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Vaccine development

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hopefully ya'll missed my great intellect, am just playin relax, specially to devil's adv. no need to draw ur gun (; am back, n i thought i'd post something i know a little about n ya'll can add ur two cents.


before i start a quick fact, Lipitor(drug that lowers cholesterol) makes more money per year than all the vaccines in the world, therefore faced with these kinda realities shouldnt vaccine development be taken out of the hands of pharma companies because obviously they have on incentive to neither invest in their development. the developing world is a hot bed for an insane number of infectious agents, most have no preventative measures only chronic treatment, again something that really suits the pharma companies. nways all this blubbering brings me to what i want to say which is shouldnt the united nations or some sort of an international body be investing in the development of vaccines to eradicate some of these diseases, much like smallpox, and polio.



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Van..Its true that any cholesterol lowering or blood pressure lowing drug would make more from vaccinations because drug companies look for certain qualities in their drug development progrmames:

1) a chroninc disease..causes long term morbidity but not short term mortality.

2) Affects a large number of people in an ecenomically developed coutries.


Hence vaccines do not fir into eaither category.


Its upto the affected countries universities and international instituations and the UN to invest in vaccine development.


thats me

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VAN..good topic..if you had checked earlier bout one of the topics that I posted(Medical/Pubh interventions-in the camel milk section) perhaps you might find some mind-stimulating issues that relate to INFECTIOUS DISEASES.


Anywayz, back to your Q..about vaccines..and lipitor. Developed countries like USA and western countries do have their own drug companies but many of them(much or less) are regualated by the FDA(Food and Drug Administration)..any drug put out there (or commercials for that matter) that relate to public health/medical issue have to have truth in their statements-when it comes to health effects. On the other hand, MULTI-COOPERATION DRUG COMPANIES like GLAXO..etc..have something called PATENT laws..and this laws regulate how a drug/vaccine operates in the public sphere(whether its when to produce/publicly make available of the drug, which population it applies to, where to use them, dosage, toxicity etc).


*in a nut-shell-there are some countries that have taken the initiative in making their own GENERIC drugs for emerging infectious diseases(like AIDS-in BRAZIL and some countries in LATIN AMERICA) however, the question is then: How effective are such vaccines produced generically in comparison to those manufactured or distributed by multi-national drug companies? (are they scientifically sound to effectively combact a malignant disease such as HIV/AIDS?) Now understand that this multi-cooperation drug companies have the resources, finance, scientific experts and nevertheless political and economic backings/support from various federal/governments -unlike some generic drug manufacturing companies.


*I hope I answered some of your Q's.

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I guess i wasnt very clear, what i gettin to was that establishment of central agency that is funded jointly by many countries, and the purpose of this agency would be to pursue development of vaccines as well as treatments that r not profitable to gaint greedy pharma companies. obviously something like HIV vaccine is out of the question since the first to come up wit will a hit a jackpot bigger than the interstate lottery.


pharma companies pour their money in research that looks for treatment in chronic disease present in western developed countries. therefore we need the antidote, an agency that would develope preventative drugs for diseases present in poor underdeveloped countries.


no need to worry about intellectual property because they would be doin their own research n not sythesizing generic vaccines. obviously if a workin vaccine already exists no need to sink so much money in the pursuit of another one.


i hope this crap makes sense.


nino we agree on this one, lets hope those greedy *******s can see da lite.


raula i did read ur paper, interesting specially the bit about the adjuvant property. u know adjuvants r the next big thang in vaccine development, specially bacterial specific macromolecules. nways good luck wit dat.

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