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Deeq A.

The Secret Of Somaliland Government – Part 6

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Deeq A.   

The history of Somaliland is remarkable about episodic moments. The rebirth of Somaliland is in itself an episodic event that allows all of us to recall.

Somaliland came to a place and time when oppression was the rule, intimidation was a tool to terrorize innocent people, torture a way to humiliate public figures, arbitrary arrest a means to suppress the common voice, killings a process to solve social problens, midnight knocks on doors a symbolic act, which reflects all that is wrong with the rule of a damagogue or indecent dictator, like late former president, Mohamed Siyad Barre.

After SNM armed forces defeated and destroyed Siyad Barre’s administration
and army forces, Somaliland emerged
as a voice and force denouncing those harsh ways while striving to ensure justice and equality through establishing a system of social contract under which the right to make laws and the right to enforce them is vested in a bunch of elected institutions that should have been assigned to eliminate corruption and stand up to oppressors and tyrants, no matter what
the cost one has to pay to side with
moral values.

Unfortunately, for somehow or the other, that hope, that dream, and that expectation to establish the rule of justice have neve come true, despite the fact that all institutions that were assigned to ensure the implementation and fulfillment of all that Somaliland people held dear and fought for have really been elected. Of course, inability or ignorance were not the faltering factors that failed Somaliland institutions to fulfill their obligations. The effect of matter coupled with the illusion of power, made them paralysed.

Where the result of that failure, that deliberate negligence, and that irresponsibility will lead Somaliland in the coming days is a case in point.

In fact, Somaliland is passing through blasted periods when it is requisite that we should pause until certain events should turn up before we should not be accused of never being able to be on the right side about the things happening today in our country before us. Guess why like-minded, true natives of this land, must always say, Hey chaps, what the heck is going on in these days?

The inflation of ruling avenues, more horrible than ever, is tearing our state and our society apart. Of course, every Somaliland citizen is worrying about the fact that the means and measures on which Somaliland was founded – namely harmony over hate, hope over despair, and unity over divide – are waning instead of waxing. Every citizen feels a growing uncertainty about what would happen tomorrow with regard to the political rift that has actually reached to a tipping point, a sensitive level that, if left unattended, could cause irreversible catastrophy.

Evidently arbitrary arrests of innocent citizens are happening on a nightly basis, operations of midnight knocks on doors are taking place; initiatives to suppress freedom of expression are effectively in force; and battalions of armes forces are scattered and stationed in every where in all major cities; a move that only reflects and reveals the dirty acts that are typically the measures that tyrrants take when they fear of opposition uprising or activities to undermine their regressive administration.

Why hate over harmony and divide over unity are waning and despair over hope is waxing? Are we kidding ourselves? How could crimes like these happen in Somaliland at this time and age? Why did SMM fight against Siyad Siyad Barre regime? Who is to blame for this to happen?

The mujahids who repeatedly told Somaliland people that they fought for justice and freedom of expression during the war of Somaliland liberation from Siyad Barre’e yoke are returning Somaliland to olds days; days when in Hargeisa city, due to “a dusk-to-dawn curfew”, nights were longer than days throughout the year; years when those who boast today of their conquests or capability used to run away from where others used to rush in (27 May 88 is a good example, 17 Oct 84 is still another, 13 April 83 still another and the list of examples goes on and on).

In islam, a mujahid means a holy warrior who fights for islamic faith and rule of justice, in which every person receives his or her due from the system, including all rights, both natural and legal.

A true mujahid, therefore, is a patriot, not a predator, a problem-solver, not a problem-maker, a proactive, not a procrastinator, helpful, not harmful, who admits his mistakes whenever he makes them, and has the ability to resolve the conflicting interests between him and others in the society. Failure to recognize that it is obligatory to deal with a problem is not totally part of being a mujahid.

Why a problem-solving is important? To wise people, it means growing, making choices, trying things in more ways than one and getting into where they have never been to, while to people whose IQ is poor and lack the ability to see things from different angles, solving social problems means handling everything at the expense of others. Selfishness!

When there is one rule for those who are in power and another rule for everyone else, how the government system will look like? Sheer nonsense and shame. It hurts. Isn’t?

Referring to the mujahid’s idea of how he sees Somaliland country, Faysal Cali Waraabe said recently in one of his press releases, “The mujahid ( Muse) believes that Somaliland is nothing more than a small mall that belongs to him or an artifact he finally found after it has been missing from him for a long time.” “What does I don’t listen to anybody when you don’t how to get things done in the right way mean”, Faysal Cali Waraabe continued, “when are you assigned and elected to find out a solution to the nation’s pressing problems? If Muse thinks governmental things work that way, they don’t and we won’t let him lead the country in that way.”

At other times, honorable Faysal Cali said, “Leaders set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. They are about mapping out where nations need to go to “win” as a country; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring. What else other than argument did Muse bring to Somaliland? We say”, Faysal went on, “Leadership is a candle. He who burns the candle can show light to others. We say to Muse, you cann’t burn the candle and we will not let you keep Somaliland in darkness.”

In the country of “I have been a mujahid”, leadership is just a means of reaping fruits someone else has sown.

To be continued…..
By : Jamafalaag
Hargeisa, Somaliland

As per usual the opinions expressed in this articale are those of the author and do not reflect the opinions of

Qaran News

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