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Somali Youth's change on all dimensions of their lives is

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Too often, young people in Somalia are seen as a source of problems, yet their multiple roles in society and their potential to act as agents of change towards peace and development are very important. While I cannot ignore their role as a source of the problem, I believe they are also a source of the solution.

Change of somalia-youth attitudes by direct their energy towards peace and development is how new somali might born? Through how that might happen 'Change' ?



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Firstly we need to stop supporting those that disguise themselves in sheep’s clothing and try to sneak into our hearts with sweet words, while all along, all they need is security from nature wrongfully. By this I mean they seek to escape the need to earn a living by the use of ways and means that will lead to our destruction. We all must work for what we must either consume or exchange with other people’s products and services and to seek to merely circumvent such a necessary process of production and mutual exchange of goods and services to merely consuming without contributing or even worse consuming while debilitating any further production is unworthy of a human being. To do that while lacking comprehension will railroad all of us off even more cliffs. We are already off a cliff as it is.


I don’t really believe that cultures and traditions must be kept per se or even protected. I am one of those that believe cultures are constantly created and ways and means that go unchallenged slowly pass into cultures and traditions. This means that the generations to come will incorporate our do’s, don’ts and how’s into who they are without resistance or even sometimes understanding. Some will even protect them to death.



We have all done things on auto pilot without giving them much thought. Being on auto pilot will never be a problem if the default settings are adjusted to the new realities every so often as new information , broader and deeper, comes in, so as to maintain justice for all. When bad ideas are tolerated, acquiescence soon gives way to endorsement. So we must then beware of what we let in to our cultures and those ideas that we (each individually and so as a whole) deem harmful must be rigorously subjected to scrutiny and only those that pass this scrutiny with flying colours then be allowed to filter through to the rest of the society. While at this we might as well go as far back as is possible to examine ourselves and weed out ideas that are not good, in order to put right our wrongs . In this way each Somali shall live to the true meaning of each being his brothers keeper.


What are then these ideas which we as guardians must not let slip through the sieves? Of course any idea that one can see straight away to be harmful to life falls right in this category. But not all ideas can be so easily categorised and some may need a very high level of awareness either from education or otherwise. Especially those that are already part of us. Nothing is to me more important than the will. It is the will that organises everything. The will to live, commands our muscles and our minds to that purpose. The will to justice engages our hearts and makes us virtuous. The will to know helps us on our way to a better understanding of ourselves and our world so we may live and let live. With the will at the helm we set forth taking the command of ALLAH swt that says FANTASHIRU FIL ARDI WABTAQU MINFADLI LAAHI WADKURULAAHA KATIIRAN LACALAKUM TUFLIXUUN


One way of knowing what to avoid is to look into our needs - individually naturally and collectively as far as peaceful coexistence and mutual survival is concerned. On a higher level of consciousness when conscience reigns supreme, then it may be wise to seek also that which promotes life (all life) and protects the ecosystem. But that will be a task for, GOD willing, the generations to come.


Anyway from our needs ideas and actions get organised and ordered by precedence. These ideas gain weight and value and slowly emerge from fuzz and all is as clear as the daylight.


Our needs


Paramount now is the need for peace no other need comes even close to it in importance. So how to peace ?


The very first idea that is of utmost importance to our society, a society burdened by an incredible amount of waste and unhealthy frictions and fights, as is found in our homeland and among many of our people , is a convention on non violence. We must all agree and come to accept from understanding that not to act out frustrations from injustices, real or perceived, violently is in our interest, all of us . This is true were we organised into groups or as individuals. At the end of time , when we all come before ALLAH swt, it is the individual that will be judged according to his camal and there will be no collective to be seen anywhere to stand trial. There can be no collective or a collective if the individual is not acknowledged as a sovereign. Thus the need for each to accept that others can have opinions and ways that we may not like or even agree with and that they have all the rights to think and act differently as long as they wont force us physically to their ways. They may try to persuade us to their ways but a simple no should suffice to try anymore. Among citizens it imperative for a general acceptance that a citizen may not raise his voice let alone his hands or weapons against another. To say no to violence against another is to stop one coming your way to a degree. This is not easy and many choose the easy way out. Just like water, so do many seek the path of least resistance.


Not to act violently by restraining oneself is a great source of energy. You don’t believe me ? just try it out. A different direction is to slump head down, swallowing your pride believing that you have been transgressed and your self and property violated and cant do nothing about it. This is not good and will lead to a depression or an unhealthy internal conflict. It will break our will and that is the last thing we want. Watching a lion jump hoops and perform acts in a circus nearly draws tears to my eyes . I know how fiercely independent lions are and how that is important to their lives and health . If to break an animals will is wrong to break a human beings will is even worse. There is only one will -the will to live and oppression to will , is like water to fire. That is why understanding is the means to non violence not submission.


Having saved all that energy from wasteful ventures gives a lot of power to our abilities to find solutions otherwise. And that in turn leads to the discovery of outlets that will better reward us. All those who practice such restraint and conscious redirections of energy and resources will have a lot to gain and nothing to loose except loss itself. All those we deal with will also benefit.


A resolve like that reduces all the commotion and finally locomotion is possible. Where we go from there then will be up to us. So we ought to choose wisely. Firstly calm settles everything according to weight. By this I mean the most sensible will settle first and the most hollow last. Roles will reverse. While the most hollow caused the most commotion and stirred all sorts of dirt and filth that blinded and brought the worst out of us for almost two decades, the most sensible will help calm the rest of us and all will be as clear as water in a reservoir, ready to promote life.


So brothers especially my dear friends who believe that traitors ought to be purged out of the system or the state, even by death, before we can move on , remember it is the means that make the man. Neither ideals nor ideas mean much if on their way to reality they eliminate those they were meant to save.


The idea that must now not be let to slip through to become a custom is “violence as a means of solving disputes among us”


Next in line after the convention on non violence is, in my opinion, another convention. This time it is to be truth. Truth is the alpha and the omega. A society that encourages true representations in all forms of representations will flourish, one that encourages distortions will disintegrate into decay and will eventually die out. We start with honesty which is truth from intension. This means we agree not misrepresent or distort truths that we already know even if it be to our advantage to do this.


I will try and add some more on to this insha ALLAH. The youths of today have not inherited much but in a way they will have a blank slate on which they can now write their own rules. The values of their elders have surely nothing that can be salvaged. To build a new they must be prepared and not be afraid to lay in new foundations. That means to construct themselves first before they can construct their environment to suit their needs. Build on sand and the chances are it will sink under your own weight but build on a hard rock and the chances are your homes will stand the test of time.

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