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Of Darwinism and Social Darwinism

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Socod-Badne, you may not have heard of it but healthy people do die in their sleep sometimes with no prior ailments. Ever heard of sudden death? You are confusing the cause of death with the preordination of someone's time of death. The most important thing to understand about death is that no matter the cause, whether it is a desease that kills someone or a car accident, or just dying while seated in a theatre, no one dies before their time of death. We can say someone died of this or that cause, at the same time, we believe death is preordained and everyone of us dies on his/her time. Not before, not after :D


Besides, improvement to science and new discoveries won't help man live longer than they would have lived anyway. Such folly is entertained by people who rely on science to explain everything. Let the scientists create an ant before they attempt getting a new lease on life for people bound to die at their own time ;)

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