Deeq A. Posted September 2, 2022 In the country of “I have been a mujahid”, there are very few people who give a great consideration not only in what is true but what is also good, convinced that moral is always found on choosing between what is good from what is bad and what is right from what is wrong, and that being happy is based not only on what has come easy but also on the growth that is gained or gathered little by little. Look! Two lessons can be learnt from here. First, it is not only how far what is said is true but how far what is said is good, that these very few people give their attention to! Second, it is not how much these kinds of people have, but how much they usually gain little by little, that makes them happy. Is this not a great behavior that sets the example? Morality is the difference between right and wrong and between good and bad behavior. Morality literally refers to the principles that guide humans to choose right actions from wrong ones. Explicitly the habits that reflect humanity constitute the spirit of morality. Thus, morality is literally the foundation of everything that is good, every saying that is true, and every act that is free from doing wrong, Nevertheless, no saint or angle can eliminate wrong from human behavior. No human can be infallible of mistakes. All people agree on this reality. The thing to emphasis is that every person who puts what is right and what is good into practice is a moral person, for he or she behaves in a manner that is acceptable to the majority of the people. The beauty of any political system is morality and morality is based on well-founded and well-functioning standards of right and wrong that probably prescribe what those in power ought to do, plainly by the time they exercise and execute power, when it comes to human rights. All actions, decisions, policies, procedures and practices that are contrary to the standards of right and wrong are inhuman and immoral. No excuse can justify any wrongdoing, no matter what. The birthmark of any established state, the crystallization of its beauty to promote national interests and the best safeguard of all that citizens hold dear depends much upon how those in the government rule their fellow men and run the affairs of their country. For example, applying law equally to all people is morally correct. Ensuring that those who sin against the nation should not go unpunished is an exhilarating moral responsibility. Developing a comprehensive roadmap; a strategic plan that defines goals or desired milestones needed to reach it; a program that works as a communication tool designed to help articulate critical thinking capacity, the whys and whens behind both the goals and the plans for getting there, is an obligation every government must fulfill. If those who are in power are incompetent, their attitude towards their rivals is surely exceptional. We hear so often about the failure of Somaliland politics. What do we see as the problem? When a political failure becomes a political failure? The most remarkable thing about any incumbent administration is the fear of not looking capable when trying to manage national pressing issues and resolve political conflicts over how to handle and hold, for instances, periodic elections. It is absolutely appalling to encounter one and the same conflict that always come out of what can easily be corrected, which, if left unattended, can put the nation into troubles. Many cause-oriented people affraid that Somaliland presidency is just a story of one manipulator replacing another. Why? I have often been told that when ignorants get into a country, they make its nobles lowest of the low. Don’t get me wrong. There are no highs or lows in Somaliland. The problem with Somaliland is that ignorant people who were eighty times more than civil intellectuals got into the country when Somaliland was liberated from Siyad Barre’s military forces. The ignorant people who entered Somaliland cities were huge, but the effect of their ignorance was not really brought to anybody’s notice, particularly to intellectuals. Sadly the effect of the ignorance accumulated till it had acquired a special ritual to initiate most people into manipulation. How did that happen? First, the manipulation of the ignorance attacked everyone’s mental capacity and lowered almost all people’s ability to make decisions for themselves, at the time a decision needs to be made. Second, the effect of the manipulation that resulted from the ignorance of the people who got into cities created a culture of poor behavior that could be easily influenced to accept and absorb anything and everything that mujahids impose on it. The ritual of the manipulation: Either victory of the coalition, or annihilation of the coalition and the victory of the militia. It is as if there is no middle ground to be had between “we and they”, and if that is the choice, triumph must be “‘we.” Since the day Somaliland was liberated from Siyad Barre’s forces, the mujahids were manipulating people by attacking their mental and emotional sides to get what they want. The mission of their manipulation was to rise to power, and take advantage of the victims to get power, control, benefits, and privileges at the expense of the victims. To be continued…. By: Jamafalaag Hargeisa, Somaliland Qaran News Share this post Link to post Share on other sites