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The Dreams World and the Deja Vu

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P.S. Please do not spew that gibberish about "academic cowardice" because you know that it has, as Wittengstein would say, no-sense (compare nonsense). However, should it make you feel better to write that, then I would suggest that you scribble it on a restroom wall somewhere instead, that gives it a timeless power.

Lol Muta, now don't get so touchy, will you. And please leave the deadmen rest in peace. And please don't talk of decency in the same reply that you suggest I should "scribble it on a restroom wall". Lol..If scribbling is a habit of yours then please keep it as your secret. Such a suggestion shouldn't be put in a topic which the discusion is set on 'Dreams'. Restrooms, Lol why, oh why, I wonder!



PS: Classique, sorry about this sis.

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Its ok Its oK :D


I know My Nation (The Somalis) hate the Dreams World and prefer the Reality.


That's all good


End of the topic


Good Day 4 all

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3-Or, you get the feeling of experiencing a situation twice. The same event, on same time with same surrounding environment or people. Isn’t scary and weird?, coz it happened to me several times and still happens a lot.


Classique, this the main reason that prompted me to start a topic called: "Dream or life, which is the true reality?". I have witnessed events that seemed, to me, as if they were recurring. It was as if I could tell what follows next and it felt abit frustrating. I usually ask myself, "how come I am doing the same thing, again and again?". I am sure such recurance is also experianced by many other people.


Classique, I have heard of atleast 6 to 7 types of dreams. These types of dreams are categorised depending on the nature of the dream one has. It is said that there are:


  • Day Dream - This dream occurs when one borders between wakefullness and sleep. It usually occurs when one is in a state of - extreme - boredom.



  • Lucid Dream - This is the kind of dream within which one is aware that s/he is dreaming. In addition of be aware, one is also able to exert controls on the dream. The controls which one can exert, obviously, are various. However, one control is said to be related to the fact that one can decisions made in the dream itself.
(A good example of such a dream is one I had a week ago. This was a dream within which I was making decisions on the options I had in the dream itself. The dream was about making a choice between a)- live in poverty in this world but be promised of greater things in the hereafter; b) live wealthily in this world but await uncertain results in the hereafter. Surely its a long dream, but Insha-allaah I shouldn't go into it currently.)



  • Recurring Dreams - These are dreams that take place over and over. I wont say much about them. Also there are: Epic Dreams , Healing dreams nnd others.....
Insha-allaah I will try to answer your questions.

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