifted from ur heads, so this fact should make all women happy so that they hav more time taking care of them selfes, thier homes, thier children and so on n so forth.


For the women who are not happy bout the facts of thier husbands working to bring bread on the table n fullfilling wat was mandated by the creator, first try completing wat was fardh/demanded of u by allaah n them maybe u can try pursuing wat's NOT

waxaan maqli jiray wiil kii yiri (aabow kan yar iga celi anaa kan weyn iska celinaayeee) hadaba tii baa idinwada heysata haawooleey



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Why do you think that the money a woman earns is HER OWN while the husband is supposed to feed the family? Why does she get the right to choose whether she'll contribute or not while the man is obliged to support the whole family?


The household is the responsibility of the mother, that's why the man has the responsibility of being the bread-winner. It doesn't mean that she is the maid; she can hire a maid (or two) but it's her area of responsibility unless they agree on otherwise.



The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years if the father desires to complete the term. But he shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear. No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child nor father on account of his child. An heir shall be chargeable in the same way if they both decide on weaning by mutual consent and after due consultation there is no blame on them. If you decide on a foster mother for your offspring there is no blame on you provided you pay (the mother) what you offered on equitable terms. But fear Allah and know that Allah sees well what you do. (Qur'an 2:233)


The mother also takes care of the children (unless they agree otherwise) and if a divorce is pending, she gets to keep the children until the age of seven. Thereafter the children can choose whom they want to live with. Since you study Islamic Law, could you explain why the mother gets to keep the children for the first seven years if the role of men and women are supposed to be the same?


A man came to Our Noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)asking: O Messenger of Allah, who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said, your mother. The man said then who is next: the Prophet said, Your mother. The man further asked, Then who is next? Only then did the Prophet say, Your father. (Bukhari)


Now why do you think this Hadith elevates the mother more than the father? Do they have more love and affection for their offsprings that the fatehrs?


You said...

If you talking about cooking and cleaning, as Ameenah already said " seems u did not read for her" is " out of love , care, respect" in other word out of " rahmah and mawadah"...

Did Allah (SWT) create the mothers with more love and caring for their children? If Allah (SWT) did, don't you think that it will be unfair to expect the same level of caring and affection from a man?


Just out of curiousity...why would a woman who studies such elevated studies as Islamic Sharia want to be an 'original gangster'? Are you too fond of Ice T.?

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Qac Qaac   

woow nice debate. all.


As for the defensive part, I was thinking about the sarcastic remarks made by QacQaac in which he apparently assumes that Somali women (in the west) are competing with the brothers. We are not. So, chill!

ameeenah sister. i said this coz quite honestly u guys nowadays and sorry if generize don't take advices from bro, maybe u r not of these ppl. but mainly all i see is CONFRONTIAL. that is a turn off, if i speak from MEN point of view. as to me the brothers like BAASHI VIKING, AND SHOOBARO, r making sense to me, but what i see is u guys are not listening not most of u but some of u. so that is why i said what i said in my previous post. u guys are independent no need men, and all power to u guys. sky is the limit. i am not being sercustic. but i am just trying to end this repeatable arguement. sorry if i offended u guys. but damn the trueth should be told.

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LoooL@ original gangestar!!


raula you can see I even been called gangestar wana be!!. Those are somalis sweetie watchout , If they call OG_Girl gangesta what you expect to be called an American girl like you


viking, I disagreed with you doesn't mean I am gangester wanna be huuno. Where I live no gangestars at all to join .


DA you rock, you see their language changed we most doing some thing right, no need to change our tactic in near future keep the good job girl ;):D



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Kuwait City (if that's where you are from telling from the picture) probably has some wannabes of a bad boy in the Al-Sabah family, who wear baggy khamiis and smoke shisha instead of ganja :cool:


DA you rock, you see their language changed we most doing some thing right, no need to change our tactic in near future keep the good job girl

LOL...Unless you suffer from ADHD, you'll realise that I haven't changed my language and you still haven't adressed the issue at hand.

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So vicking you know some gangesta wanna bees here ? waaw. I never heard or seen about them. Waitting news from you smile.gif


what the issue on hand? being share'a student and being wanna be gangesta? I am not gangesta, is there any thing in your mind you need explaination?


If you talking about the topic I said all what I needed and sounds we are defferent and I accepted that, can you simply eccept that I am different than you and your scholers? or as always Somalis you want qel wa qala? o lajajat ben israel?


huuno I said my 2 cents and I have nothing to can back as references what Ameenah said also.


PS: about changing language, I said "they" so is your choice if you want be included but I did not mean you. Thanks God as Nuradin Farah said in his book (" we" exclude me and "they" definetlly NOT included me ) , so is the way you understand it as Arabic proverb " ele fe ra2so ba67ah yata7asas fehah" I bet you don't understand icon_razz.gif




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No offense, but I actually thought you had something better to come up with. Your 'two cents' CAN NOT be Islamic Law. Anyhow, now I know better.

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Rights. Responsibilities. Duty. Love. Just some of the terms that jumped out at me from the original article. Quite a sweet, and well-intentioned article it was too. Too bad not many of us understand or even want to understand their meanings.

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Do arguments such as these really exist between married couples? a question*..I always..thought that matters of whom, when, where ( stays home and works) and and alike are usually resloved.before the actual marriage...

What matters, is that the Husband, realizes his responsibility not only as the bread winner, but also as a child many times a week he gets up in the middle of the night to change the diapers or feed the child, doesnt matter really, but the simple acknowledgement of his dual role is great. To me. Being a mother, is perhaps one of..the greatest roles a woman can assume...yet simply knowing that someone is there with you, next to you, ur shaping the lives of these very comforting and important.!.

Viking.great response.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^^^ We’re all doomed then?

Stop pretending NGONGE, sources have it that your wife is one happy-go-lucky bunny. tell us ur secret... I bet its very much similar to what I said earlier :D .

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Qac Qaac   

Viking don't waste ur time, being there done that. good to see u finally know better, i was waiting untill u reach that point.

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Qac Qaac   

by the way everone knows, KHALEEJ ARE ALL AMERICAN WANNA BEEs. whether it is the life style, or the hip hop culture. or just pure wishing of being white.. everyone knows that. why do we hide it.


sorry if i offend some ppl. and if i generize. obviously not all of them, but hey if u r statistic student u would know to do things by average. and yes most of them are american wanna bees.

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