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what the hell is MURTI?

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Assalamu calaykum,


I must confess that I am a vivid fan of all kinds of somali music. everything from Dhuule, Aweeys Geedow, to contemporary folklore. From saar lugeed, dhaanto, kabeebey to walansaqo.


I have noticed that most of my somali brethen after listning and enjoying banadiri music would alter the words "MURTI MALAHA". Could it be that our culture has been distorted?.


How would you people define the concept of murti? what is the difference between using "the camel" as a point of reference in songs or Diiq?


This would be my last contribution before I go on a well earned summer holiday....I would therefore like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a sunny summer! It was indeed a pleasure to be part of somalianonline regulars!

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Around 2/3 of our population relate to nomadic culture and hence had developed a taste of nomadic literature. As wanderers in search of posture; camel, horses, lion, and water are subject of inspiring awe. No wonder most popular lyrics celebrate natural beauty in general and savannah (semi-arid) postures, with its biodiversity, in particular. On the other hand Somali urbanites aka Benadiri, Barawani have taste of artistic/theatrical renditions where entertainment is valued more than lyrics. Both forms of Somali 'Murti' have their audience.


Ninkii gabadha cas ka helay ee markaa amaanteeda heeska u curshay waxuu yidhi:


"Midab aan cadaan iyo cawl aan aheyn oo,

Deymada cajabiyoo, aan lagu caajiseyniyo,

Waxa tahay mas ciideed!"

Mas-ciideedku waa mas aad iyo aad midab qurxoon oo unique ah leh. Carbatu waxay u taqaan marka sifaha xayawaanka la siiyo aadanaha 'Isticaara tashbiihiya'. Cadaanba qurux Somalida uma taqaan ;) . They r very confident, dignified, and self-respecting pple...atleast that's what they used to be.


Reer xamarka:

Muxubo muuno beeshayee,

Moosinkeed waa la moodeyee,


Laba miyiraa ley mudaa

Waa leegu maadsadaa




Meel libaax soo galey,

Lo' ma joogeysee

Waa lakala leexiyee,

Liin iyo caanee,

Leeloo yaa leelaa!!


Best wishes with ur summer vacation...enjoy it!

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i have no idea what murti is, i did smoke some camels way back in hi-school but i am outta here and signing off till the 7th! have a peaceful one every ONE!

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Originally posted by Entrepreneur:

I have noticed that most of my somali brethen after listning and enjoying banadiri music would alter the words "MURTI MALAHA".

How did I miss this beforehand?


What songs have more "murti" than when you listen such heavy hitters of soothing, smooth, comforting words and songs by such legends: Sulfa, Faadumo Qaasin, Shimaali, Axmed Naaji, Caasho Cabdoow, Luul Jeylaani, among others?


Just try to imagine listening this very moment the flowing, melodic, tuneful words of, "Aawey hee, aarigiis ma iloobinee...waxaana u ooya, ooya caawada... Try to imagine listening that and I am sure your tendered heart is already cracked and got a lot more gentle.


The reason those folks who keep saying the Banaadiri songs are not "murti" enough is because they don't understand, while in fact those songs are the simplest Soomaali genre songs.


And those very folks with their "murti" judgement keep picking such figures of Xasan Aadan Samatar, a very overstated singer. I only wish if he could have stuck his Maaymaay songs, which he mastered and was very comfortable at rather than switching. See, when he sings in Weeraroow dooyoow waniini... and Beledweyn are not the same. And it is obvious which one he is comfortable at.


C/qaadir Jubba

Xasan Aadan Samatar

Khadra Daahir

The Mooge Brothers

Sahro Axmed


In my opinion, these singers are all hype, and nothing else. If not utterly overemphasized. Perhaps the reason is that I never was fond the "qaaci" genre to begin with.




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Baashi, saaxib, could have been the case several decades ago but I would guess 2/3 are city dwellers. Somalia been undergoing urbanisation for 30 or more years. My personal opinion saaxib is that most somalis are farmers and traders.



Maskiin ,


Culture is one of several maligmas that the nation suffers from. For fourty or more years the somali people have been made to believe that somali culture evolves around pastrolism. Unfortunately, in the somali sense as long the lyrics include references to nomadic life (the camel culture in particular) it has MURTI!.


I have had some heated arguments about this issue with several of my friends and every time we end up not agreeing.


I have asked several of my friends the difference between using the DIIQ and the camel in the one has so far provided me with a satisfacory answer! Apart from Diiq-murti ma aha line!



p.s back in xamar the cultural elite of Murtism shugged off banaadiri music, yet we could witness how it was difficult to get a ticket to riwaayadaha reer xamarka!

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Entre., yeah, qaas ahaan ruwaayadihii safka lix saac duhurnimo loogu gali jiray oo caanka ahaa, waxaana kamid ahaa Shumeey, Sharaxii La Tumay Sheekaa Ka Danbeyso iyo kuwa kale. Inkastoo ubadi majaajilo wada ahayeen, qaarkood "murti" waa dhaafeen, qaas ahaan ruwaayaduu ku jiray Iikar Jeesto {allahaa u naxaristee}. Ma xasuusataa magaceed? Hadaa xasuusatid ii sheegbo. Waaba iloobay, tan waxa waaye lagu xiraayo danbi uu galin, oo asagoo waayeel lasoo deynaayo oo Baydhabo tagaayo. Ifka iyo Aakhirana ma'aheen, laakiin magaceed baas aa iloobay.


And you know any ruwaayad majaajilo ah led by Awkoombe, Awkuuku, Awganbar, Jeeyte, and Odeey Cabdulle are ruwaayado that are worth your every penny. And to forget the best of them all is an insult: Maki Xaaji Banaadir. You know what Maki Xaaji Banaadir said when he was among the group with Hadraawi's peace march across the country recently? He said separating the country is like "Suuga bariis la colloowdey...sakeelaa baaldi saluugay!" from his famous Wamal Xayaatu Dunyaa Illaa Mataacul Quruur poem.




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I think everyone has a preference to the type of music they enjoy.I personally enjoy Qaaci sang by Dhuule ,Mooge and their likes but that does not mean I think thats the only Murti.Hore Somali u tidhi Nebi Allow ninkasta afkii kugu amaan.I think we should eulogize how fortunate we are as Somalis to have different music and different cultures and not try to find the flaws in each other life.

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