Deeq A. Posted September 30, 2022 A government in which those who control the power are accountable for their actions and decisions to the public and to the legislative body is evidently the base from which good governance always begins. Cosrquently, a central question is always that of what is accountability? Accountability is the proper fulfillment of a certain task, which means the answerability for how politicians or public administrators handle public policies. Accountability comes after a task is completed and is more results-focused in order to highlight how a politician or public official reacts to the results of a specific task. Without accountability, the system reduces itself to autocracy and dictatorship. If a government or institution is unaccountable, it means that this government or institution is corrupt. Government accountability means that elected and un-elected public officials have an obligation to explain their decisions and actions to the legislative body and to the citizens as well. Accountability is a conceptual measure especially made to prevent rule-voilating behavior so that no elected or un-elected officials can have the chances to abuse power and steal or misuse public and private treasuries. On the contrary, unaccountability means the rejection of the government to be held to account by Parliament, the constitutional conventions or other domestic institutional laws. The government’s reluctance to be held accountable to the concerned institutions means that those who are in power should not have to answer to anyone for their actions, as if mere rejection frees them of scrutiny under other the national constitution. This culture of political unaccountability has been Somaliland’s government system since the year 2010, when Ahmed Siilaanyo became Somaliland president. Beginning from Siilaanyo’s administration to the incumbent adminstration, Somaliland people have been under the rule of unaccountable government; administrations whose ruling elements insist on disregarding the utilization of the principles of checks and balances. Culturally, the common thread linking Kulmiye administrations governing policies is the perception that they should have the sole power to enforce their will, and to view constitutional checks and balances as unwarranted restrictions on their power to do whatever they like. This misunderstanding of the nature of Somaliland constitution by Kulmiye administrations constituted a cultural governing deficiency that eventually replaced checks and balances process with a free-riding domain, where even those in the government can rob public property and could even go unpunished, with the robbery. For its evidential consquences, unaccountability is a cancer within Somaliland government system, particularly in Kulmiye administrations and its root cause is corruption, which is in itself a crime that is even more harmful than unaccountability. The officialisation of unaccountability was originally implemented and promoted without any hesitation or reservation by Silaanyo administration. The sale of many government premises by Kulmiye administrations at unaccountability under the law is a testamony that encourages the current administration’s claim and conviction that it does not matter if what the mujahids do breaches the constitution and that they are going to do anything anyway and there will be no brake on their ability to do so. How then a ruling behavior that is purely contrary to the constitution has been the official system for a country that had born out of a long struggle against oppressive regime? The most astonishing matter that requires national conversation is Kulmiye and its organization’s position that still appreciates and sees unaccountability as the only political order applicable to this nation. In other words how come what actually causes frequent conflict between the public good and vested interests should remain as the only the political spectrum for the country of “I have been a mujahid?” To answer this question we must seek what can turn most of us to be human, not necessarly to be beautiful and better ones. And humanity lies in how we have been raised. Culture is the culmination of how every individual in the society from head to tail behave and think. Culture reflects the combination of conduct and common sense. How humans behave and think reveal responsibility and accountability, which enhance the quality and credibilty of life and increase overall well-being for both individuals and communities. If the culture of any given society does not reach the culmination where the common interest and the conduct of the individual in the community are unable to match with one another, the effects that responsibility and accountability, which are the essence of culture realize will deminish. To elaborate above version, responsibility is how humans respond to situations and events in life, as well as how they do and complete assigned tasks, and accountability is the acceptance of responsibility, and being answerable for the outcomes of actions, decisions, and mistakes. Paradoxically, the problem with the secrets of Somaliland government is the lack of responsibility and accountability, which are the most important elements of all cultures. How the affairs of this country are regulated just signifies that the mujahids haven’t pereceptly understood what responsibility and accountability are to the culture of politics. To be continued…… By : Jamafalaag Hargeisa, Somaliland As per usual the opinions expressed in this articale are those of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Qaran News Share this post Link to post Share on other sites