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Drop nationalism

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Since this is a public forum, I will drop my thesis here! If are Somali, you are not Somalian. To prove my point, google the term Somali. Links under this term are in the thousands. in the Images, a cat's picture persistently shows up.

In the news link, perplexing fables are told in western and the interested parties' newspapers referring to us as Somalians. Go figure!

So What does it mean to be a Somali or Somalian? Perhaps, we are purring cats to whoever that shows attention to us.

Actually, Somali leaders in the sixties were the purring cats. British rule ended. Technically, Italy abandoned Somalia proper (south) in mid 50's. Unity under one banner prevailed. We all speak Af-Somali, share same religion and should be Somali nationals.


Truth is political leaders shared language and religion same way as Somalis all shared. They did however had different visions, reactionary visions. Some were Coomunists who envisioned Somalis to be part of larger class free socities of Lenin. Some read Marxist rhetoric. Others adhere to the Quran as giudance. Some did not read at all.

In fact, most of African leaders during independence were purring cats that enjoyed extra-ordinary luxury during their stay in opulent colonial houses accompanied by lumpenproletarait who later became part of the ignorant "elite".


I admit to be a Somali/Somalian lumpenproletariat, who reads Marx and adheres to the quran to be the guide to civilization. I am never a leader though. ;)

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Are you providing an alternative? Or knocking as system for its flaws for the sake of it?


**Wondering** :rolleyes:

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