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Originally posted by Shaakirullaah:

Firstly, the present life is an antechamber of the afterlife and therefore both are inextricably linked.

Secondly, It is as the great islamic scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) stated:


“The entire religion revolves around four principles: love and hatred, and stemming from them, action and abstinence.

The person whose love and hatred, action and abstinence, are all for the sake of Allah, has perfected his faith

so that when he loves, he loves for the sake of Allah, when he hates, he hates for the sake of Allah,

when he does something, he does it for the sake of Allah, and when he abstains from something, he abstains for the sake of Allah.”


A Muslim shouldn't take pride in a people that have shown themselves enemies to the religion of Allah, even if their buildings are impressive.

This is why I urgently advise you to abstain from your love for these cursed people, to hate them en wat is theirs for the sake of Allah.

I am very sorry, but Allah teaches no one to hate.


Also, he gave the Egyptians immense intelligence and prosperity. He gave them skills to build those impressive pyramids and monuments. You think they got their inspiration from the shaytan?




The day Allah gives YOU the same skills He gave the Egyptians, the day YOU build a pyramid, the day YOU understand how the stars move as well as the Ancient Egyptians, the day YOU are part of the longest-lasting civilization in history, then maybe you'll have a right to badmouth Egypt.


Until then, keep your hateful rhetoric to yourself.

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Sherban Shabeel, I did not rate you down.

You said:

I am very sorry, but Allah teaches no one to hate.

Allah says, whilst advising us:


“Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibraheem (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people:

'Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah, we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allah Alone,’...”


So if Allah does not teach us to hate, how can it be that the lord praises the hostility and hatred of Ibraheem as an excellent example for us?

Are you able to explain this?

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In that case, I apologize for the groundless accusation.


As to your point, I believe Allah is commending Ibrahim's faith and his devotion to the Lord, not the hatred and hostility.


Ancient people used to hate for all sorts of silly reasons. Hating for the sake of God isn't so bad compared to other reasons. But hatred is still hatred, an unhealthy emotion that poisons the heart of men.


God never teaches how to hate.

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Hopefully some other examples will explain and clarify what is meant because Allah also says:


“You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger...”




“Have you not seen those who take for friends a people upon whom is the Wrath of Allah?

They are neither of you nor of them...”


The infidels in general do not believe in the Qur’aan or in the message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), rather they reject the Qur’aan and they reject our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); so how can a Muslim be inclined towards them with their disbelief and misguidance?

Even if they give you some of your rights by treating you nicely, they do not give Allah His rights and they do not give the Qur’aan its rights and they do not give our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) his rights.

The rights of Allah, His Book and His Prophet are more important than our personal rights.

Remember this, for this is one of the things that will help you to hate them and regard them as enemies until they believe in Allaah alone, as mentioned in the verse quoted above.

Lastly, ofcourse this does not mean that a Muslim cannot interact with them in a nice manner that will encourage them to enter Islam, so long as that is within the guidelines of shari’ah, as Allah says:


“Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity”

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Brother, you need to learn how to draw your own conclusions and use the reasoning God gave you.


His words are more complex than you make them out to be, quoting blocks of text out of context.

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The blessed revelation of Allah is not subject or subordinate to the reasoning of mankind, but vice versa.

Brother, these verses are as clear as the sun on a cloudless day.

I reccomend you to read the commentaries and statements of the major mufassireen of this ummah regarding the meaning of these verses.

If you subsequently still deny the obvious meaning, you atleast need to provide evidence to support your claim.

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Originally posted by Shaakirullaah:

The blessed revelation of Allah is not subject or subordinate to the reasoning of mankind, but vice versa.

Brother, these verses are as clear as the sun on a cloudless day.

I reccomend you to read the commentaries and statements of the major mufassireen of this ummah regarding the meaning of these verses.

If you subsequently still deny the obvious meaning, you atleast need to provide evidence to support your claim.

These are the words of God, as transmitted by the Prophet (PBUH), in a human language which is Arabic.


Given that God is not speaking directly to us, these words are subject to interpretation. And they are not as "crystal-clear" as you try to make them out to be.


But please do your thing brother, by all means. If you think hating one of the greatest civilizations in history will give you bonus points in heaven, or hating in general, be my guest.


We'll see when we die.

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