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Deeq A.

Siyaasiyiin & Xildhibaano Maraykana oo taageera Qadiyada S/land oo si adag u duray Hab-dhaqanka Guracan ee Xukumada Muuse Biixi

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Deeq A.   

#Somaliland can and should be a stronger partner to the U.S., which is why I proposed a bill examining ways to do that. But, it's unacceptable for it to continue undermining #pressfreedom, esp. as it tries to distinguish itself from the region on its democratic record.

— Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member (@SenateForeign) July 20, 2022

Totally understand #Somaliland's frustration with #BBC Somali language coverage but banning such a global news outlet is counterproductive – the media always gets the last word. Better to engage and educate than trying to eradicate!

— Tibor Nagy (@TiborPNagyJr) July 20, 2022

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