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The Hell With Suicide Bombings

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The above verses of the quran that I posted dont' mean that I am looking to go postal on anyone!!!

I just wanted to post them because I read them the another night and thought would be good for this thread.



From reading all that has been said on here

and trying to review why the muslim ummah has been dupped and conquered, here is what some ulama say. Some Ulama are of the view that all these things happen (meaning the lack of Islamic states and weakened Islamic power) because plain and simple, MOST MUSLIMS DON'T CARE FOR ISLAM. THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMNNN CAUSE THEIR PRIORITY IS NOT ALLAH AND HIS RASUL (SALALLAHU CALIYAHE WASALIM) :eek:

They prefer the dunya and would more than likely surrender in other muslims for the dunya. This is the case all over the muslim world. How do you think that the Taliban where crushed? Reason is the other side had help from other muslim nations and the majority of muslims sided with the nonmuslims. You can't win a game if your team mates are not with you. So in this day and age, you gotta pick your team mates REAL CAREFULLY!!!

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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

Originally posted by LATEAFHA:


but mind telling me why you left this out?


"Suicide is forbidden. "O ye who believe!... [do not] kill yourselves, for truly Allah has been to you Most Merciful. If any do that in rancour and injustice, soon shall We cast him into the Fire..." (Qur'an 4:29-30)."

True suicide is forbidden. I am not talking about the nonsense suicide bombings that occurring these days other than Palestinian. The suicide bombings other than Palestinians all well known scholars agreed are wrong & forbidden. But Palestinian case is different, they r in jihad if they bellow up themselves they r martyrs, that is why I didn’t call it suicide. And yes Allah said do not commit suicide as it is forbidden, but this case is not a suicide, is jihad. Someone who is fighting for the sake of his nation & religion. Here is an article from islam online that explains why is not suicide?



As-Salaamu`alykum. Some people say that the operations carried out by Palestinians are considered suicidal acts and not a kind of Jihad, is that true? Please tell me whether these acts are martyr operations and a kind of striving in Allah's Cause or not?



Wa`alykum As-Salaamu wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.


All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.


Dear brother in Islam, we appreciate your forwarding the question to us, with aim of getting acquainted with the teachings of your religion. This is what is required of all Muslims, to strive hard in seeking knowledge with which he will benefit Muslim Ummah.


As regards your question, the following is the fatwa issued by Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of European Council for Fatwa and Research:


"Martyr operations are not suicide and should not be deemed as unjustifiable means of endangering one's life. Allah says in the Glorious Qura'n: "And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good." (Al-Baqara:195).


The verse obviously indicates that failing to spend in Allah's Cause is like casting oneself into ruin. That is the reason behind the revelation of the noble verse. Reviewing the Islamic rule: "Words should be construed as imparting general meanings regardless of their specific occasions", the meaning of the afore-mentioned verse is bound to extend to include any negligence of a religious duty; i.e. forsaking a religious duty entails casting oneself into ruin. The same applies to committing sins.


Therefore, it's quite an abysmal analysis for someone to focus on the afore-mentioned verse through a narrow a perspective, without taking into consideration all relevant points.


Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, strictly forbade suicide and made it clear that anyone who commits suicide would be cast into hell. But in such case suicide means Muslim's killing himself without any lawfully accepted reason or killing himself to escape pain or social problems.


On the other hand, in martyr operations, the Muslim sacrifices his own life for the Sake of performing a religious duty, which is Jihad against the enemy as scholars say. Accordingly, a Muslim's intention when committing suicide is certainly different from his intention when performing a military operation and dying in the Cause of Almighty Allah. So it is natural that the religious legal status would differ in each case, as Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him says in a Hadith: "Actions are but by intention, and every man shall have but that which he intended."


This means that martyr operations are totally different from the forbidden suicide. Concerning the Palestinians, they carry out the operations in showing resistance to the aggression launched by the enemy who has occupied their land, destroyed their houses, desecrated their sacred places and driven about four million of them out of their houses, replacing them with even larger numbers of Jewish settlements.


The enemy relies on sophisticated military equipments while, at the same time, denying the Palestinians their basic human rights, killing their women, children and men mercilessly, and rendering the Palestinians powerless and incapable of defending themselves – even all the Arab countries face the same fate, lacking necessary weapons.


So the Palestinians have nothing in their disposal but stones which they throw at their enemy in order to defend their country. This, despite its indication of a high morale, cannot deter the enemy this way. So the Palestinians resort to martyr operations, in which the martyr blows himself/herself up, sacrificing his life for the sake of his country and inflicting serious but reciprocal harms on the enemy.


In the light of the above-mentioned facts, I believe that those missions are a sacred duty carried out in form of self-defence and resisting aggression and injustice. So whoever is killed in such missions is a martyr, may Allah bless him with high esteem. I call on every Palestinian not to hesitate in carrying out such operations as long as they are the only way of making Jihad and are made with an intention of sacrificing one's life for the Sake of one's religion and nation. I wish that other scholars who hesitate concerning such a matter to reconsider their views according to what I have said and what other scholars have said. May Allah guide us all to what is right."

Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi


sis LATEAFHA hope u got my point. this is a very sensitive issue that most ppl have different opinion may Allah guide us to the right path (Amin).

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I am not talking about the nonsense suicide bombings that occurring these days other than Palestinian. Originally posted by BUUBTO!


For gods sake SUICIDE IS SUICIDE, You take ur own life for whateva reason whatsoever You've committed SUICIDE Point Out!


My dear Sista What is it that You exactly follow?

Do you follow Allah's quraan and the sunnah of the nibayah "saw" or what some sheikh says, let that sheikh even be the half brotha of the prophet mohamed PbUh, Allah is above them all, Who are u as a muslim to deny Allah's statement in his holy quraan to what some sheikh sayz? This is a major sin ASTAQFURULAH,pLZ Repent, I for one will tell you that suicide in islam is Haraam whether done by a Palastian or even by a sick psycho!


Suicide is forbidden. "O ye who believe!... [do not] kill yourselves, for truly Allah has been to you Most Merciful. If any do that in rancour and injustice, soon shall We cast him into the Fire..." (Qur'an 4:29-30).


This is Allah's Quraan Don't look for any other

Information to define that SuiCide is Right, it is wrong and ALLAH "swa" most merciful, most high states it clearly in his Quraan it goes against ever principle in ISLAM!


Allah is the greatest!


Ws Wr Wb

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guys what will you think if there is a new conflict between the Israelis and somalis,who created that conflict,it is the USA who created and recently it is the USA who said that the somalis were behind the attacks in mombasa in which few yahuuds were killed,now the israelis are preparing to put their army in somalia and search all al-ittihad personal and their supporters,what will happen then,every somali will prepare and put his/her mind to kill the yahuud where ever they see,we don't like to see the yahuud army in our country and we will chop their heads off even if they try to come to somalia,who caused that conflict,you tell me!!

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Originally posted by Khayr:

From reading all that has been said on here

and trying to review why the muslim ummah has been dupped and conquered, here is what some ulama say. Some Ulama are of the view that all these things happen (meaning the lack of Islamic states and weakened Islamic power) because plain and simple,


They prefer the dunya and would more than likely surrender in other muslims for the dunya. This is the case all over the muslim world. How do you think that the Taliban where crushed? Reason is the other side had help from other muslim nations and the majority of muslims sided with the nonmuslims.
You can't win a game if your team mates are not with you. So in this day and age, you gotta pick your team mates REAL CAREFULLY!!!

True true Kheyr. Thats what I was talking about when I said "If we are muslims then, we should act muslim". All these things happened to us coz we are not true to ourselves.

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'After this it is ye, the same people, Who slay among yourselves, And banish a party of you From their homes; assist (their enemies against them), in guilt and rancour; And if they come to you As captives, ye ransom them. Tough it was not lawful For you to banish them. Then is it only a part of the book that you believe in. And do you reject the rest? ...'


Salams, you know this one is for you Latifa

and any other person that suddenly becomes outspoken and has double standard. You hate the Israelis and Serbians and Russians but tolerate all others.

I had a quote from the quran before where in the Kuffar tried to wage war against the muslims during on of the sacred months that fighting was prohibited for muslims. The kuffar wanted to use this agains the rasul (sallallahu caliyhe wasilm)

and his sahaba. They wanted to use their deen against them to defeat the muslims. In this day and age this is the exact thing that is going on. The kuffar erect a societies based on interest and loan muslim nations money with interest knowing well they can't pay it back. They have a anvy ship stationed at every harbour in the muslim world knowing that muslims can't object to it because we dont' have money to defend ourselves and the only weapon we could use against them they bring Ulama to tell the Muslims Ummah that its Haram.

It's the 21st century, do you want to just give up

and set in some cave or just assimiliate with them and lose your deen. I want non of that.

The only ulama who help the ummah combat the kuffar through their ijtihad (their advice to the muslim community based on their knowledge on how to combat daily issues thru the Islamic culture (quran, sunnah, seerah, sayings of ulama etc.)usually get shut down quick and labelled.

In 2:217 when the Kuffar decided to attack the muslims during the sacred month, Allah sent down an ayat saying Fighting during the sacred months is allowable and is the most during those months.

FITNAH IS WORSE THAN KILLING (Causing corruption in the land). Why was this ayat sent?


P.S. We are participating in a healthy discussion here and that is what it is. I'm here to show that there are many views in the deen. You can agree with the one and disagree with another one.

But islam is not One Narrow way of thinking.

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Originally posted by JamaaL-11


They prefer the dunya and would more than likely surrender in other muslims for the dunya. This is the case all over the muslim world. How do you think that the Taliban where crushed? Reason is the other side had help from other muslim nations and the majority of muslims sided with the nonmuslims. You can't win a game if your team mates are not with you. So in this day and age, you gotta pick your team mates REAL CAREFULLY!!!


That is so very true!

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Some of you are talking about this like it's nothing. This topic is so serious that something u post might get u in hell. instead of arguing and posting endlessly i recommand to those of u with pure hearts to go search for the answer from people who use true and authentic sources.


May Allah for give us, and have mercy on us


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Salaamu caleeykum,


Jamaal, Buubto, Khary and some of my other nomads, Maasha alaah Maasha alaah I really admire you for your good work Uniuqe people.


Jamaal I agree with you.

I don't believe there are any true muslims in this world, what we have is a religion called Islam that, has no true believers. What other way shall i think of it? If one is muslim he has to act as a muslim not a spectator .


You made it clear. wadaad maxaa waaye adigana aduunkaan anaga oo dhan hadaan run isku sheegno hadal leen meeshaan ku heeynaa nafteena aan ka bilaawno maxaan u qabanaa diinteena macaan iyo waxii ilaah nafaray sideey tahay ma uga soo baxna?


meel kale ha aadina wadan kale iska dhaaf wadankeena fiiriya kaliya intaas ku tu saalo qaato Muslinimo ayaan sheeganeynaa maxuu wadankeen ilaa hadeer ay nabad la'aan uga jirtaa?


Walaahi waxaan ka baqayaa in aan jirno waqtigii la sheegayey ee Muslim dhan aduunka laga way doono.


Ilaah laabteena Islaamka ha u furo Muslimiinta dhibaateysana Ilaah dhibka haka qaado.





"Jin iyo Insaba Ilaah waxuu u uubay in ay caabudaan" Ilaah aan si dhab ah u caabudno Akhyaareey.

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LATEAFHA, sister I'm sure that you are well aware that the Scholars of Islam have discussed this topic through and through. I'm also sure that you must realise that these same scholars have come to different opinions, and that is what they are, opinions. I don't believe it is for any of us to say that the opinion that appeals to us is THE correct one and the other is wrong, for only Allah knows best. Also because one opinion is not stronger than another.


Obviously without a doubt, suicide is forbidden in Islam, but what you must understand is that the scholars that a sympathetic to combat in this form do not view it as suicide but rather a legitimate form of defence.


Personally i don't like the idea because i believe that other ways could be sought, but of course what would i know. I'm sitting in my home, safe from the aggression of the Zionists, like i have a right to speak. Until we are in the same situation, i believe its wise that we give our full support to our brethren and if not at least that, try to understand their situation and make duca for them for Allah to ease their situation and return masjid Al-Aqsa into the hands of the Muslims.

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personaly i think they do out of anger and maybe they don't have much of a power to do whatever they really wanna do so they go for the next best thing which is whatever they think is good enough for the moment.


and for the poster i mean alisomali u saying it is not helping the ummh true to dat well if they ummh isn't doing much well i don't see what other choices those ppl have and i don't care in what country they at.. so basically it is something that worked for them so oh well let them do their thing what the heck with it..


u know what they say


"a man gotta do what a man gotta do."


peace in the middle east. 1 luv

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