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Deeq A.

The Secret Of Somaliland Government – Part 2

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Deeq A.   

Humans don’t remember what they say, but never forget what they do.

2017 Somaliland presidential election has many things to remember, events that happened during and after the election: A divided nation, injustice, disregard of laws, humpty-dumpty administration, and recurring push-and-pull politics, gridlock to put it on its proper context.

In the country of “I have been a mujahid”, megalomania mostly finds its way into the weak institution’s inability to imagine the means to bring about revolutionary changes in political system.

The term democracy tends to describe and demonstrate the condition in which elected politicians acting under the illusion that they,
as representatives of the people, are actually
the drivers of politics.

So it turns out to be that what is in name a democracy is in practice a contest or competition between individuals, in which
there still will be different views pulling
people in different directions that can
ultimately determine to whom power
will belong.

In 2017 presidential election, the same senario happened and votes given to Muse Biixi as a compensation were really the determining factor of the presidential election result.The voters consisted mainly of people who really knew nothing about the criteria to judge a candidate.

Since Somalis are divided on tribal lines and elect their presidents and parliamentarians on tribal basis they are still unaware and undecided which issues they care about and the qualities they want to see in a leader. That is, what matters most to them is who a leader is and from which clans he or she hails from.

Only time will tell when Somaliland population will vote for the candidate who might present the public with a hope to sell, an inspiring vision that carries the contents which can influence and appeal to the collective will of tbe people.

Another interesting senario which is a fact and not either a fiction or manufactured version, to tell is that mujahid Mohamed Kahin was a hidden presidential candidate in that election. He personally left no stone unturned to help Muse Biixi win the election. President Siilaanyo was pushing whatever force that tried to pull Muse Biixi down. That made the two mujahids ‘co-rulers or president and vice president.’ Mr Saylici is just in name a vice president. Muse Biixi and Mohamed Kahin are the real rulers of this country at the moment.

So how the mantra for megalomania found its way into Somaliland institutions happened and still continues to happen is apparently what is interested to know and make the public aware
of it.

After the presidential inauguration was held, the two mujahids met together for consultation. They talked about how they would face presidential challenges and the problems that would arise.

To start with, we must always remember that how we think is what makes a difference. If you view the world at the age of 70 as same as you viewed it at 20, you have wasted 50 years of your life.

“How do you feel about presidency, mujahid”, asked the co-ruler, who is also a mujahid and the Minister of Interior at the same time.
“Look,” said the mujahid, “In my school days I was a class monitor appointed by the class master as a supervisor of the classroom to watch on students discipline and report any misconduct to the teacher, the classmaster. So I see a president’s job as same as that of a classroom monitor. Job is a job. No difference. From now on wards, all people are answerable to me”‘, replied the mujahid who occupies the office of presidency.
“Yes, yes, you are right. Everybody will be accountable to us”, said the co-ruler.
“When will you intend to build the cabinet. I hope their selection will take time, since qualification is a pre-requisite for one’s eligibility”, said the mujahid’s personal secretary, who was sitting with them.
“What qualification and what eligibility are you talking about? Who told you qualifications are required?”, the mujahid said angrily.
“‘But, Sir, mujahid, we are talking about ministerial positions that are to be filled by higly qualified individuals”, said the secretary looking at the Interior Minister to second his suggestion.
The Interior Minister kept silent.
“This is non of your business. It is up to me who shall I appoint and who not. By the way, why
should I include highly qualified individuals in my cabinet? I just need simple personalities who just want to live. Is that too neat to be clear? And end of discussion”, concluded the mujahid.

The members of cabinet and departmental government heads are appointed by
the president according to the constitution, but their selection is always based on tribal lines and cannot also be picked up from the same party or the same tribe. Moreover, Inclusiveness or power sharing is what compells the president to do the selection of ministers and government departmental heads in that way, but experience and qulifications of the high ranking government officials are not totally what matters most to the heat of state. So, the question is: If not, why not?

Here comes the answer for above question.
“Mujahid, are you willing to appoint new faces as ministers or just willng to re-appoint the old ones? I think new faces and those they call new blood are no use to us. Their manners of management or handling issues is too complicated, their process of administration is very strict, their curiosity and creativity are almost uncontrollable, and their proposals are too much to understand”, said the interior minister.
The mujahid took his chair forward and moved his head towards the interior minister and said, “Got it out of my mind, did you? What is it that will bring such people to us? We won’t even welcome them, let alone appoint them into positions in my adminstration. I will appoint personalities that must follow me, listen to me, hear attentively what I would tell them and fulfill just what I want. Hey, how about that?”, replied the mujahid in a certain way as if mood striked him.
“Mujahid, how would you approach the formality the appearance of the major clans in our administration?”, inquired the interior minister.
“‘Don’t worry. The devils in need (‘Jin-dagaay) are already in my prioritized list, not only now, but in every occasion a need of reshuffle will arise”, the mujahid returned.
The interior minister stood up, giving the mujahid a round of applause.

To be continued on next week

Jama Ismail (Jaamacfalaag)

Qaran News

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