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Deeq A.

Why Do Somaliland Opposition Parties Protest?

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Deeq A.   

Why do opposition parties protest?

Before answering this question, let’s know
where does a protest stand in democracy
and what meanings it makes to protesters.

Protests, peaceful ones in particular, are inalienable rights in a democracy. More importantly, a right that cannot by law be taken away from anybody is formally known as an inalienable right. The constitution also protects actions that symbollically express a viewpoint.

So what is a protest in terms of democracy? A protest is literally a demonstration to say or show publicly that you do not agree with something that affects human rights. In other words, a protest is by definition the act of showing that something bad is happening in the nation and that something has to be done about it.

People also ask: Is it needed to get a permission to protest from the police Dept or Ministry of Interior?

According to the constitution, it is needed
to notify the concerned authorities of the protest prior to its happening. That is, notification in a formal manner to the concerned authorities is just needed.

Can the concerned authirities deny the permission to hold a demonstration?

A permit for a peaceful demonstration cannot be denied by the concerned authorities on the basis that the event is controversial or will express unpopular views, or spark violence as an execuse. The denial must be lawful.

If protests organizers have not obtained a permit, can the public proceed to protest and where can their march take place?

Of course, the protesters can proceed to make the demonstration. They have the right to exercise whatever the constitution allows them to do.

If marchers stay on the sidewalks and allow and obey traffic and pedestrian signals, their activity is constitutionally protected even without a permit. The important thing is that protesters should not disrupt and disturb someone else’s activities.

In principle, political protests never happen without reasons. There must be problems that incite political protests. For example a public protest in favour of a cause of concern can ignite protests. Soaring bread prices spark street protests that could bring governments down.

But, do poltical parties have the right to call for public protests?

Political parties represent the public for promoting and protecting their interests and therefore are obliged to call for public protests, particularily when their voices in favor of a national cause are not being heard through conventional means.

Political parties are legally part of the nation’s leadetship. They have their say in how their people are ruled and their country is led.

For this, it is incumbent upon political parties tbat love their country and their people to call for public protests when the ruling government becomes defiant of the nation”s constitutional laws.

Today opposition parties are obliged to organize political protests in a form of a peaceful martch or rally to inform the public and the world as well tbat Somaliland incumbent administration is not going to hold this year’s presidential election on its due date.

A march or rally is a non-violent protest where like-minded Somaliland citizens with signs and posters assemble to bring light to the subject of why the protest is happening and let the world know what the current administration is doing.

For your info, marches might also have specific speakers to provide more information on their cause.

So why Somaliland incumbent administration is wondering and worrying about the demonstration that will happen on the coming Thursday? What is the problem with Muse Biixi, Inna Kaahin, Mr Dabagale and their associates?

The answe us simple. They are afraid of anything that might result in people seeing through theirs charades.

By: Jamafalaag
Somaliland, Hargeusa.

Qaran News

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