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Jacaylkii Hunguri

Geliyada qabee

Neph u gaaxsanaa


Iyana aanay garan

Bal garwaaqso oo

Markuu soo godlado

Gaawaha u qaad ,,,




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Simply put, Igama badisid walaal. Waa meeshaan ku dhashay kuna barbaaray. Have you been there as late as 2007?


Iska waajee saaxiib. Lama haysatide. Hiiyaashan SOL'na yayna ina dhex boodine. miyuu ku soo gaadhay the latest jacbur from Dhagaxbuur called, 'ADUUN DHAQAN BAAD OGEYD'. Waa lagu salaamay walaal.



That was superb! laakin Shalay xageed ka dhacday. bad baan galoo waxaan is lahaa wuu ka dhex ka luumaysan doonaa. I think you know what I am talking about. Kolka laguu baahan yahay baa lagu waayaa adna. kol kaan lagu baahnayna sidii qof Photocopy lagu badiyay baad meel kasta igaga soo baxdaa. Shalay maad raga iga qabatid???


Mise waa Maqiiqane ha dhinto taladaadu!!

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^Now Abtigiis,you werent expecting anyone to come to your rescue yesterday did you?I believe you did rather well,BRAVO! to you for standing up for what you believe in. ;)



Oh..back to topic!I didnt know Somali's did the whole White people engagement shananigan's? :confused:

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Agah, ma inanka intuu soo cabsooday buu Women's section kusoo dhuuntay? Ba'nay! :D:D Soobax Abtigiis ani iigee, JB waalagu yaqaan inuu dhuuntee...


Malika, the whole 'white' people shananign's is for show abaayo...Every chick wants her highlight...Balse what most fail to realise is that no matter $20,000 or $80,000 ring in dhahaayo 'that shidh ain't real! icon_razz.gif '...Soomaali lee iska nehee, dadka wax uma quurno... :D


Hayeh, habloow let this topic be a lesson, get your dimonds appraised, ha is ceebeynina...

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at least I expected cool heads like you will intervene. oo kala jooa na oran. That heat made me miss most of my committments for the day, Walaahi.


Mukulaal Qaboow (KK)


Coomaadi duulaaya bay Cadan ka keene

Adiguba Aqlaad leedahee Carar maxaa dhaama?? :D


Holy Sheikh Muxyadiin on a speedy mule!! Walaahi, I didn't know. Ileen I am in Women's section. Ceeb baa dhacday!!

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Walahi inaanan fahmin waxaa kor ku qortay, women's section iyo ceeb baa dhacday uun baan fahmay...Ani maskiintoo reer Xamar aan ahay, xoogaa ii jilcinooh adi... :D


In other words, you don't need my help miyaa? icon_razz.gif

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Mukulaal Qaboow (KK)


I never expected you will understand. It is a poem by Sayid Mohamed. Ask people around and they will tell you. I know you are more into Maki Xaaji Banadir's "Bacdaa Duuqsoo" thing than the peom's of the 20th Century Somali's. I would have liked your support, but I think you know you are something of a loose cannon. It is hard to predict where you will hit!! :D



Serious. War adigaa la isoo kaa daliishana yaaye wax ka qabo arinta!! Halkanaad ilka waa weyn ii soo dhigaysaa!!

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Mukulaal Qaboow (KK)


I never expected you will understand. It is a poem by Sayid Mohamed. Ask the people around and they will tell you. I know you are more into Maki Xaaji Banadir's "Bacdaa Duuqsoo" thing than the poem's of the 20th Century Somali's. I would have liked your support, but I think you know you are something of a loose cannon. It is hard to predict where you will hit!! :D



Serious. War adigaa la isoo kaa daliishana yaaye wax ka qabo arinta!! Halkanaad ilka waa weyn ii soo dhigaysaa!!

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Abtigiis, waa is ceebeesay, meeshanaa afar habrood ku calaacalaysaa iyo hal oday [JB] :D . War orod hooge aan ahayn..faasha ka faasho ninka u hor tag, mise waligaahaad darbiyada garaashooda ka juuqleey jirtay?


L0L@JB's gabay/hees. :D .


Hunguri eey aa cunay! :D

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Abti adna miyaa igu biloowday! :D Armaa intaan is waalo hadalkaaga dartid, qar iska tuuraa?!!


No I lost my way and ended up here after bloody battle. I think you can see I have gone back to the fort, now. Check other threads. No,No ani warkaygu waa cad yahay. Meel ay taag i dhigto mooye, cabsi la iguma sheegin abid!! :D


Calaacal meesha ma yaal. I think I have told the old man upto his neck. He is not easy, but not impossible either. Macal oodahiisuu kula soo gali laakiin. Xoogsade gave me a clue. Kolkol odaygu geer umbuu geshadaa, and then he fires indiscrimintaely to all sides ayuu igu yidhi. I was on the recieving end of that last night.

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^Ilaahaan kuugu dhaarshee, wili macabaatamoysaa? Ar yaawaaye kaas saas kuu karbaashay shalay? One name comes to mind!!! ;)


Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Mukulaal Qaboow (KK)


I never expected you will understand. It is a poem by Sayid Mohamed. Ask the people around and they will tell you. I know you are more into Maki Xaaji Banadir's "Bacdaa Duuqsoo" thing than the poem's of the 20th Century Somali's. I would have liked your support, but I think you know you are something of a loose cannon. It is hard to predict where you will hit!!

LOL@Loose cannon...Waa ii dhameysay, waa ii dhameysay!!! Maacaleesh laakiin, jiirada habalaha nin kubaroortay lama sii tirsan karo aboow...After all I don't want you to miss most of your commitments today yet again... icon_razz.gif Teeda kale, ma Sayidka gabaygiisa haku daba gambanee, nin rag buu alle kaa dhigee xayi iska dhig...Mostly, it is the way you word things me don't get my dear... :confused:

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