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Why we dont have Historical books about Somalia?


Actually the only two books i had read for somali authors are :-


1- What's happening in Somalia for Axmad Barkhad Max, i loved that book its about Somalia's History from 1839 upto 1987.


2- The Wind of Change for Moxammad celwan. This kinda like a novel, its not exactly a historical book. So, i was wondering why we dont have histroical books? I know Somalia's History from my parents' mouth or relatives only. all the historical information are told verbally but nothing is written.


We could lose this historical information if they are not written and kept somewhere. Even, the somali poems and proverbs are not written in books. Its good to keep them in books not in minds only.


So why dont we have books about Somalia's History about the old history of somalia. Who are the Ancient Somalis, where they come from, their old language, their origin. Some says that Somalis were there since the Pharos Age and it used to be called "Ardul Al Bunt".


Maybe i could be wrong and there are books out there in Canada, Australia, USA or UK about our History? If you know any books, kinly let me know.



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Hey there sis.

there is a small but very good book titled(Understanding Somalia)by I.M.Lewis. also visit Mudugonline web site, there are history lessons from Dr. Saadiq Enow.


good luck



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