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Asxaabta waxan ahay nin Cusube see layahay

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Asalaamu calaykum wrw bt

Dhamaan ikhwa Fil Caqiida Waa nin cusub oo Meesha aan horay u arag Bal dhamaantii waad salaamantihiin kadib ayaan meesha ku indha kala qaadi doonaa oo dan ula jaan qaadi

as/c wr wb

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Ma jadiid bacdii ku taalaa tahay? Waa laguu roon yahey ee Soo dhawow aboowe, minanka minakaaga waaye. :D


Professor Geeljire is the SOL's professor ee sidaa ula soco smile.gif

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^^star-lady, u sheeg ;)


qundur, it's Geeljire not Geeljira, which sounds rather feminine!


p.s. ppl normally make wlc post in the general section :D nice u choose a different section of the forum :D

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asc wrw b xidigo haahey bacdii baa igu taallay hadase la iga fuji

Thnka Prof .dabshid iyo malika and all

Dabshid Wadaad maxaa ka fiican oo aad haysaa sxb

geeljire sorry a da gacantaa iga xaday

thanks all asxaabta jazaakullaahu khayran

asc wr wbt

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Ninkani wuxuu isugu talagalay inay gabdhaha uuni soo dhoweeyaane inaga daaya ......... :D


wuxuu maqlay in xagaas wadaadada laga jecelyahay ,, then he started with Asalaamu Calaykum and ended with Asalaamu calaykummmm



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Is ilaali. Asalaamu calaykumtaadaa dhinacnna ha u dhaafin. Lambarkaa ku nuuxnuuxso si aad u badbaado! Ngonge nin laydhaana iska ilaali. Yuuna ku duufsan. Otherwise, it should be a fun.

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Asalaamu calaykum wr wbt

Thanks Red $ea,J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o iyo Abtigiis & Tusbax

jacayl baro l...l Salan aan asalaamu calaykum ahayn miyaan leenahay horta ma salaan Kale ban kuusoo daynsan lahaa Teennna uun waa inaan isku salaannaa Mida kale salanta qofka markaad lahadlayso iyo markaad dee kala tagaysan waa isku midda hore tan dambe Kama mudna ayu nabiga ydhi Aw-kamaa qaalla salallaahu calayhi Wasallam

Asalaamu calaykum wr wbt

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