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Unreal Heart

Educated men and ESL girls (does this match)?

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I dont know why i see a lot of educated men in college or university try to hook up with ESL girls .. i mean in most relation ship i sow men always have the better education and their girl friends or wifes dont.. we find this ok.. but is it ok if the girl is educated more than the guy? and what you guys really think.. do u like ur girl friend or your wife to have more education than you do or maybe sometimes smarter than you? :cool: smile.gif

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I dont understand your definition of ESL because we-meaning everybody whose native Language isnt engLish is ESL(EngLish as a Second Language)-thats how i define ESL.


WeLL they may just be interested in these Ladies putting aside their educationaL background.I mean everybody doesnt have the opportunity to get higher education.


Yes it is more than okay if the girL has higher education than the man. I mean why shouLd that stop her.


WeLL i cant say much for the Last sentence as it does not benefit me or concern me but i wouLd Like to add that i wouLd Like to be with someone whose inteLLectuaL background is the same as mine. I mean i want to be abLe to have a stimuLating conversation with my man-you get my drift here?



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Of course ESL means English as second language... but i mean being an esl student means that ur talking courses to improve your English and i am not seeing it interesting to talk to someone that is below ur education coz there will not be click between ur mind and his... :cool:

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Aight that is understandabLe but there is nothing wrong with that.Like i said before whatever fLoats your boat.


ALL right this the way i interpret your question: why shouLd men with higher education LeveL seek women that are starting at the bottom of the Ladder?am i correct?


If so, then i cant speak for them but i guess its because they see other traits or attributes of the women that attracts them and the whoLe education deaL can be put aside-for the time being or however Long they pLease.

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Originally posted by somealien:

well if theyre both somali couldnt they just talk to each other in somali?

LOOL I'm wondering the same thing.


Unreal H, there are lot of very educated somalis who can not speak a word of english as there are lot of uneducated somalis who speak fluent english.

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Com'on thats just steryo-typing ppl saxiib Whats wrong with ESL ppl??


In reality we where all once ppl with ESL, besides i think those guys your refering too are angling for long-term types of relationships and not short term "Mental stimulation" sessions with sometimes "allegdly" intellectual ladies.


Hey i might try my a Lady with ESL smile.gif

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LOOOOL...not always this happen coz sometimes maybe the reason is that the girl is so attractive then really its WHO CARES ABOUT THE EDUCATION.. but Lucky i dont think what ever floats your boat will work for everyone :cool:

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I dont know why i see a lot of educated men in college or university try to hook up with ESL girls ..

If you see men going for women who aren't in the same level as the men are maybe they see something other then education in the womens eyes.


i mean in most relation ship i sow men always have the better education and their girl friends or wifes dont

Are you sure? Cause that's not what I see.


but is it ok if the girl is educated more than the guy?

It's more then OK, a women can be more educated. Like lucky said, why should she stop? Just cause a few men can't handle it, she should move on.


Anywayz, in my oppinion as long as the man can keep a conversation interesting, (sometimes smart guys can't) then I'm all for it. To be honest he gotta have some witt to begin with. The rest I can work with.


.:peace n luv:.

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Unreal heart. maybe coz if she isn't as educated as him, it is easy for him to control her.. atleast that is what my afghan friends family do. coz i was askin them dat the other day..


i know two afghan families and mansha'allah the whole family is edcucated, their 30 yrs daughter still going to school and mansha'allah they are good.. doctors and all.. and guess what. all their sons married ladies who are 17-20 and who are not educated at all.. the worst part all those girls gotta live with his family.. and u know what they do?? they clean, cook and do laundry. while the daughters are gone to school all day... hmmmm

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^^^^^Thats what im saying here.


ALL right UnreaL i think you got it.One more thing though we shouLdnt criticize others-just a thought.


Everybody is different and different (things) peopLe appeaL to them whether they have the same educationaL background or not-sometimes it doesnt matter.

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When both man and woman are educated they can handle the life and live a better life.


In my opinion it doesn't really matter if the girl is more educated than the guy as long they both can understand each other and can live together.. same with men coz in some countries you see that men dont care if the woman is not educated coz they marry her to make family and have babies in this case education dont matter.

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Hey, ya'll the trueth is men do love girls who are educated. It's just girls who are picky who definatly won't go for a guy who has lesser salary then them trust me ur parents would't like that. Let's face it girls when we are getting married our parents specailly mothers would critize him and even refuse him if he does not has a level of education that isn't higher than what we have(ladies). That is how i see it. Most marrieges judging from some couples from hollywood the higher the menz pockets the higher chances they'll stay together..... little example jennifer lopez had married 2 men who where not good loooking as they were they divorced.....look now she is with multi-millioner who will spend as same amount or even more. Anyway my point is many somali girls including me are stuck looking for that edducated and well-rounded brothers, so our parents can aprove. We start fishing as we go into higher educations such as unv or college. I just hope mr.well rounded and jobified(has good job a solid one)comes soon and hopefully he exsisted therwise...i will definatly seek aranged :rolleyes: ....ooops i take that back i wouldn't want to marry 50 year old who is leveled... :mad: gooooooooood(ALLAH) have mercy. Any thoughts ladies.... are ya same boat? :confused: are ur parents expecting someone who far i haven't found anyone close to their icon_razz.gif


by the way i am damn PROUD OF IT....been esl in my own way for 9 years.


anywayz..sorry for the long post i been so busy haven't had time for my sol friends. ;)

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The success or failure of societies depends a lot on the women. In Islam, this point is mentioned again and again. If a Muslim woman is corrupted and uneducated, the whole society will be corrupted and backward, but if the woman is pure and educated, the society will flourish materially and spiritually.


In many Muslim societies, only one of these aspects is stressed. Some Muslim men strive to make their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters so pure that they prohibit the women from going out of the house. The think by keeping women in the house, Muslim women will become pure and be good mothers, wives and daughters.


They ordered women to wear HIJAB and observe other Islamic laws without educating them the reasons behind those orders and laws. They tell the women it is their Islamic duty to follow their husband's, father's and brother's orders without ever mentioning that they should only follow orders that are consistent with Allah's orders. Moreover, women are prohibited by their husbands, fathers and brothers to talk to anybody or involve in Islamic social activities. In some countries, they are even prohibited from looking out of the window. They are not encouraged to acquire higher education in universities or in some countries, they are encouraged not to got to school at all. All these prohibitions are done in the name of Islam and keeping the women 'pure'.


If we look at the statistics, they bulk of the illiterates in the Muslim World are WOMEN.


How can we expect Muslim countries to improve their material and spiritual condition if this ignorance continues? How can we expect to produce and educate, enlightened and revolutionary generation and Muslims if they are to be raised by uneducated, unenlightened and weak spirited mothers? How can we expect to produce real Muslim men and women who can protect the interests of Muslims if they had the examples only of women surrendering to subjugation, discrimination and abuse?


When Muslim women are protected and provided with the means for them to flourish as enlightened, educated and conscious Muslim women, that will mean true SUCCESS for all Muslim men. Why?


Because that would have meant they have done what Rasulullah (SAW) had reminded them to do. In his last sermon, Rasulullah had reminded Muslims about many things and one of them was to caution Muslim men not to abuse women, rather to take care of women as he had taken care of them.


But as women we cannot depend totally on men to change us. We must help ourselves and other women. We must encourage each other to educate ourselves with true teachings of Islam so that nobody can take advantage of us be they Muslims or non-Muslims. We must make sure we know why we do the things we do and why we follow the orders we follow. We must learn to be independent in our thoughts and actions because in the end we will be responsible for ourselves before Allah.


We should know more than cooking, sewing and raising children in the traditional way. We should learn to do everything in the Islamic way. We should learn about principles of hygiene, nutrition and building an Islamic environment in our homes and in our community. We also should strive to learn knowledge in various fields that can enrich and benefit human kind such as medicine, the arts, communications, economics, etc. However, we will not be able to do all these if we do not start learning, exchanging ideas with the people around us, keeping up to date with current issues and involving ourselves in the mosques or Islamic centers in our community.


"Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward." (Al-Quran 4:95)


All that is good comes from Allah and the bad from myself. I beg forgiveness from Allah for my mistakes.



By: Farizah Shaheedah from Malaysia

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