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Bangkok - They have been boiled, fed to ducks, even attached to hot air balloons and cast into the night sky - when it comes to permanently depriving a cheating lover of a recently severed p@nis, the imagination of the wronged Thai woman knows few bounds.


Thailand has become the world centre of p@nis reattachment surgery, but then it has been forced to be. While not unique to the kingdom, p@nis severing has been honed here to its most devastating effect through a mixture of infidelity, assertive womanhood and a national cuisine that lends itself to a kitchen full of sharp knives.


The men are now fearful of a rash of Thailand's most notorious crime of passion, according to the surgeon who has stitched back many a male member for grateful patients.


Sitting in his office at Bangkok's Paolo Memorial Hospital, surgeon Surasak Muangsombot recalled how he re-attached his first phallus in 1978 and soon discovered that p@nis hacking was a peculiarly Thai form of sexual violence.


Since then Sweden has had three cases, the US two - including the notorious case of John Wayne Bobbitt who returned from surgery to star in porn films - and one in Australia.


In the same period, Muangsombot's team alone has operated on 33 cases and many more have been reported.


Tradition of polygamy


Doctors and psychologists blame the attacks on a mix of Thailand's tradition of polygamy, which was banned about 100 years ago but still persists, and the fact that the phallus is revered as a symbol of power and fertility.


The phenomenon has become so widespread that doctors have had to keep up with increasingly inventive and angry wives and lovers who want to prevent the offending item from being reattached.


The latest case was reported on Tuesday when a 29-year-old farmer in northeastern Thailand was admitted to hospital with a severed p@nis, claiming that his wife kicked him Bruce Lee style.


The couple had fought, she then denied his requests for sex and kicked him when he complained, according to him. Such was the length of her toe nails, she severed his penis.


Thai psychologist and media commentator Doctor Wallop Piyamanotham said the practice stemmed primarily from the outlawed, but flourishing, Thai habit of keeping secret wives.


"Before a man could have many wives but later we followed the western law of one man one wife, but men still act the same and have many wives so the only revenge open to the wife is to cut off his p@nis," Piyamanotham said.


Doctor Muangsombot said despite the damage done to patients, the recovery rate is surprisingly high.


He said it was now possible to make replacement p@nises from arteries and skin taken from other parts of the body that could be inflated with pumps, but warned men who insist on being unfaithful to follow a few golden rules.


"If you have a mistress they (wives) will get mad and cut it any time, so make her very happy, always carry a thermos to put it in and keep the name of a good doctor close by," he said. :confused: :confused:

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Belaayo idin la tagtey redface.gif


Hoheey dumarku,

waa had iyo laayaan raggu ka hadhi waayee,

hoheey dumarku!.

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I think it's about time Somali women started befriending Thai women...ya know, to get the whole procedure down and to adopt the most effective way possible.


walee single mother dambe lama arkeen, lol


p.s the Bruce Lee style sounds so interesting :cool:

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Ouch hadana ouch oo ouch......See what you have done Sujiu,you know putting thoughts in nice Mali women.Dont wish for what you cant handle......You might just be the first sujui Bobbit.... icon_razz.gif

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I’m happy to participate and take part in most topics on SOL, but this one? This one is a little below the belt, man. :mad:

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Come on lads, this is the easy way out. Under the sharia a cheating spouse gets stoned. You’re lucky if all you get is the Bruce Lee.


Ladies, brace yourselves, it seems like Araweelosim is back on the agenda. So get your dirac's on ladies. Tis calls for celebration. Men, tis time for reform icon_razz.gif


Hums to ... Maryan Mursal's song - 'Nin Xun'

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Originally posted by Gediid:

Ouch hadana ouch oo ouch......See what you have done Sujiu,you know putting thoughts in nice Mali women.Dont wish for what you cant handle......You might just be the first sujui Bobbit....

Just incase you haven't heard mine is insured Bro just like J-Lo's rear end :D:D and any Lady who messes with it should expect to cough around $1,000,000,000.00 icon_razz.gif depending on my mood. ;)

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Sujui with a settlement like that you could get a thousand operations just incase the first few do not work.......... icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif

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This operation is only carried out by cheated wives. Either, you start saving up for the $1,000,000,000.00 compensation or you can think of a lower sum. After all, since the defendant is non-other than your dear wife, the money will only come from your dear account.


Or just be a good husband. The female definition of good husband not the farax's.



The decision is yours… icon_razz.gif



lol. What you getting all smug for.

I've just fowarded this to eedo Cibaado icon_razz.gif

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The latest case was reported on Tuesday when a 29-year-old farmer in northeastern Thailand was admitted to hospital with a severed p@nis, claiming that his wife kicked him Bruce Lee style.

Rerererer (lond slang)


still lol u got to rate the imagination displayed lool

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