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Toward Consensualist Somalism?

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“Can an individual (by the assistance of consent) rise above 'animalistic' (biological) kind of identity? Or can what is now mistakenly called the 'Somali Self' form 'an identity' through the employment of consent? I've asked the last question because I am yet unaware of any 'formed' identity by a Somali, which is beyond biological.



Can you, as an individual, after thinking rationally of social, clan and familial relations, develop an independent identity that is purely consensual, that no longer adheres to biological/animalistic lineage but rather on own consent?


What are 'YOUR' (individual and consensual) thoughts on these questions?â€

In simpler words; can a thinking man who is not awfully impressed with certain things about his cultural heritage sherry pick certain stuff from it and abandon the rest in the dustbin of archaic cultural norms?


The pacesetter of this topic deserves deference for he is intending to initiate a far reaching idea which if it is to be followed (I suspect it won’t; labels will be hurled against those who will propagate this idea; and deservingly so many rational thinkers will not be astonished as to why) rescinds the very essence of being Somali; but in Somalia; the culture is not made in books or intelligent pamphlets; but indeed our cultural heritage has been in a state of collective continual metamorphoses for donkeys years; the last serration taking form in early 90s when the Islamic movement (Saxwa Islaamiya) took its hold on our society.



The idea though, that one has the ability to sherry pick is the one I would like to deal with-most of the other areas of contention had been dealt with; thus I won’t spill more ink on to them. The author of this idea, my good fellow Jamaal is threading a jungle full of sharp thorns, but I trust he is accordingly attired to escape any discomfort. Sherry picking is a very neat thought, for we should all be masters of our actions; I might even agree with that (being masters…) but this assault against the very nature of what makes us Somali is just pusillanimous action taken by those who are afraid of labels because of their actions against what is seen as Somali culture.


For example; a man marrying a woman in secret is an action frown up culturally. But the believer of ‘Consensual Somalism’ might argue fallaciously that oh bugger; I have not consent to that particular cultural norm; both of us are adults and as such should not be dictated by some norms which we do not give credence to.



Where is the line?


Perhaps my good fellow may accuse me that I have not actually fathomed his thoughts; oh well what hope did I have to begin with when great minds of SOL had painfully fallen from their intellectual seats while trying to decipher this knotty idea.

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^ where is the line indeed?


lets look at this in a simpler way;



1a) “Can an individual (by the assistance of consent) rise above 'animalistic' (biological) kind of identity?








1b) Or can what is now mistakenly called the 'Somali Self' form 'an identity' through the employment of consent? I've asked the last question because I am yet unaware of any 'formed' identity by a Somali, which is beyond biological.



this is an opinion, i believe Baashi has discussed this in detail.




2) Can you, as an individual, after thinking rationally of social, clan and familial relations, develop an independent identity that is purely consensual, that no longer adheres to biological/animalistic lineage but rather on own consent?



here is were the mirage starts.


i'll try and answer it with a question;


If an indivitual through rational thinking of the social, clan and familial relations, develops a new identity that is purely consensual, can that identity be totaly free of biological relations(lineage)?


I asked that question, because through consent - isn't the 'new identity' - the consensus of all identities, including biological?


what we are ultimatly seeking is an 'Ideal Indivitual', but this also requires a scale of good and wrong(evil). what scale do we use as Somalis?


(Sophist's: where is the line?)


a consensus can be either of good or wrong, so we must know before hand what the outcome of our consensus is.



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Jamal, you have made excellent points and i fully understood the gist of your points. They are very powerful indeed if only some of us can understand what you are saying.

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CAAMIR, thanks. I will try to provide a hopefully reasonable explanation of the topic. Thanks for your and Discreet's interests. It seems you are among the few who understand some of what I am saying smile.gif .




From my side, I apologize about the vagueness I might have presented with this topic or other topics, which might have been misunderstood. When I decide to post a topic such as this, I feel like I am dealing with individuals whose interests in thinking (about peculiar matters) is at the same level as mine. But then when I realize many cannot comprehend what I am talking about or even worse when I am asked for elaboration of my topics, I become dissuaded by beloved laziness, which makes it difficult for me to provide an easy explanation to those whom I am discussing one matter or another.


Usually, I hope somehow or someday, someone will think back and hear the fragmented echoes of my thoughts, and say 'crazy man he was, why was he obsessed with the self and its elevation to its highest and most deserved position, when others are less concerned about it'. That then it may come to that person that, I have spent many a time thinking of theories to get us of this social rot and moral quagmire. He may also luckily acknowledge that I have not forsaken all I was and still am, for the luxuries garnered by another man (of a different culture) with his own two hands. And that, though ill-equipped for it that I have frantically searched for anyone who has (at least) an idea, be it developed, undeveloped and untested, which can point us toward the better grounds of a moral society, which is responsible and accountable.


Unfortunately, there are few among us who, let alone anything else, exercise their faculty of thought. Even more unfortunate, is the fact that majority of those expected to think out of this social rot, have mastered the art of unproductive critique, and it seems, only to undermine those who may wish to bolster their capacity to produce original and productive thoughts. Today, it is as if thoughts have become taboos that are suppressed with heckles and dismissals. The sad fact is that this is not something new.


It is what we have (for centuries) been doing to those who wish to advance their thoughts, whatever kind their thoughts might be. When those artisans came up with crafts such as tool making, we dismissed them as sub-humans who feasted on the dead. When to-be agrarians amongst us came up with idea of land-cultivation, we despised them as lowly. When some clever men took up the art of fishing, we were quick to caste them as unequal and snake-eaters. This trend of dehumanizing and demonizing has become reserved for anyone who shows a sign of progressive thought.


Ours is now an upside down world, where he who thinks has been already likened to an animal, while he who doesn't, has been hailed noble in lineage. Our thoughtlessness has become our symbol, our detriment and at last, after centuries of negligence, led to our downfall. For centuries we have technologically remained the same, and almost unchanged in lifestyle, depending solely on the art of escapade. We have never tried to solve any of our problems in direct manner, but by excusing ourselves with the animalistic needs of our livestock; we have chosen to escape from one problem to another. When there is no rainfall or pasture in one place, we move to other places with water and pasture. This is the cycle in which we have socially regulated ourselves. Run with the winds, and maybe, just maybe, our existential problems will, hopefully, go with the winds.


During our last few centuries of existence, some other societies across the world, have realised the fruitlessness of being escapees of reality. They decided to settle down and plan ways to confront their problems. They were lucky, because by settling down, the howling winds of the semi-arid lands and the confusing dust of the animals's hoves, often produced while on the trail of fleeing livestock, settled down too. Clarity of vision and of mind became manifest. From there on, careful observation and constant education did yield fruits. Just as the dust has settled, enlightment through education produced scores of thoughtful leaders and individuals. Since humanity is conflict-prone, and neigbhourhoods are created as a result of permernent settlement; laws, rules and regulation were easy to come by. What followed next was social norms, and with social norms came clear role-assignment. With role-assigment came the duty, responsibility and accountability of the leader and the led. This is the outcome of those who settled down.


But in the cycle of the escapees like us, the most canning of our elders were at the forefront of cultural negligence. Like the rest of us, they became way-farers and blind followers of a trail of cultural thoughtlessness. Their eldership was based on this very basic knowledge of following and following they have. But it is not their fault that they are followers. In a culture where there is no other option but to follow someone, for some supposed economic benefit, for better or worse, they have adapted very well. Like all who follow, we are following a tradition that seems untouchable or unchangeable, where anyone who is capable of facilitating any kind of change, is denied the right to make approriate suggestions.


The chosen elders are, in essence, handicapped from producing influential thoughts that can have potential for social change. The very traditional guidelines, which the elders employ to retain authority and power upon the rest of us, work to limit them to thoughtlessness. And since these guidelines work so well to subdue those who might think, our leaders find it unnecessary to change them. If the elders become endeavourers of social change, they may lose their grip on power, thus they don’t endeavor. I shall not be so harsh at the elders, the problem is not with the traditional elders only; all of us have grown incapable thinking of change or revision.


Back to the topic ...


In the above prelude, I might have concentrated on the elder’s thoughtlessness, but it is my wish to seek their help, so as to think beyond what I would regard as being animalistic thoughts, and to a higher thinking tradition attainable only through the elevation of the human-self. This reason has made me post this topic, solely concerning itself with the achievement of human identity or ‘consensualist Somalism’, and the overcoming of animal identity, which is based on worldly whims and passions. While human identity is high identity, the animal identity, which is the one we have thus far known, is the lowest kind of identity, the most ugly to any being possessive of a SELF. In order to provide an explanation to this topic, I will concern myself with the SELF, which is the basis of this topic. I will be dividing the the SELF into two; the HUMAN SELF and the ANIMAL SELF.




to be continued... ps: if you find any mistakes, kindly inform me.

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Thnx Jamal for reviving this great topic. I hope to reflect on some of your other questions should time permit IA.

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Interesting stuff, Yes, bawaag qor....


We should change and get rid of cultural beliefs that is threatening the existence of the Somali people. I want to know how far can a cultural beliefs hinder creativity? the cultural belief could based on misunderstanding the religion ? unwillingness to change? When a student is told no to explore certain areas cuz its forbidden/not allowed in culture? This could also be saying no Somali norms? cultural beliefs? Questioning them?

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Ours is now an upside down world, where he who thinks has been already likened to an animal, while he who doesn't, has been hailed noble in lineage. Our thoughtlessness has become our symbol, our detriment and at last, after centuries of negligence, led to our downfall. For centuries we have technologically remained the same, and almost unchanged in lifestyle, depending solely on the art of escapade. We have never tried to solve any of our problems in direct manner, but by excusing ourselves with the animalistic needs of our livestock; we have chosen to escape from one problem to another. When there is no rainfall or pasture in one place, we move to other places with water and pasture.
This is the cycle in which we have socially regulated ourselves. Run with the winds, and maybe, just maybe, our existential problems will, hopefully, go with the winds.


7 years later... the predicament remains unaltered. Thinkers are highly sought yet none is known to exist! Before my wayfaring globes of eyes pass the fleeting sight of spiritless bodies. I see them pass, I hear them whinge, I witness them despair. Yet they have not in their breast the slightest inclination as to why they, not just as a nation but as 'individuals', are ever so restless and overburdened. To their silent prayers I whisper: 'do not run about, run onto thy selves...the events that unsettle thee are not thy soul. Nay it is to you whom these events love that which you are to find solace.' Or as you were, run along.


May what comes come and what goes go but 'tis I that remains. Within each problem comes its answer and within every answer a problem abounds. The desire to conscent to 'be' or 'not be' is all there is to life.

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Paragon, the humankind just like the animal word has its leaders(Alpha's) and the followers. One needs examples or individual's who take the lead, show the examplen walk the talk before you expect the mass to follow that behavior that is beyond their biological. But if we have leaders who follow the masses can't make them selves loose from the group thinking, then you might get the never ending vicious circle of nature.

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